Sunday, August 4, 2024

Tell of His Mighty Acts

“Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.” Psalm 145:4 NLT

In a story titled “The fastest 10,000m runner still reigns, and U.S. steps onto podium after 12 years,” published Friday, it was reported that Joshua Cheptegei of Uganda won the gold medal in the 10,000-meter race and set a new Olympic record. Cheptegei, they said, shaved more than 18 seconds off the previous record from Ethiopian Kenenisa Bekele, who set the mark at the Beijing Games in 2008. Growing up, 27-year-old Cheptegei had looked up to Bekele, a four-time Olympic medalist. “Barely 16 years ago when I was watching the great Kenenisa Bekele win in Beijing, it was something that grew in my heart,” he said after the race. “I said, one day, one time, I want to be Olympic champion.”… Sending a message to the next generation, he said, “The young boys are watching in Uganda. You can achieve it, believe in yourself because when you don’t believe in yourself, you can’t make it in life.”

And you know, when it comes to sending a message to the next generation that’s worthy of being shared, you and I would do well to remember that our talents and abilities come from God. Which means that we should use every opportunity to declare to the world that God has been doing unparalleled “mighty acts” since the beginning of time. And that by His power, we are able to accomplish great things… things that we should attribute to Him and not to ourselves. You see, although it took hard work on Joshua’s part to win the gold, it was the Lord that gave him the capability to do so. God created him, and us, and should always receive the glory for the victories we are blessed to attain. 

So let us do our part in telling our children about God’s “mighty acts” my friend. After all, that's the job of every true believer. And let us never keep for ourselves the glory that belongs solely to the Lord--believing in Him to get us through this life rather than ourselves. That's the only way to make it. 

Heavenly Father, we thank You for making each one of us an individual piece of workmanship. Help us to discover what our unique abilities and talents are so that we might use them for your glory and to influence the next generation to seek You. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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