Monday, May 29, 2023

God Made us Different

“And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Genesis 2:18 NKJV

In an article titled “Could Women Be Hardwired for Endurance Events?” shared by Runner’s World last week, Up To Speed author Christine Yu examined what we know about female physiology—and why more science on sex differences in sport is so important. Some of the research reported indicated that women tire less than men after long, steady-state physical activity. That’s because women, on average, the report said, tend to have a greater distribution of slow-twitch, or type I, muscle fibers. On the whole, these fibers are suffused with capillaries, the tiny blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood. They have more mitochondria too, the cell’s energy powerhouse. That means slow-twitch fibers have everything they need to keep going and going…and going. Men, on the other hand, have a greater proportion of fast-twitch or type II fibers, which are better suited for speed and powerful bursts of movement, in part explaining men’s historic dominance in traditional sports. But with a lower concentration of capillaries and mitochondria, these muscle fibers also tucker out faster. The report went on to explain other physical differences between men and women but was clear… men and women are different right down to their cells. 

And you know, while the world continues to embrace the notion that men can become women and women can become men via medicine and/or surgery, the Bible is very clear that there are only two genders. You see, women were created to be comparable helpers to men but not exact duplicates, being similar to them in many ways but of equal value in the eyes of God and completely different in their makeup and DNA. This is a fact that science cannot disprove no matter how hard it tries—and a fact that is blatantly obvious when watching men and women compete against one another. 

So don’t fall into the lie that there are more than two genders my friend or that a person’s gender can be changed. No matter how many advances are made in conversion therapy, what God has created cannot be transformed by man. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for making it very clear that there are only two genders. In a world that is becoming increasingly hostile to this truth, help us to be bold and speak out in love when given the opportunity. Remind us Lord that our silence on this matter is seen as approval. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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