Thursday, September 19, 2024

Because it Seems So Doesn’t Make it So

“There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” Proverbs 14:12 NKJV

In a story titled “Qualifying for the Boston Marathon Just Got Even Tougher” published by Runner’s World earlier this week, it was reported that on September 16, Boston Athletic Association (BAA) officials announced that they made changes to qualifying standards for the 2026 edition of the race. For runners ages 18–59, the times have been made 5 minutes quicker across each age group. For ages 60 and above, the standards remain the same. The BAA then went on to list the new standards that not only included male and female division times that are appropriately different for the sexes considering that God made men and women differently (men are generally faster—hence the slower times for females to make it fair) but also listed a nonbinary division. Now this may seem fair to the marathon organizers, but it’s anything but fair. You see, just because a person feels as if they are neither entirely male nor entirely female, it does not change the facts. God created only male and female, and the addition of a nonbinary division will take slots away from females should a male declare himself to be nonbinary to take advantage of the extra time he will be given to qualify for doing so. 

And, you know, the Bible has a lot to say about ways that seem right to man—with seem being defined as to appear to be true, probable, or evident, or to appear, feel or do— but are anything but righteous and ”its end is the way of death.” You see, when a person rejects the true wisdom of God, the path of his or her life will seem fine to them. This feeling that all is well because they feel it to be so will lead the person to wonder why God or anyone else would have a different opinion. Since no person can entirely trust their own examination and judgment then, every person needs to fear the Lord and receive His wisdom, especially as revealed in His word, to ensure that they are on the way of life

So be sure that you base your decisions on facts and not feelings my friend. The way that seems right is not always the right way, something that we are only able to discern by seeking the wisdom of God rather than the world. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the Word that serves as our guide to eternal life. Help us to seek facts rather than trust our feelings Lord so we would not be led down the way of death that seems so right to the world. Help us to stand upright and uncompromising so that we would ourselves walk the way of life and lead others to do the same. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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