Monday, August 12, 2024

We can Always Trust Him

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;”
Proverbs 3:5 NKJV

In a story titled “Olympic Games marathon runner who dropped out after just 1.2KM breaks her silence amid selection storm” published by the Daily Mail yesterday, it was reported that Aussie national record holder Sinead Diver, 47, broke her silence after pulling out of the women's race so quickly into the 26.2 mile race, with worrying pictures showing her doubled over crowd barriers at the side of the course. 'I'm absolutely devastated to have had to DNF at my second Olympic Games. I was dealing with a plantar issue in the lead in to this race. It was manageable and I was training, fit and ready to race. That had nothing to do with why I pulled out,' she wrote on Instagram. 'In the warm-up, my quads started to spasm without any warning. I hoped it would resolve as I started running but it didn't and they seized up within the first km to the point that I couldn't bend my knees. I don't fully understand what's caused this.' As an older runner myself, I have no doubt that this DNF (Did Not Finish) was absolutely devastating to Sinead since, given her age, she most likely won’t have the chance to ever compete in the Olympics again. 

And you know, when it comes to trying to “fully understand” things that happen to us in this world that cause us to be devastated, we would all do well to lean not on our own understanding but to trust in the Lord with all our hearts instead. You see, God’s ways are much higher than our ways. Which means, although we won’t always have a complete or clear idea of why God allows things to happen, we can smile anyways knowing that God has promised to always work all things for the good of those who love him and who have been called according to his purpose. Which means we can smile as we wait for Him to do it in His way and in His time.

So, no matter what you’re going through today, don’t get discouraged my friend. God has never (not even once) failed to keep His promises, and He won’t start now. Trust Him and keep pressing on. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being the God who has promised to be with us always, through every trial and through every trying time… even to the end of the age. Help us to walk by faith when we don’t understand Lord, and to fully believe in the reliability of your Word so that we would not lose hope, confident that You are using our difficulties and disappointments to refine us, purify us, and make us more like You. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running! 

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