Thursday, August 29, 2024

Jesus can Restore what was Lost

“Then the dead boy sat up and began to talk! And Jesus gave him back to his mother.” Luke 7:15 NLT

Upon doing an internet search of the latest news in the world of running early yesterday morning, my heart was deeply overcome with sorrow at the two back to back stories that popped up first. One story was titled “This 15-Year-Old Just Ran a 4:05 Mile,” while the other story was titled, “He was so young: 15-year-old high school cross-country runner collapses and dies.” “Oh my,” I thought to myself as I began to cry. “These stories that began so well have such different endings.” As a mother of a son myself, I could fully empathize with the emotions both the mothers might be feeling today. The one 15-year-old runner in the first story, no doubt, has a mother who is celebrating this young man’s accomplishment, and probably planning a party—while the other 15-year-old runner, no doubt, has a mother who is in deep mourning for her son and is now planning a funeral. 

And, you know, as tragic and upsetting as this second story was, we know that Jesus has compassion on all those who are hurting from the loss of a child. In fact, while Jesus walked among us in the flesh, He was so moved by a widow’s sorrow at the death of her only son that He walked over to the coffin where the boy was lying and said, “Young man, I tell you, get up.” Then, at Jesus’ command, “the dead boy sat up and began to talk! And Jesus gave him back to his mother.” Can you just imagine how happy she was? And while Jesus is now sitting on the throne at the right hand of God, He still has compassion for those parents who have lost their children—so much so that, by His death on the cross, He provided a way for all those who choose to accept Him as Savior to be reunited again. 

So if your heart has been broken over the loss of a child or a loved one today, take heart my friend. This isn’t the end of their story or yours if you have placed your trust in Jesus Christ. You see, for the believer, death is only the beginning of a new life that’s better than anything we could ever hope for or even imagine.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise of eternal life that awaits every person who’s placed their trust in You. May the knowledge of the restoration and reunification that will take place in heaven bring comfort to every hurting heart today Lord, and may it also inspire them to keep serving You until the day You call them home. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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