Sunday, June 16, 2019

Let us cheer one another on

"Keep on being faithful to what you were taught and to what you believed. After all, you know who taught you these things." 2 Timothy 3:14 CEV

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In all my years of running and coaching, I have found one thing to be universally true... people will always try to run further, faster, harder and longer when someone is by their side encouraging them to "keep on” than they ever would if they were alone. And this was definitely the case Saturday at the Pulaski County Health Department's 5k race as my friend Tracy, who had just recently completed her first Couch to 5k program, struggled to get up the steepest hill on the course without stopping. Had she been alone, she most likely would have walked but with fellow runners, James and Virginia, beside her shouting, "You got this! You can do this! You're almost there!!" she pushed on to the finish line - tired but ever so grateful that she didn't give up. 

And you know, we could all benefit from having people like James and Virginia in our spiritual lives as well. Fellow believers who will come alongside us when we are tired and worn out from the race willing to speak the words Paul spoke to Timothy, "Keep on being faithful..." You see, dedicated, steadfast and committed followers who refuse to give up or let others give up are the very thing that could determine whether you and I reach the finish line or surrender to the pain, trials, weariness and pressures of this world. 

So may we all strive to be those followers who are willing to run alongside our brothers and sisters in their time of discouragement and fatigue shouting, "Keep on being faithful! Don't give up!" And may we look for those people that will encourage us to do the same. After all, with a couple of friends by our side, you and I can always do more than we ever could alone. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the reminder that encouraging words have the power to motivate our brothers and sisters to keep pressing on to the finish line. Help us Lord to be those people that are always cheering others on. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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