Sunday, June 30, 2019

Your will be done

"'Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.'" Luke 22:42 NLT

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As much as I enjoy running alone because of the quiet and uninterrupted time it provides to fellowship with the Lord, I always welcome the opportunity to run with a friend or group of friends - especially fellow believers. And I'm extremely blessed to have developed a devoted circle of running companions with whom I have bonded with over many years and many miles that have truly become like family. So when one of my dearest friends in this group, an avid runner and outdoorsman, was diagnosed with a debilitating illness and then nearly died from other complications, I couldn't help but pray for God to take away his suffering and provide complete healing. 

But you know what? As much as I long for my friend's pain and discomfort to go away, I know that God uses trials like this to bring Him glory and win others to the foot of the Cross - and for that I pray God's will be done. You see, Jesus, knowing He was going to suffer great pain and, even worse, separation from the Father expressed his dread saying, "if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me." But fully aware that the only way the world could have the opportunity to receive eternal salvation and forgiveness of sins would be through His suffering, Jesus immediately reaffirmed his commitment to the Father and said, "Yet I want your will to be done, not mine." 

So as much as you and I would like to avoid seeing our loved ones suffer in this world, or experience suffering ourselves. may we remember that, as believers, our ultimate goal in this life is to lead the lost to Christ, and in doing so bring God glory. And if suffering is what it takes to achieve that goal my friend, may we all be willing to say, "your will be done, not mine." 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God that is not only with us in our suffering but has a purpose for our suffering. Oh Lord, help us to draw closer to You in the times when we are experiencing heartbreak, doubt or uncertainty and remind us that there is a day coming for every believer when You will wipe away all our tears and turn our mourning into dancing. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Success is a result of discipline

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11 NIV

Jim Walmsley crosses the line in record time in 2018, but this year he went one better. Photo: Hoka One One
Wow! Talk about having a stellar year. Jim Walmsley, 36, finished the Western States 100 mile ultra marathon, considered to be the "Ultimate Challenge" for the long distance runner, Saturday in an astounding 14 hours, nine minutes and 28 seconds, breaking the course record he set last year by 20 minutes. And if that wasn't impressive enough, earlier this year, Walmsley ran a one hour and four minute half marathon, winning himself a place at the Olympic marathon qualifiers, and also broke the 50 mile road world record in 4:51.25. And you know, although Walmsley is a truly gifted runner, without the discipline to hone his God-given talent day after day and year after year, he would never have achieved this success.

You see, discipline, or self-control, is the key character trait every person needs in order to be successful on the race course and off. Why? Because self-control determines what a person does, what a person thinks and who a person ultimately is and is only acquired through determined and repeated effort. But guess what? Gaining discipline, whether physical or spiritual, is "painful" at the time a person is developing or experiencing it. Thankfully though, in the case of spiritual discipline, or correction by God, you can be sure that the person who accepts it, learns from it and presses on in spite of its’ unpleasantness time and again will reap the rewards of gaining the self-control that results in having a close relationship with the Lord and living a righteous life. 

So if you're experiencing the Lord's correction in your life today and it's a bit painful, be thankful my friend. Not only does God discipline those that He loves, He does it to make us more like Him - something that is always worth the temporary suffering, whether we can see it at the time or not. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for  the reminder that living a righteous life involves daily training in the Word and practicing self-control. Lord, when we stray from the path, help us to welcome and accept the correction You give us knowing that when we learn from Your discipline and change, we will always become stronger in our walk with You and better equipped to make it to the finish line. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The best Coach

"Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!" Romans 11:33 NLT

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When a very sweet friend of mine sent me a message saying she had found a headband with the saying "Jesus is my running coach" and would be mailing it to me, I was beyond excited because it's absolutely true. And since it's one-hundred-percent true, I couldn't wait to wear it to give credit where credit is due... to the Lord. You see, while as a running coach I research and write down in-depth plans for other runners, I don't do, and have never done, the same for myself. Through countless marathons (including three Boston finishes) and too many ultra-marathons, trail runs and other runs to count, I have simply relied on the Lord, listening closely to the Spirit's promptings, to instruct me on how fast or how far to run on any given day. And guess what? It's only by His grace and listening to His coaching that I ever achieved anything worthwhile. 

