Monday, November 6, 2017

When it makes no sense

"But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8

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In a story that made headlines Sunday, Shalane Flanagan became the first American to win the New York City Marathon in the women's division since 1977 saying, "These are the moments we dream of as athletes.” Unfortunately though, there was another story that made headlines too-one that, as Christians, we dream of only in our worst nightmares. Twenty-six people were shot and killed while attending service that same day at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs in what is now being called the worst mass shooting in Texas history. It’s unimaginable isn’t it?

Do you ever, like me, find it inconceivable that people can be so evil? But the Bible is very clear that when sin first entered the world through Adam, people would "keep on sinning." And because of that, there would never be a shortage of bad things happening. And while you and I may never understand these things, we can take comfort in knowing that Jesus, "the son of God came to destroy the works of the devil" so that, one day, sin will have no more power, all evil will be destroyed and we will live in a perfect world. 

But until that day comes my friend, you and I must continue to trust Him-when things make sense and even more when they don’t. Because as Matt Moore writes, "If he wanted us to know everything there is to know, he would have revealed everything there is to know. But instead, he has given to us all the truth we need to know about him and his dealings in the world, and he calls us to humbly trust him in light of this revelation."

Heavenly Father, while we may never understand why so many bad things happen in this world, help us to trust that you are still on the throne and that nothing takes you by surprise. But mostly Lord, help us to remember that when your saints die seemingly before their time, that they are immediately ushered into your presence and we will, one day, see them again. May that thought bring comfort to all those grieving in Texas today. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

The cross has the final word - Newsboys

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