Saturday, June 8, 2019

Better together

"When Moses' arms grew tired, Aaron and Hur brought a stone for him to sit on, while they stood beside him and held up his arms, holding them steady until the sun went down." Exodus 17:12 GNT

One thing I love about looped race courses is being able to see runners coming from the opposite direction - giving me an opportunity to smile and shout encouraging things like, "You're doing great!" or "You can do this!" And that's exactly what I was doing at Saturday's Rock Island Road Race in Eldon when I spotted two of my friends, Christina and Kimberly, on the route and literally had to do a double-take. Kimberly was pushing Christina in a wheelchair! And boy were they smiling! I later found out that Christina had injured her knee shortly before the race and was told to stay off of it until further tests. But knowing Christina had already paid her entry fee and how much she really wanted to participate, Kimberly borrowed a wheelchair and pushed her friend all the way to the finish line! Wow! Don't we all need at least one friend like that? I sure think so. 

And you know, while the Bible gives us many examples of the important role friendships play in the success of our Christian walk, one of my favorite stories is that of Aaron, Hur and Moses. You see, to ensure that Joshua would be successful in defeating the Amalekites, Moses was told to stand at the top of the hill and hold up his staff. And as long as Moses held up his staff the Israelites were winning the battle - but when Moses’ arms got tired and dropped, the Amalekites started winning. Seeing the need to help their friend, Aaron and Hur brought Moses a stone to sit on and then held up his arms until the sun went down - ensuring the victory of the Israelite army. Talk about good friends!
So if you have someone you can count on to hold you up when you're tired, count your blessings my friend. You have a priceless treasure. But if you don't, I would encourage you to seek out those friendships that will help ensure you are successful in whatever it is God has called you to do. After all, we can accomplish so much more when we have someone to lean on. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for those people You place in our lives that lift us up and encourage us. May we never take these relationships for granted and work to be that friend to others as well knowing You designed us to work together as a team. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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