Sunday, June 2, 2019

Do not go around it

"But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went." Acts 8:4 NLT

Image result for runner looking at obstacle  pic

As my friend, Stephen, and I watched the younger runners joyfully jump through the mud pits and over the man-made obstacles at the trail run we ran together over the weekend, we couldn't help but laugh at the motto we had adopted... avoidance equals survival. You see, very early on Stephen and I decided that we stood a much better chance of finishing the race well without breaking a hip, losing some teeth, tearing a muscle, or throwing our backs out if we simply avoided, or "went around" those parts of the route that were difficult. 

And you know, while avoiding difficult things might indeed keep us from getting hurt, there's one thing many Christians find difficult and go to great lengths to avoid that they shouldn’t - and that's witnessing to the lost, something that is simply not acceptable. You see, the Bible is very clear there's only one way to heaven and that it's our mission to share that with others, following the example of the believers who "preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went." That means sharing the Message in awkward places, at inopportune times, in unfavorable circumstances and with critical people - never "going around" the mission we are assigned to. 

So may you and I vow to never shy away from sharing the Gospel with others my friend. After all, how can we ever expect to change the world if we aren't willing to do our part? So go ahead.... share that Good News with someone today!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we have a very important job to do. A job that if left undone will result in people dying before accepting You as their Savior. Knowing that, help us to be bold at all times and in all places, compelled to share the Good News with everyone we meet. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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