Tuesday, September 10, 2024

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Find an Accountability Group

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let’s get started by talking about the good and the bad of Fall, which is just around the corner. First the good… it’s the greatest running season of all! With the cool temps and the falling leaves, our breathing becomes easier and we get to see the vibrant colors of the changing season. Now for the bad part… we are quickly losing light. For those runners who run in the afternoon, this isn't a problem. But those runners (like me) who get up before the rooster crows to get in their workout might be tempted to start sleeping in with all this darkness. This is why it’s such an important time to have an accountability partner or to be a part of an accountability group. These are the people or groups of people who will be waiting for you with their headlamps shining and will call you out and give you a stern talking-to if you don’t show up. And we certainly don't have time for sleeping in this close to Dogwood Canyon and Marathon Weekend, do we? 

This was something I was thinking about after ‘running’ into my good friend Laura Murrieta (pictured above on my right with Kelly on the left) at Walmart on Monday night. After briefly chatting in the clothing section, Laura said “I have to go. I’m meeting the girls for a strength training session. This is something I’ve been needing to do but didn’t start until I got with this group.” This is what a good accountability partner and accountability groups do for us. They inspire us to do things that aren’t always pleasurable but work to make us better. And that’s what these girls are working to become… better runners. They’re all training for the Dogwood Canyon trail runs and they know that adding strength training to their running routine will exponentially help them conquer those Ozark hills.  

But hey, don’t take my word for all the reasons you would do well to find some like minded friends. Check out what Laura and the girls in her accountability group had to say:

We meet at 5am before work to run/walk or strength train. Kelly, Sam (pictured above with Laura) and I live in the neighborhood so it's easier for us to meet. Gretchen meets us for the long runs. We actually started meeting last year before work/school just to keep our bodies moving, we have recently added strength training and rotate run/walk days with strength training. The 3 of us live in the same neighborhood, so that helps. In this season of my life life, having these ladies makes a difference in   whether I get in the workouts or not. I find it hard to do it on my own. - Laura 

have been running for many years, but moving to Waynesville was difficult because I lost my running people, which I need for many reasons! For a couple of years, my running stayed inconsistent due to not having my people by my side! When I met Kelly in February, we discovered that we lived near one another, so I would begin my runs with her and Laura! It was an immediate click! I love these ladies God placed in my life at the perfect time. We run, walk, laugh, pray, and love! Running is something special, but running with lovers of Jesus is on another level! These ladies have challenged me in the most important ways. Sure, we run together and plan races, such as Dogwood, but I can honestly say that I’m mostly happy about finding friends in Christ that help keep me blessed and in check daily! This friendship is just another example that God is always looking out for us! - Samantha 

Laura and I have been running for about 12 years together and have had our ebbs and flows. But for the past year we have been running in the morning before work 3x a week and then we do a long run on Saturdays (with Gretchen). I met Sam in February and found out she lived right around the corner from me and she was a runner!!!! She joined us immediately and the 2 became 3, no more excuses for me and Laura to enable each other and sleep in. With Sam joining us we found that we all became more accountable!!! Recently we all realized we needed to incorporate strength training back into our lives and have made a pact to strength train 3-4 days a week, on top of running. For me having these ladies in my life and knowing that they are counting on me to show up makes me want to get up at 0430 Monday-Friday. It means more when you know people are counting on you to be there. When I don’t have an accountability partner I find it easier to make excuses as why NOT to run or lift but with having my “soul sisters” we can count on each other both physically and spiritually. We run, we walk, we lift, we pray, we do life!!! I am so thankful and blessed for my friends who I call family! - Kelly 

I am new to the running thing… lost a bunch of weight a few years ago and took up a hobby I couldn’t do before. I find the challenge to be good and the fellowship to be better. I really don’t enjoy running by myself as much as I enjoy running with friends. These friends have embraced me, never judged me for my speed and have been the biggest encouragers. I would not even have signed up for my first half marathon if not for my group. Now that I am working as a preschool assistant teacher I have to make my schedule work for me. I am not a 0430 girl, but I have embraced an after school run/walk schedule while my boys do cross country and I run with the girls on the weekend. It’s all about making it work. Someway, somehow.  - Gretchen

And there you have it friends. It’s worth your time and effort to find an accountability partner or group or friends that will help you reach your goal. If you’re running Dogwood, you’ll see these girls out there with smiles on their faces, ready to tackle those Lampe hills because of all the hard work they’ve been putting in together. I'll be joining them at the start line and I hope to see you there too!! It's simply the best trail run ever! Happy Running!

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