Tuesday, August 20, 2024

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - 13.1 Reasons to Run the Cohick Half Marathon

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about something that's happening on November 3rd at 7:00 a.m. in the parking lot of the Bass Pro Outdoor World in Springfield, Mo. Thousands of people will be off and running towards the finish line of the Bass Pro Marathon and the Cohick Half Marathon where a one-of-a-kind medal and a kickin' post-party awaits them. Now if this news has you saying, “Oh man. I’m sad because I really wanted to take part in this epic event but now it’s too late,” take heart. If you're able to run a 5k now, you can be ready in 8-10 weeks for the 13.1 mile distance if you start training this week. That's good news right? But before you start training, get registered! Why? Because if you have skin in the game, you're more likely to take your training seriously and continue it until the end. 

Now if you need a little more coaxing (as if a fancy expo, medal, shirt, after run party, and bragging rights weren't sufficient enough) to join us 
on the first Sunday in November, check out these 13.1 reasons to run the Bass Pro Half Marathon. 

1. The half marathon is the favorite distance taking 30% of the field. 

So there's a reason why the half marathon is a favorite for so many. It's a challenging goal but less time consuming to train for than a full marathon. Conquering 13.1 miles can be accomplished with as little as 8-10 weeks training for those runners who can easily run a 5k now and are ready for a bigger test of their endurance. Speaking of favorites, did you know that the Cohick Half was picked as the Runner's Choice Best Half Marathon in the state of Missouri for 2023? That's another great reason to get signed up. 

2. Make New Friends

Since the training for a half marathon is much more intensive when compared to a 5k or 10k, it offers a great opportunity to meet other like-minded people. If you join a running group, you, quite literally, spend hours with the same people. This means you might just make a few new friends along the way which last long past the finish line.

3. See New Places

Looking for an excuse to travel? While there are lots of other cities and states, no other place will compare with the Bass Pro Half in Springfield, MO this fall. There's a lot to do in this quaint city that's right off of I-44 with it's own airport, including exploring the Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World and the world famous Wonders of Wildlife. They also have an amazing zoo that's great to visit the day after the race to walk off some of your stiffness. With ample shopping and lots of places to explore as well, this town is one of the best you'll find in the Midwest or anywhere for that matter.

4. Get One Step Closer to a Full Marathon

If your ultimate goal is a marathon, starting with a half gives you the stepping stone you need to take your mileage up a notch. The Cohick Half will get you ready for being full fledged crazy after you have so much fun on the 13.1 mile course in 2024 that you sign up for the Bass Pro 26.2 mile run in 2025. But hey, if you want to remain only half crazy, that's certainly okay to do as well. 

5. Give Yourself Some Serious YOU Time

You can’t give your best without feeling your best. While training for a half marathon is very much a physical endeavor, it also provides plenty of time for you to de-stress, mentally unwind, and feel good about yourself. And let me tell you, the ultimate reward for your training is seeing the beauty of the Cohick Half course in the fall. The 2-3 hours you spend running the streets of Springfield might leave you with tired legs but you'll have a renewed spirit. 

6. Gain Some Killer Swag

Who doesn’t love some great race swag? With many half marathons, you get awesome t-shirts, hoodies, finisher medals, and more. But the Bass Pro swag is hands down the best there is! I speak from experience. 

7. It’s an Excuse to Party!

Ask any runner: The post-race party is where it’s at. If you run a half marathon, you’ve earned a brew or whatever else you wish to indulge in. The Bass Pro finish line has a post-race party filled with snacks, music and even a free beer to reward yourself with. So if you need an excuse to have fun, this half marathon will most definitely fit the bill.

8. You’re Less Likely to Injure Yourself When Compared to a Full Marathon

Are you looking for reasons to run a half marathon over a full marathon? Distance aside, injuries are less likely during a half marathon when compared to a full marathon. Simply put, your body experiences 50% less stress during a half marathon. All in all, it’s just a much more manageable distance and training regime.

9. You’ll Burn Tons of Calories

Within those 13.1 miles, you can burn between 1000 to 1600 calories. The exact number entirely depends on your weight, metabolism, running intensity, and other factors. Yet, if your goal is weight loss, this could top your reasons to run a half marathon. You’re bound to achieve some serious caloric burn.

10. There are Health Benefits!

Besides maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight, you also reap some other serious health benefits like improving your cardiovascular and respiratory health. The Bass Pro Half Marathon also has the best pacers in the world! They will not only help you reach your goal but will have you laughing along the way. And laughter has lots of health benefits!

11. Afterward, You Have Bragging Rights

The half marathon is also a completely achievable goal. With a few hours of training a week, you could run this distance in a matter of months (8-10 weeks to be exact). Then, afterward, you can brag all you want about crossing that finish line with the photos Bass Pro offers for free. These make great posts and profile pics which will do the bragging for you for days and weeks to follow!!! I’ve been participating in the fitness series for more than a decade and I can tell you that the social media sites get flooded with Bass Pro photos after the event.

12. You Could Support a Cause

When it comes to reasons to run a half marathon, there’s almost no better reason than supporting a worthwhile cause. From cancer to your local children’s hospital, you can easily find a half marathon with a good cause to support. The Bass Pro Fitness Series supports a lot of local charities, so it's a great race to run knowing that a good portion of your registration dollars goes back into the community. Cool right??

13. Training Won’t Cost You Much.

The most you need is a good pair of running shoes. There’s no membership fee or insane equipment costs. Realistically, running is one of the most affordable types of exercise to get into. Running also saves you money on therapy. For real! Which will give you the extra money you’ll need for your shoes… and chafing cream. After all, no one runs 13.1 miles without it leaving a mark. Am I right? On a side note… when it comes to not overspending, your hotel room won't cost you much either since the cost of living in Springfield is about 8% less than the state average and 15% less than the national average. This means the Cohick Half Marathon is a great weekend to plan a runcation! 

.1 I couldn't leave the .1 out right? The best reason is the people!

The Bass Pro Fitness Series Marathon weekend is like a family reunion. As a longtime runner, I've run lots of races in lots of places and rarely repeat the same event. But this event is different! This will be year number 15 that I've been participating in the BP Marathon Weekend—and it will go back on my calendar for 2025 the day after the 2024 event is done. And believe me when I say this, there are so many more runners like me that do the same thing. Which makes the Cohick Half the best!

So, there you have it friends. Those are 13.1 great reasons to run a 13.1 mile race—but not to just run any half marathon, but the Bass Pro Half Marathon. It's simply the best one you'll find for so many reasons… something you’ll only understand fully when you cross the finish line. So get registered today and then get to training so you can reap all those rewards. You'll be so glad you did! Happy Running!

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