Sunday, September 1, 2024

Keep your Guard up until the End

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV

In a story titled “Australian Paralympics runner Jaryd Clifford stripped of bronze medal after he’s disqualified from race: ‘I’m shattered’” published by the NY Post yesterday, it was reported that an Australian Paralympic runner was disqualified and stripped of his bronze medal for breaking a “fundamental rule” inches from the finish line during Saturday’s race. Jaryd Clifford, who is legally blind, was left “gutted” after officials deemed the Aussie and his guide, Matt Clarke, were not connected by the tether when the pair crossed the finish line during the Men’s T13 5000m final. Runners and their guides are required to hold the tether, a 20-inch-long band with handles on both ends, until the end of the race… Australia Channel 9 commentator David Culbert pointed out Clifford’s error during Saturday’s broadcast. “You’ve got to hold the tether all the way through to the line and it’s pretty clear it’s not in the hands of both athletes,” Culbert said, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. “In fact, it looks like Jaryd let it go just before the line there.” Clifford took to social media to share his thoughts on the race, admitting to making the “critical mistake.”

And you know, as you and I celebrate Labor Day today, we would do well to remember that, as we run our spiritual race and give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord as we are called to do, we must be careful to let nothing move us, take us off course, or cause us to be disqualified. You see, if you and I aren’t careful, we could easily get so caught up in the things around us that we let our guards down and make the “critical mistake” of breaking one or more of God’s ‘fundamental rules.’ This would not only ruin our witness and render our work in vain, but would be detrimental to the Kingdom as a whole and leave us ‘shattered and gutted.’

So vow to never take your eyes off the finish line my friend. Be vigilant and keep your guard up until the race is complete so that you might gain the “heavenly prize” that awaits every faithful believer who stands firm and immovable until the end. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that taking our eyes off You even for a moment can reap disastrous consequences. Help us to stay focused and to keep our guard up every moment until the day we reach that final finish line and rest from our labor Lord. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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