Tuesday, June 25, 2019

It will all work out

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28 NLT

Kathrine Switzer and Jock SempleAfter Runner's World announced that Kathrine Switzer's life was being made into a movie yesterday, the story that sparked a women's running revolution, and the man behind it, was once again brought to the forefront. Jock Semple is best remembered as the apparent madman who chased after Kathrine Switzer 50 years ago in the 1967 Boston Marathon. He was trying to rip off her numbers, as Amateur Athletic Union rules did not allow women to enter officially. Many years after the incident, when Switzer fully realized how much the unwelcomed assault had worked to further her cause, she said, "It was really Jock who gave me the inspiration to create more running opportunities for women. Almost every day of my life I thank him for attacking me, because he gave me this spark. Plus, he gave the world one of the most galvanizing photos in the women's rights movement. Sometimes the worst things in your life can become the best things."

And you know what? As this story shows, sometimes the worst things that happen to us in life, really can become the best things to ever happen to us in life. In fact, the Bible tells us that God causes everything - that means the good things, the bad things, and even the downright ugly things - to work together for the good of those who love Him. But He doesn't always promise that it will happen immediately does He? 

So if you're in a period where you're experiencing one of those bad things or even one of those downright ugly things in your life today, hold on tight my friend. God's promises are always true and You can be sure that He is working all this out in a way that will be better than you could have ever imagined. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the tests and trials that come into our life that work to fulfill the two-fold purpose of making us more like You and drawing others to You in the process. Help us to hold on to the promise that You are working all things out for our good when we just can't see it Lord, and help us to be faithful, joyful and hopeful during these times as we wait for Your plan to be revealed. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

1 comment:

  1. She was an amazing woman who found her passion and pushed hard not just for herself but for other women as well. #RockStar #Leadership
