Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Don't get Caught up in the Comparison Game

“Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.” 2 Corinthians 10:12 ESV

In an article titled, "What Is the Average Walking Speed and Jogging Speed?" published by Runner's World last week, the writer gave some great advice: Before you get too caught up in the comparison game, remember that any walk or jog you do is better than doing nothing at all. In fact, increasing your daily step count (regardless of pace) can help improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers. So you’re doing your body good no matter your speed or intensity. That said, knowing how to gauge your progress and make improvements to your walking and jogging speed over time can lead to more advantages. So here’s what you need to know about the average walking speed and jogging speed, as well as when and how to change up your own pace.

And you know, when it comes to the danger of comparing ourselves to others, the Bible tells us that when people “measure themselves with one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.” In other words, the only standard we should be measuring ourselves against is God’s perfect standard which is the only true assessment of our heart and our motives. Comparing ourselves to one another, especially when we choose who those “one another's” are, might make us feel good by allowing us to see ourselves as superior to them, but it’s not an accurate measure of how bad we fail to hit the mark of God’s standard of righteousness.

So resist the urge to compare yourself to any standards other than God’s perfect ones my friend. Seek the approval of God rather than man and you’ll avoid the pitfalls of the comparison game... a game no one wins.

Heavenly Father, help us to recognize our innate sinfulness so that we would not think more highly of ourselves than we ought. When we are tempted to compare ourselves to others, please remind us that those comparisons don’t matter. Cause us to seek the approval of You and You alone. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!

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