Sunday, August 18, 2024

We are to Serve with all our Hearts

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Colossians 3:23-24 NIV

As a Race Director of many years, I've come to learn that nothing great (and I mean nothing) can be done without the help of volunteers. This was especially evident this past weekend at the 30-hour Bad Dawg Ultra event that included distances from the 12 mile run/ruck to the 100 mile run that I’m blessed to be in charge of. With the heat index topping 100, the team of people who freely offered to take part in this fundraiser that provides shoes to children in need worked tirelessly to ensure that there was a constant supply of ice, water, and electrolytes at the three aid stations (not to mention a steady supply of food). And they were over the top friendly as well. This was something I heard many times over the weekend as I sporadically ran a few of the 10-mile loops with the runners or asked them how their experience was after they crossed the finish line. One first time 50 mile runner, a young man who appeared to be in his early 20's, even sought me out to tell me how awesome his experience was because of the kindness, helpfulness, and jubilation the selfless men and women who gave of their time displayed to him. He told me he would definitely be back next year! Now that's music to a Race Directors ears right? And another runner wrote this on social media, "Such an amazing event! I had the most absolute fun! So many great runners and most of all the aide stations and volunteers were so supportive and helpful. Thank y’all bunches." 

And you know, later on as my husband and I shared lunch with Maggie, a dear friend and one of the volunteers that served alongside us over the course of the entire event, my husband made a remark that made us smile. "We were sure short on volunteers this year. It's amazing that it all went so well considering the heat and the need for all the ice." "You're right," I responded as I looked at Maggie. "It's because the few volunteers we had worked extended shifts and worked with all their hearts, knowing they were ultimately 'working for the Lord.'" You see, when believers realize that it's the Lord Christ they are serving rather than "human masters," they will consider it an honor and privilege to serve others and will not only be filled with the joy and strength that comes from helping others but from the knowledge that they will "receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward" as well. And this will make them go above and beyond what they’re asked to do. 

So, look for opportunities to serve Christ by filling needs in your community my friend. You will not only bless others by doing so but you, yourself, will be blessed beyond measure with a degree of happiness that you can't measure or explain. Helen Keller wisely explained it this way, "The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves."

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we work for You, not for man, by willingly giving ourselves in service to others. Lord, thank You for the people who give of themselves each and every day to make the world a better place and to bring You glory. Help us to be those people who seek out opportunities to help others so that the world would be inspired to follow the One who causes people to act contrary to the way the world does. It's' in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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