And you know, if a coach can be defined as a person who instructs or gives knowledge to and trains others, it only makes sense that you and I would want Jesus to be our coach. After all, the Bible clearly tells us that "God's riches and wisdom and knowledge" are so great that it's "impossible...for us to understand his decisions and his ways!" And that's why Jesus makes the perfect coach! He has infinite knowledge of all things (including running). He understands all the things we don't. He knows what's best for us. And the only thing you and I have to do to gain this perfect instruction is to listen for His voice. 

I don't know about you my friend, but knowing Jesus is there to give me perfect instruction totally makes me smile. But do you know what makes me smile even more? Knowing that no matter how far you and I run, what time we run, where we run, or what pace we run, Jesus is the type of coach who will always run with us. So if you haven't made him Head Coach of your life, won't you do so today? I promise it will be the best decision you will ever make. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that You hold all wisdom and so can be trusted to instruct us in the way that is perfect for us. Give us a hunger and a thirst for your Word daily Lord that we might come to know You better and learn to listen and recognize Your voice that we might heed the instructions You give us. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

It will all work out

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28 NLT

Kathrine Switzer and Jock SempleAfter Runner's World announced that Kathrine Switzer's life was being made into a movie yesterday, the story that sparked a women's running revolution, and the man behind it, was once again brought to the forefront. Jock Semple is best remembered as the apparent madman who chased after Kathrine Switzer 50 years ago in the 1967 Boston Marathon. He was trying to rip off her numbers, as Amateur Athletic Union rules did not allow women to enter officially. Many years after the incident, when Switzer fully realized how much the unwelcomed assault had worked to further her cause, she said, "It was really Jock who gave me the inspiration to create more running opportunities for women. Almost every day of my life I thank him for attacking me, because he gave me this spark. Plus, he gave the world one of the most galvanizing photos in the women's rights movement. Sometimes the worst things in your life can become the best things."

And you know what? As this story shows, sometimes the worst things that happen to us in life, really can become the best things to ever happen to us in life. In fact, the Bible tells us that God causes everything - that means the good things, the bad things, and even the downright ugly things - to work together for the good of those who love Him. But He doesn't always promise that it will happen immediately does He? 

So if you're in a period where you're experiencing one of those bad things or even one of those downright ugly things in your life today, hold on tight my friend. God's promises are always true and You can be sure that He is working all this out in a way that will be better than you could have ever imagined. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the tests and trials that come into our life that work to fulfill the two-fold purpose of making us more like You and drawing others to You in the process. Help us to hold on to the promise that You are working all things out for our good when we just can't see it Lord, and help us to be faithful, joyful and hopeful during these times as we wait for Your plan to be revealed. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Monday, June 24, 2019

The support team

"Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured." Colossians 4:12 NIV

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On June 20, ultra-runner Paul Tierney set a new world record time for scaling all 214 of Alfred Wainwright's Lake District peaks, a 318-mile challenge with 36,000m of elevation gain (the equivalent of four times up and down Mount Everest), in six days, six hours and five minutes. Following the incredible completion of the event, Tierney said, "There were lows and times I thought I’m not sure if I can do this anymore, but I just kept pushing on. There were also lots of highs. Achieving the record wouldn’t have been possible without the brilliant support team I had. They literally did everything for me, so all I had to do was keep going!”

And you know, this amazing story goes to show how important support teams, or people that work behind the scenes with no need for acknowledgement, are. Epaphras was one of those people. He is mentioned only three times in Paul's letters but was obviously one of Paul's partners and part of the support team that was absolutely crucial to Paul's success. In fact, Paul describes him as "a servant of Christ Jesus" who was "was always wrestling in prayer" for the church at Colossae. And yet, most people don't even know his name. 

