Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Make Someone Smile Today

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22 BSB

In an article titled “Waldo Spotted Running Races Across Canada,” the following was reported: Waldo, from the famed Where's Waldo? books, has been spotted running races, including a half marathon. Andrew Pick, 39, a design engineer based in Vancouver, Canada, has been dressing as the character for years, photo-bombing tourists all over the world, according to People. Pick told People that he started donning the pom-pom hat, striped shirt, and the “Coke bottle” eyeglasses while he was studying at Philadelphia University (now a part of Thomas Jefferson University). He and friends would travel to New York City and photo-bomb strangers’ photos. He then took his costume abroad to Europe, doing the same thing. “People just get a smile on their face and turn to somebody and say, ‘I just found Waldo!’” he told People. “I can see them all cracking up.” Do you just love that or what? 

And you know, when it comes purposefully doing things to make people smile, the Bible reminds us that “a joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” That means our attitudes affect our outlook on life which directly affects our health. If we are joyful, negative circumstances don't knock us off balance and cause us to despair. On the contrary, when we are mentally beaten down, physical symptoms of depression emerge and we develop what Solomon calls "a crushed spirit." A crushed spirit eventually leads to sickness in the form of high blood pressure, ulcers, lack of energy, heart disease, or general malaise. Which is the very reason we should look for ways to make people smile, reminding them that God is good all the time. 

So in a world full of so much negativity and reasons for people to despair, make it your habit to turn to people often and say, “There is hope! Jesus is coming back soon so smile and keep pressing on.” This practice will surely leave you grinning as well. And that’s good medicine. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that there are a lot of hurting people in our world today, people that have been beaten down by life and may have even given up hope. Stir our hearts to see their pain so that we can share with them words that will heal their hearts. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running

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