"'Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.'" Luke 22:42 NLT
As much as I enjoy running alone because of the quiet and uninterrupted time it provides to fellowship with the Lord, I always welcome the opportunity to run with a friend or group of friends - especially fellow believers. And I'm extremely blessed to have developed a devoted circle of running companions with whom I have bonded with over many years and many miles that have truly become like family. So when one of my dearest friends in this group, an avid runner and outdoorsman, was diagnosed with a debilitating illness and then nearly died from other complications, I couldn't help but pray for God to take away his suffering and provide complete healing.
But you know what? As much as I long for my friend's pain and discomfort to go away, I know that God uses trials like this to bring Him glory and win others to the foot of the Cross - and for that I pray God's will be done. You see, Jesus, knowing He was going to suffer great pain and, even worse, separation from the Father expressed his dread saying, "if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me." But fully aware that the only way the world could have the opportunity to receive eternal salvation and forgiveness of sins would be through His suffering, Jesus immediately reaffirmed his commitment to the Father and said, "Yet I want your will to be done, not mine."
So as much as you and I would like to avoid seeing our loved ones suffer in this world, or experience suffering ourselves. may we remember that, as believers, our ultimate goal in this life is to lead the lost to Christ, and in doing so bring God glory. And if suffering is what it takes to achieve that goal my friend, may we all be willing to say, "your will be done, not mine."
Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God that is not only with us in our suffering but has a purpose for our suffering. Oh Lord, help us to draw closer to You in the times when we are experiencing heartbreak, doubt or uncertainty and remind us that there is a day coming for every believer when You will wipe away all our tears and turn our mourning into dancing. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.
Happy Running!!!