My point is this my friend. God made us all to serve Him - some to serve in the forefront like Paul and some to serve behind the scenes like Epaphras. But wherever it is you and I are called to serve today, let us remember that each job is as important as the other whether the world knows our name or not. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that a body of believers is a team designed to work together to be Your hands and feet and to lead others to the foot of the Cross. Lord, whether we are a Paul or an Epaphras, give us a heart to serve to the best of our abilities with no need for the world's acknowledgement. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Submit and resist

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7 ESV

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In an article published by Well-Good last week titled, "THE KEY SECRETS TO PREVENTING (AND TREATING) RUNNER’S KNEE, ACCORDING TO A CHIROPRACTOR" it was reported that nearly every long-time runner will experience some
type of knee pain at one point or another making it too painful to run. "Runner’s knee is a generalized condition that’s just pain around the knee,” explains Gary Olson, MD, chiropractor from the LI Spine & Sports Injury Center. “It can be on the sides of the knee, below the knee, or behind the patella otherwise known as the kneecap." And the key to preventing this ailment that could sideline a runner for weeks Olson says? Be sure to regularly take running breaks so you don’t overdo it... and stretch all the time—you can never stretch too much.

And you know, running is not the only area in our lives where taking steps to prevent something, in this case injury, is easier and less painful than dealing with the consequences of doing otherwise. Sin is the same way. When you and I don’t take measures to prevent doing the things we know are contrary to God's will, pain will always be the result. Thankfully though, the Bible tells us that we can prevent sinning altogether by submitting and resisting. You see, when you and I submit, or surrender and yield, to God's authority over our lives, we will gain the strength and discernment to recognize the devil’s schemes and resist them.  

So in the same way stretching must be repeated continually to reap the benefits of staying injury free, submitting our will to His must be a daily, hourly and sometimes even minute-by-minute thing. But you can be sure doing so will be worth the effort my friend as it will keep us free from the pain sin always causes. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that preventing sin is much less painful than dealing with its' consequences. Help us to be ever vigilant and pro-active in our mission to avoid doing those things that are contrary to your Word that we might avoid the inevitable pain, shame, and regret that sin always brings. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Real love

"This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other." 1 John 4:10,11 NLT

After reaching the top of the steepest hill on the course of Saturday's Wonder Woman race in Kansas City, I looked back to see a young lady struggling to push an older single amputee woman in a wheelchair up the same arduous hill I had just conquered. Feeling the nudge of the Holy Spirit, I waited until they reached the top before approaching the pair. "You are so inspiring,” I told the woman in the wheelchair. “I just have to know. What inspired you to be out here?" At that, the woman smiled largely and pointed to the young lady, now struggling to catch her breath, who looked back to her mother and said, "I'm her only daughter and it's just the love... the love." And after chatting for a few more seconds and learning that the woman, who introduced herself as Lady Waters, was doing most of the work herself (moving backwards so she could push off with one leg) with her daughter there only to help on the hills and run alongside shouting words of encouragement, I wished them well and said, "You ladies go. You've got a finish line to get to!!" And off they went smiling, as I stood there fighting back tears. 

And you know, while you and I would probably do the same thing for someone we shared a mutual love with, I wonder if we would do it for someone that didn't love us back? Someone that might even hate us? Well that's exactly what God did for us when He sent his only “Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins” to demonstrate to us, people that hated and rejected Him, what "real love" truly is. The “real love” that you and I are now called to show to others "since God loved us that much."

So look for ways to be a blessing to someone today my friend. Be willing to sacrifice your time, talents or resources with the lost whether they love you back or not. After all, could there be any better way to lead them to the foot of the Cross than by showing them what "real love" truly is?

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the greatest example to follow of what real love truly looks like. Lord help us to love those around us in the same way that we might be Your hands and feet and lead them to the foot of the Cross by doing so. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Real love

Know you are Wonderful

"I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well." Psalm 139:14 HCSB

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As I stood at the starting line of the Wonder Woman Run in Kansas City early Saturday morning, I looked around at the hundreds of other "Wonder Women" surrounding me - females of all ages, shapes, sizes and fitness levels that had one thing in common... they all had the courage to step up to be there. You see, while a small minority of the ladies in the crowd, and throughout the country, might never have had to struggle with their weight or a negative self-image, the overwhelming majority of women have. That means nearly every woman (me included) at one point or another has looked in the mirror and said, "Why do I have to look this way? I’ll never amount to anything." 

