Sunday, June 23, 2019

Submit and resist

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7 ESV

Image result for runner stretching pic

In an article published by Well-Good last week titled, "THE KEY SECRETS TO PREVENTING (AND TREATING) RUNNER’S KNEE, ACCORDING TO A CHIROPRACTOR" it was reported that nearly every long-time runner will experience some
type of knee pain at one point or another making it too painful to run. "Runner’s knee is a generalized condition that’s just pain around the knee,” explains Gary Olson, MD, chiropractor from the LI Spine & Sports Injury Center. “It can be on the sides of the knee, below the knee, or behind the patella otherwise known as the kneecap." And the key to preventing this ailment that could sideline a runner for weeks Olson says? Be sure to regularly take running breaks so you don’t overdo it... and stretch all the time—you can never stretch too much.

And you know, running is not the only area in our lives where taking steps to prevent something, in this case injury, is easier and less painful than dealing with the consequences of doing otherwise. Sin is the same way. When you and I don’t take measures to prevent doing the things we know are contrary to God's will, pain will always be the result. Thankfully though, the Bible tells us that we can prevent sinning altogether by submitting and resisting. You see, when you and I submit, or surrender and yield, to God's authority over our lives, we will gain the strength and discernment to recognize the devil’s schemes and resist them.  

So in the same way stretching must be repeated continually to reap the benefits of staying injury free, submitting our will to His must be a daily, hourly and sometimes even minute-by-minute thing. But you can be sure doing so will be worth the effort my friend as it will keep us free from the pain sin always causes. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that preventing sin is much less painful than dealing with its' consequences. Help us to be ever vigilant and pro-active in our mission to avoid doing those things that are contrary to your Word that we might avoid the inevitable pain, shame, and regret that sin always brings. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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