Tuesday, January 3, 2023

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION-Great reasons to START moving and KEEP moving

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about why it's such a great time to start a running or walking routine with the intent of making regular exercise a lifestyle. First of all, let's look at the obvious... the weather is unseasonably warm right now (and will be for at least the next week) and there's no better way to take advantage of the blessing of spring-like temperatures than by getting outside to log a few miles in them because, let's face it, Missouri weather can change without much warning.  So get out there and soak up some sun!

Here are a few more reasons to lace up and hit the pavement or trails daily:

You’ll be more productive. Research shows that kids who exercise before heading to school come to class more ready to learn than those that save physical activity for after school. And the same goes for adults. Similar studies have shown that adults who pencil in a workout before heading to the office are more likely to stay energized throughout the day.

You’ll improve your health inside and out.
Sure, running can aid in weight loss. After all, a 30-minute jog burns up to 300 calories depending on your intensity. But one health benefit you won’t see in the mirror is the slimming effect running has on your heart. Research shows that running reduces your risk for heart disease. “Those who start running on a regular basis decrease their risk for heart disease by 35 to 55 percent. Bronson cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Alphonse DeLucia said, "Running helps prevent blood clots in the arteries and blood vessels. It also supports healthy blood flow, blood pressure and cholesterol."

You’ll sleep sounder. Trying to catch the recommended seven to eight hours of shut-eye can be tricky — especially if you live on a busy street, or worse, with restless pets or young children. Here’s one more reason to get to bed earlier and set your alarm for an a.m. run: Running for 30 minutes in the morning can improve your sleep quality and overall mood throughout the day. What's more... since running helps you be more productive during the day, your odds of sleeping better are exponentially increased. 

You’ll ward off the winter weight gain…

You already know you burn calories during a workout, but what you may not realize is that runners’ bodies keep burning calories even after they finish their cooldown lap. That’s because “afterburn,” or EPOC (exercise post oxygen consumption), kicks in after high-intensity cardio workouts. How many calories you might ask? Well.... although every body is different and reacts differently to exercise, the EPOC effect burns roughly six to 15 percent of the total calories burned. So if you burned 200 calories during your workout, you will burn an extra 12 to 30 calories after the fact. That may not sound like a lot but it all adds up. 

… and stress

Deadlines, tough winter commutes, tax season — January (and each month that follows) is full of stressful situations. Lacing up your sneakers for a walk or run is proven to help reduce and manage stress all year long. In fact, research shows even a short easy jog can help curb stress levels. Psychologists studying how exercise relieves stress, anxiety, and depression suggest that a 10-minute walk may be just as good as a 45-minute workout.

You’ll make new friends

Running or walking can be a lonely sport at times, especially if you're training for a long race. But with run clubs nearly everywhere, there’s an easy way to meet friendly faces that all share your affinity for brisk jogs and dodging hectic traffic patterns. Check out these groups in the area: TEAM RWB, OMRR (Ozark Mountain Ridge Runners), FFG (Frog Fitness Group), DRC (Daily Run Club)

You’ll improve your memory.

Another year older doesn’t always mean another year wiser — unless, maybe, you’re a runner. Research found that regular aerobic exercise helps combat age-related mental decline by improving memory, language, and judgment skills. According to Paul Loprinzi, Ph.D., director of the University of Mississippi’s Exercise and Memory Laboratory and one of the study’s authors, said that aerobic exercise of any kind can enhance both short- and long-term memory. There have also been studies that have shown regular exercise may also help reduce your risk of dementia by up to 47 percent. 

You’ll save money.

Winter weather might cause you to keep your runs or walks a little shorter at times, at least until you get acclimated to it, but you're still privy to one of the most cost-efficient workouts anywhere. Instead of dishing out up to $50-$100 a month on a gym membership or class pass, try a free training app or join a free training group like the Bass Pro Series Training Groups. By investing in some dumb bells and incorporating some body weight resistance exercises to your exercise routine, you can improve your running and your overall health without shelling out money that would be better invested in race entry fees. 

So there you have it friends. Those are some great reasons to get moving, don't you think? And there are even more great reasons to keep moving such as cancer prevention, increased bone strength, and better balance and coordination. But whatever the reason you get up and get out there, continue doing it day after day and you'll soon realize that movement is a gift of immeasurable value that you can give yourself. 


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