But you know what I've finally come to realize and am passionate about sharing with others? "I have been remarkably and wonderfully made" by God and so have you! In fact, the Bible says that you and I (and all women) are one of those "works" that are "wonderful." And while the psalmist could boldly declare,"I know this very well," most women sadly can't. They simply don't know their value and so see themselves as less than wholly cherished and fully loved by their Maker. But you can be sure that's just not true my friend! God loves each and every one of us more than we will ever know. He even sent His own Son to prove it. 

So today let us choose to say, "I will praise You" Lord because I know that I was lovingly created by You. I know I am set apart. I know I am unique. I know I am wholly cherished, fully loved and I am a Wonder Woman because I am "remarkably and wonderfully made."  

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us so much. I pray that anyone struggling to feel worthy of that love today would truly understand the depth of this love that is not dependent on looking a certain way, weighing a certain amount, being a perfect spouse or parent or any other thing the world says we need to be to be loved or fulfilled. May we come to know very well that You love us just as we are. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Looking for witnesses

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'" Acts 1:8 NLT

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According to an article published by Runner's World Magazine yesterday, Police in Lancashire England are appealing for witnesses after a runner was hit by a car in the Worden Park car park around 7:20 p.m. on Thursday, June 13. The female runner, 36, was left with a number of serious fractures and lacerations, they said, and was taken to the Royal Preston Hospital where she is in serious but stable condition. The driver was later arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving and driving while disqualified. The police urged anyone who witnessed the collision, or who has any more information to call them immediately. 

And you know, the Lancashire Police Department isn't the only one looking for witnesses to the truth, Jesus is calling each and every one of us to be witnesses to the Truth everyday, telling people about Him everywhere, "in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." That means you and I are called to go out and share the Good News in all places - in our prisons, throughout our neighborhoods and in the darkest parts of our cities - not stopping until the whole world hears the truth of God's saving grace. 

So let us heed the call to be witnesses today my friend. Let us boldly step out of the comfort of our homes and the safety of our churches to tell people about Jesus remembering that, as followers of Jesus Christ, sharing the gospel is not a suggestion but both a command and a call to action. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the timely reminder that we are to go out and make disciples of all nations. Open our eyes to the see how desperately our world needs a Savior that we might be bold and brave to obediently obey the call to go out and preach the Truth. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Monday, June 17, 2019

It makes no sense

"But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good," 2 Timothy 3:1-3 BSB

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In a sad state of events, Keith Boissiere, also known as Baltimore's "Running Man," was attacked Friday afternoon while out enjoying his usual 20-mile daily run - something he has been doing for decades with no problem. According to the police report, Boissiere, 67, was running along his normal route when a teen walked up to him shouting accusations before punching him in the face several times and then hitting him with a stick in the left eye, causing a cut. “This doesn’t make any sense Baltimore,” a Facebook post later said. “the Running Man got attacked... just for being the Running Man and just for being liked/loved by so many.”

And you know, this unsolicited attack truly doesn't make any sense. There was no reason for it, no warning before it and certainly no apology after it. But you know, spontaneous and unwarranted attacks like these are becoming more and more common. They shouldn't surprise us though. Paul clearly warned Timothy that "in the last days" terrible things like this would happen - and they are. A growing majority of men (and women) are most certainly becoming as Paul said they would... abusive, unforgiving, unloving, unforgiving, without self-control and just downright brutal. This attack on an innocent man certainly proved it.

So in a world that is becoming more "unholy" by the day, what can you and I do? We can stand watch and pray my friend - because only God can change the hearts of men and prayer is our only petition to ask Him to do it. Won't you pray with me? 

Heavenly Father, it's so easy to see that the people in our nation have grown hostile to You. They have kicked You out of their federal buildings, their schools and their homes and are now reaping the consequences of a world without the love of Jesus. Lord, I pray that there would be a revival in our country and that it would start with us. Help us to be Your hands and feet that we might lead the lost to You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!


