Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about rewards and how they can exponentially benefit your training.... especially for those of you that started official Bass Pro Marathon/half training last week. Every seasoned runner knows that the greater the anticipated reward, the greater the motivation is to knock out that training run; something I hope to impart to every new runner as well. And while the ultimate reward will come when you cross the finish line in November (keep that in mind at all times), rewarding yourself often, especially after your long run, will help to ensure that you don't give up somewhere along the way to making it to the start line.

So what might these rewards look like and when do you give them to yourself? Here's my answer... while every run comes with the reward of improved health, better mental clarity, a rush of feel good chemicals, boosted self-esteem, and an I-can-now-conquer-anything-the-day-holds attitude, to get through particularly hard runs, It's great to have a "proverbial carrot" to keep you running. For me, it's usually the anticipation of a cold cup of coffee in the summertime and a hot cup of coffee in the wintertime that keeps my legs turning over. And if it's a REALLY long run (which is every Saturday with friends) I make it a point to enjoy said beverage with my running buddies when the run is over. This is such a great motivator, in fact, that we are usually discussing the said coffee before we are halfway done with the training run. And on a side note, having your coffee while relaxing in a spring (as my bestie Gretchen and I did last weekend) or by a pool can be an added bonus to sucking it up and grinding out the miles. 

But if a cup of java isn't your thing, check out these five ways you can reward yourself. 

1. A long nap. Not only is getting some afternoon shuteye a great way to help you recover, napping done right can help your overall performance.

2. A massage. Besides being relaxing, there are many benefits to getting a massage. Massages apply moving pressure to muscles and other tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and fascia (which sheaths muscles like a sausage casing). “That energy softens fascia tissue and makes clenched muscles relax,” JoEllen Sefton, Ph.D., director of the school of kinesiology at Auburn University, who has practiced massage therapy tells Runner’s World. It also removes adhesions between fascia and muscles (places where the two stick together and restrict muscles’ movement). That’s especially great news for runners, who rely on limber joints and muscles for pain-free peak performance.

3.  Add a checkmark to your training calendar. There's just something about the 'mic drop' moment when you walk away from checking off a run that puts you closer to your goal. For an added bonus reward, start playing the "Eye of the Tiger" the minute you pull into your driveway and keep it playing until you put that big X over the date and the mileage that is now done. 

4. Buy some new gear. So this can actually provide you with two rewards if you go to obtain these items in person. The extra steps you get in will help with your recovery and you will interact with people who can listen to you unabashedly tell the story of how you nailed your training run earlier in the day and are still upright and moving. There's nothing like being able to talk about what you did and have people respond with, "I don't even like to drive that far," that will motivate you to keep pressing on. 

5. Hit the movie theater. I recently went to go see "Maverick" after a long run and let me tell you, it was so relaxing! Being in the air conditioning was super refreshing (bring a blanket because you'll freeze after a long hot run) as was being able to put up my feet and just zone out, totally calmed from a morning of exercise. If you can, choose a movie theater that has reclining seats and have some H2O handy. Your body will like having your feel elevated and you'll get a jump start on becoming rehydrated. 

So there you have it friends. These are just a few ways you can reward yourself for a job well done. Get creative on finding others. But whatever you do for a reward, do it often as a way of recognizing all the the hard work you're putting in that's getting you closer and closer to being ready for race day. This will keep you motivated to reach the finish line. Happy Running!

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