Wednesday, August 7, 2024

We Must Humble Ourselves

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.” James 4:10 NKJV

In an Olympic update published yesterday titled “Chaos Ensues in Olympic 5,000 Meter Preliminary Rounds,” it was reported that a four-person crash marred the first heat, and Abdihamid Nur—a medal hopeful for the United States—went down in the second heat and did not qualify for the final. The writer went on to say, “In both heats, the pace was glacially slow from the start. At times, the leaders in both races were running around 15:30 5K pace, which is nearly three minutes slower than most of the field’s personal bests. But with a slow pace comes an increased risk. Because the field was bunched together in the closing laps, the runners started jostling for position. Only the top eight in each heat would automatically advance.” To their delight, after the race, all four runners who fell were advanced to the final by the race officials.

And you know, it’s one thing for a believer to “jostle” for a first place position in running, but a whole nother thing for a believer to jostle for a high position in the eyes of the world. You see, self-exaltation should be avoided at all costs, since the person that thinks more highly of themselves than they ought, will eventually be exposed for their pride and arrogance and be brought low. However, when we humble ourselves “in the sight of the Lord,” coming as sinners before a holy God, He will lift us up when we are ready for a position of higher service, and He will get the glory. 

So be content with the place God has put you in my friend and resist the urge to “jostle” for a higher position. Trust God, humbly serve Him with all you have, and at the proper time, He will lift you up. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that You know when and if we are ready for a higher place of service and that you resist the proud but lift up the humble. Help us to understand that we are nothing without You so that we would stay humble, and look to lift You up in the eyes of the world rather than ourselves. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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