Sunday, June 16, 2019

Let us cheer one another on

"Keep on being faithful to what you were taught and to what you believed. After all, you know who taught you these things." 2 Timothy 3:14 CEV

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In all my years of running and coaching, I have found one thing to be universally true... people will always try to run further, faster, harder and longer when someone is by their side encouraging them to "keep on” than they ever would if they were alone. And this was definitely the case Saturday at the Pulaski County Health Department's 5k race as my friend Tracy, who had just recently completed her first Couch to 5k program, struggled to get up the steepest hill on the course without stopping. Had she been alone, she most likely would have walked but with fellow runners, James and Virginia, beside her shouting, "You got this! You can do this! You're almost there!!" she pushed on to the finish line - tired but ever so grateful that she didn't give up. 

And you know, we could all benefit from having people like James and Virginia in our spiritual lives as well. Fellow believers who will come alongside us when we are tired and worn out from the race willing to speak the words Paul spoke to Timothy, "Keep on being faithful..." You see, dedicated, steadfast and committed followers who refuse to give up or let others give up are the very thing that could determine whether you and I reach the finish line or surrender to the pain, trials, weariness and pressures of this world. 

So may we all strive to be those followers who are willing to run alongside our brothers and sisters in their time of discouragement and fatigue shouting, "Keep on being faithful! Don't give up!" And may we look for those people that will encourage us to do the same. After all, with a couple of friends by our side, you and I can always do more than we ever could alone. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the reminder that encouraging words have the power to motivate our brothers and sisters to keep pressing on to the finish line. Help us Lord to be those people that are always cheering others on. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Friday, June 14, 2019

Fear only God

"'Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28 NLT

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When Amanda Deibert moved from central Los Angeles to Burbank, one of the biggest perks, she said, was having access to an amazing urban running/bike path that traveled through the center of her new neighborhood. It’s a few miles long, well-lit, and features a lot of lovely flowers. It’s ideal for running, walking, rollerblading, or taking a family bike ride. Yet, I still wasn’t AT ALL surprised when a woman in my neighborhood-specific online “mommy group” asked the rest of us what we carry with us for protection when we go for a run. When Amanda later tweeted about the exchange, she wasn't shocked the tweet went viral saying, "Worrying about safety, while just doing something as simple as trying to exercise, is a universal experience of being a woman out in the world."

And you know, with rape, murder and abduction at an all-time high, it's easy to see why many women and even men live in constant fear of bodily harm. But you know what they should really fear? "God." The only One” who can destroy both soul and body in hell." You see, our time on earth is short at best. And when you and I die, either by accident, natural causes or by being murdered, we will still live on in eternity - an eternity that, by our decision to either follow Christ or reject Him now, will be spent in either heaven or in hell.

So most definitely take precautions to keep yourself safe while running my friend. But remember, there is nothing to fear in death if you've placed your trust in the one true God. For He, alone, is the keeper of our souls and the One who determines where they will rest.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that everyone who has placed their trust in You has nothing to fear about death but that those who haven't accepted You as Lord have everything to fear about it. If there's someone reading this today that has not made the decision to follow You, I pray that at this very moment they would say, "Jesus. I accept You into my life right now. I believe that You are the Son of God and I confess that I need You. Please forgive me of my sins and remind me that death is not the end." It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Avoid the hazards

"Jesus said to his disciples: "Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come." Luke 17:1 NIV

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William Greer, of Austin TX, became legally blind when he suffered a traumatic brain injury at the age of 17. He didn't let that stop him from running though. And although he usually runs marathons and ultras with a guide, he says he sees well enough to train without a guide on shorter routes he knows by heart. But there's a new problem for Greer: scooters. He refers to them as a "mobile" hazard. "Something that's going to get in your way but you've got no idea where it's going to be. And it could be anywhere in the city," he said. And after tripping on one of these "hazards" last week that was carelessly discarded along the path William was running on, Greer hit the ground hard enough to seek medical help. Thankfully though, he came away with only scrapes and bruises and is recovering well. 

And you know, when it comes to tripping or losing our balance, the Bible is clear that "things" that cause us "to stumble are bound to come..." In other words, there will always be "things" in this life that will cause you and me to fall into sin. It's just a fact. But the Bible warns us that the person who purposefully causes another person to stumble and fall into sin, who willfully and maliciously puts temptations or "things" into another person's path knowing they will be tripped up by them, will face God's judgement.

