Thursday, August 15, 2024

Jesus Fixed the Problem

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 NLT

“I just got back from vacation and went to register for Bad Dawg and found out it is closed. Is there any way to still register?” That was the message I received from my dear friend and fellow ultrarunner, Rachel Baker, Sunday night regarding this weekend’s Bad Dawg Ultra race that I have the blessing of being the Race Director of. “Oh my goodness!” I quickly replied. “It shouldn’t be. I’ll get that changed right now! Thanks for letting me know! And thank thank you thank you. Thank you for joining us!” After logging on to the site and making the necessary changes to fix the problem, registration was immediately back up, prompting me to send Rachel a message that read, “It’s fixed!!!” And to my delight, she immediately registered and will be running our 50k Saturday. Do you just love that or what?

And you know, when it comes to fixing a problem, the Bible tells us that the greatest dilemma mankind ever had was sin, because sin separates us from God and is punishable by death. However, because of the death of Jesus on the Cross, the penalty of death was paid in full and we were set free from the punishment we deserved and reconciled to Christ. You can be sure that this was not an “easy fix” though, because of the suffering Jesus endured to provide it, but it was a permanent and eternal “fix” that gives all those who choose to believe in Jesus Christ the free gift of God which is eternal life. 

So be sure to thank Jesus for fixing the biggest problem you and I could ever have my friend. And then show your gratitude by sharing the Good News with others that they too might choose to accept this “free gift” before it’s too late. Because, let me assure you, unlike this race registration period that could be reopened and extended with the click of a few computer keys, once the window of opportunity to gain entry into heaven is closed, it will be closed for good. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding us of the reason we should be grateful each and every day. Without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we would be dead in our sins and destined to spend eternity in hell. Help us to be so grateful Lord that we can’t help but tell others about the greatest fix there ever was and beckon them to register for the race (aka follow You) before it’s too late. It’s in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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