So while you and I should always be alert to the many "things" that might cause us to sin, we should pay extra careful attention to keeping those "things" out of the paths of other people my friend. After all, our job is to keep our brothers and sisters upright and on the right path so they can make it to the finish line.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we should never get so comfortable that we fail to see the stumbling blocks in front of us. Help us to be Christians that follow You so closely that our words and actions would never cause another believer to sin Lord. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

What if I stumble

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The last Word

“He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:20 NIV

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Following the death of beloved runner Gabriele “Gabe” Gruneweld yesterday, Runners World Magazine tweeted,"A year ago @gigrunewald gave an indication of what she wished to leave behind for the communities she cherished-cancer survivors and runners. ‘What am I going to be thinking about on my final days here? I just want to be proud of what I did. I hope what people mainly see is that you can still make something beautiful and something powerful out of a really bad situation. You can still find some good in it. I will never let cancer have the last word.'”

And you know what? Gabe was right. We should never let cancer have the last word... and it won’t. And you know why? Because, as the Bible clearly tells us, Jesus is coming soon. In fact, “Yes, I am coming soon” were His very last words to us in the Bible! And you know what that means? That means when Jesus returns as He promised, there will be no more disease, no more death, no more mourning or crying, and no more pain because He will make all things new.

I don’t know about you my friend but the thought that Jesus will ultimately have the last word brings me great comfort. Because, in a world filled with sickness, sadness and despair, it’s much easier to hold on and press through when we know how the story will end.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that this world is not all there is. Help us to stay faithful and courageous in the hard times Lord knowing that one day we will spend eternal life with You, in a place where death and disease have been eternally conquered. Lord I pray peace for Gabe’s family and friends today. Peace that comes from knowing her life was not lived in vain and that, if they have accepted you as Lord and Savior of their lives, they will see her again one day. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Show us how to spend our lives

"Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom." Psalm 90:12 NLT

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The husband of inspiring distance runner Gabriele "Gabe" Grunewald, 32, announced the heartbreaking news yesterday that Gabe, who has battled cancer on and off since 2009, is now in comfort care as they wait for the inevitable. And while Gabe is without a doubt a great runner, clenching many titles in her short career, she will be most remembered for being a brave runner who, in the midst of her long and hard fight with the deadly disease, founded the Brave Like Gabe foundation whose mission it is to support rare cancer research and empower cancer survivors through physical activity.

And you know, while cancer will soon steal Gabe's life, it's, ironically, the very thing that made her realize just how short life was, which motivated her to make the most of each and every day - accomplishing more in her short life than most people will do in a lifetime. And while you and I may never be given a diagnosis that causes us to literally number our days, we should remember that tomorrow isn't promised and so, like the psalmist, ask the Lord to "teach us the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom" that we might spend each day we have doing only those things that have an eternal impact. 

Can you just imagine how differently each one of us would spend our days if we, too, truly realized how short life was?? If we truly understood that today might be our very last? Well it certainly could be my friend - so let's make it count. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that no one knows the number of days they have left on this earth. And for that Lord, I pray that you would show us how to spend our time, not wasting even a moment doing things that don't matter. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Update... sadly I woke up to find that Gabe had lost her fight with cancer and went home to be with the Lord. May her life inspire us all to live with purpose today. 

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Truth never changes

"For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear." 2 Timothy 4:3 NLT

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According to a recent article published by Runner's World Magazine, running event participation is in decline for the first time in years. The study they cited, prepared by RunRepeat, analyzed 107.9 million race results, including participants from over 209 countries at over 70 thousand events between 1986 and 2018.When analyzing the data, researchers found that over the past two years there has been a decline in runners in Europe and the US participating in races. And while it's quite clear that fewer people are participating in organized events, the reasons why they choose to do so are not.

And you know, when it comes to declining participation in organized events, a recent study showed that fewer Americans are attending worship service as well. Why? Well, according to those polled, one of the top three reasons people gave for not attending church was, "I haven't found a church I like." I would venture to say though that the growing majority of people who avoid church simply no longer want to "listen to sound and wholesome teaching" but would rather "follow their own desires." In other words, they will never find a church they "like" until they find that one that tells them "whatever their itching ears want to hear."

But you know, regardless of what some "teachers" preach to try and relieve the "itch," the Truth will never change to justify someones' beliefs or lifestyle. The words in red are just as true today as the day they were written my friend, of that you can be sure. 

Heavenly Father, it's easy to see that our world is edging out the Truth more and more each day to satisfy the desires of those who sin but want to call it free speech, their right to choose, or any number of other things. Help us to recognize the false teachers who will tell the people what they want to hear and to boldly combat those teachings with the Word. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Better together

"When Moses' arms grew tired, Aaron and Hur brought a stone for him to sit on, while they stood beside him and held up his arms, holding them steady until the sun went down." Exodus 17:12 GNT

One thing I love about looped race courses is being able to see runners coming from the opposite direction - giving me an opportunity to smile and shout encouraging things like, "You're doing great!" or "You can do this!" And that's exactly what I was doing at Saturday's Rock Island Road Race in Eldon when I spotted two of my friends, Christina and Kimberly, on the route and literally had to do a double-take. Kimberly was pushing Christina in a wheelchair! And boy were they smiling! I later found out that Christina had injured her knee shortly before the race and was told to stay off of it until further tests. But knowing Christina had already paid her entry fee and how much she really wanted to participate, Kimberly borrowed a wheelchair and pushed her friend all the way to the finish line! Wow! Don't we all need at least one friend like that? I sure think so. 

And you know, while the Bible gives us many examples of the important role friendships play in the success of our Christian walk, one of my favorite stories is that of Aaron, Hur and Moses. You see, to ensure that Joshua would be successful in defeating the Amalekites, Moses was told to stand at the top of the hill and hold up his staff. And as long as Moses held up his staff the Israelites were winning the battle - but when Moses’ arms got tired and dropped, the Amalekites started winning. Seeing the need to help their friend, Aaron and Hur brought Moses a stone to sit on and then held up his arms until the sun went down - ensuring the victory of the Israelite army. Talk about good friends!
So if you have someone you can count on to hold you up when you're tired, count your blessings my friend. You have a priceless treasure. But if you don't, I would encourage you to seek out those friendships that will help ensure you are successful in whatever it is God has called you to do. After all, we can accomplish so much more when we have someone to lean on. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for those people You place in our lives that lift us up and encourage us. May we never take these relationships for granted and work to be that friend to others as well knowing You designed us to work together as a team. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Pray for those who hurt you

"Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you." Luke 6:28 NLT

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I have to tell you, nothing will ruin your runners' high faster than returning from a run to find that your car has been broken into and your purse stolen. "NO!" I shouted before beginning to cry and beat myself up. "Why didn't you just run from home today??" But then I remembered this... God is still on the throne and nothing is out of His control. And if this is what it takes to lead me to pray for someone, then I will pray for the person who stole from me. "And not only will I pray for you person who took my purse," I said out loud after coming to this realization, "I will ask all my friends to pray for you as well." And you know what? That's exactly what I did. 

And you know, praying for someone that hurts or wrongs us is hard. It goes directly against what our flesh wants to do and our minds say we are justified in doing. Wouldn't you agree? After all, the world says we should strike back at those who hurt us. But that's not what Jesus said we should do. Oh no! Jesus clearly said, "pray for those who hurt you." Why? Because interceding for them in prayer to the Father is the best way to bring them to the foot of the Cross. 

So pray for those who have hurt or wronged you my friend. Pray for God to bless them, pray for God to grow their love for Him, and pray that God would open the door for them to accept Him as their Lord and Savior. Oh can you just imagine how different our world would be if we all did that? 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that nothing happens that You are not aware of and that situations like these are the very things that prompt us to pray for someone in need. Lord, I truly pray for the person or persons who stole my purse. I pray that they would come to know You as Lord of their lives and give You glory for the amazing way You arranged their prayer circle. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

He can be trusted

"And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth." Genesis 9:12,13 NIV

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I totally love rain. I love the smell of it. I love the sound of it. I absolutely love running in it and I love how it makes the flowers grow. But after witnessing firsthand some of the flood (and tornado) damage that my county and those around it had experienced over the last week, I honestly was hoping we wouldn't be seeing any more of it for a while. So when I stepped out of the building where I had just finished a long session of aqua jogging very early yesterday morning, I was disheartened to see it coming down yet again. "Oh no," I thought. "This is most definitely not going to help with the cleanup efforts." But then I turned the corner and there it was... the most beautiful rainbow I had seen in a long time. And you know what? It made me smile. 

And you know why it made me grin from ear to ear? Because it reminded me that God was still in control, you and I have nothing to fear, and His promises are always true. You see, after causing a great flood to cover the earth and destroy all of its' inhabitants because of their sinfulness, God made a promise to Noah and "all generations to come" that He would never again flood the earth in a way that would destroy all life. Would that mean that we would never again have any flooding? Of course not. God never promised us a life free from trials, troubles, tests, and natural disasters - but He did set a "rainbow in the clouds" to remind us that He always keeps his promises and is faithful to us and to our children.

So in a world that seems to be spinning out of control with a rapid rise in mass shootings, irregular weather patterns, drug abuse, and a growing disregard for God's laws, may you and I not fear my friend. God is still on the throne...  and that's a promise

Heavenly Father, thank You for the much needed reminder that You set in the clouds today. Oh how it refreshed my soul as I pray it did those of the many believers that witnessed it. Thank You for being a God that is always faithful and can always be trusted. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Do not go around it

"But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went." Acts 8:4 NLT

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As my friend, Stephen, and I watched the younger runners joyfully jump through the mud pits and over the man-made obstacles at the trail run we ran together over the weekend, we couldn't help but laugh at the motto we had adopted... avoidance equals survival. You see, very early on Stephen and I decided that we stood a much better chance of finishing the race well without breaking a hip, losing some teeth, tearing a muscle, or throwing our backs out if we simply avoided, or "went around" those parts of the route that were difficult. 

And you know, while avoiding difficult things might indeed keep us from getting hurt, there's one thing many Christians find difficult and go to great lengths to avoid that they shouldn’t - and that's witnessing to the lost, something that is simply not acceptable. You see, the Bible is very clear there's only one way to heaven and that it's our mission to share that with others, following the example of the believers who "preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went." That means sharing the Message in awkward places, at inopportune times, in unfavorable circumstances and with critical people - never "going around" the mission we are assigned to. 

So may you and I vow to never shy away from sharing the Gospel with others my friend. After all, how can we ever expect to change the world if we aren't willing to do our part? So go ahead.... share that Good News with someone today!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we have a very important job to do. A job that if left undone will result in people dying before accepting You as their Savior. Knowing that, help us to be bold at all times and in all places, compelled to share the Good News with everyone we meet. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Step out of the circle

"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness." Matthew 9:35 NIV

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I not only had the pleasure of running the 20th Annual Marine Corps Volkslauf 10k trail run over the weekend but had the pleasure of doing it with a group of friends who also think tackling giant hills, mud and obstacles is a great start to any day. And you know, as I was laughing and talking with these crazy runners along the way, I couldn't help but think how most of us, me included, tend to stay within a certain circle of people that share our same beliefs, hobbies and outlooks. And while these "circles" definitely make life more fun, you and I, as Christians, are called to step out of the safety and comfort of them to share Christ. 

Consider the example of Jesus who, the Bible tells us, "went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom..." You see, while Jesus knew there was a time to be spent with fellow believers to gain and give encouragement and to study the Word, He also knew there was a time to step out of the safety and comfort of that "circle" to fulfill the Great Commission. And times are no different today my friend. There are still thousands of people who need to hear the Good News. 

So while you and I should most definitely cherish and enjoy the company of the friends God has blessed us with, we should not get so comfortable in these "circles" that we fail to step out of them to be the witnesses God has called each and every one of us to be. After all, no one ever changed the world by staying inside their comfort zones. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for blessing us with friends who serve to make life fun and inspire us to do crazy things. Help us to love, encourage and cherish these friends but to remember that our most important job in this world is to lead the lost to You. Help us to be bold and step outside of the comfort of these circles each and every time we are called to do it. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!