Monday, September 16, 2024

Wisdom is Better than Silver and Gold

“How much better to get wisdom than gold, and good judgment than silver!” Proverbs 16:16 NLT

In a story titled “Olympic Medalist Molly Seidel Is Taking the Slow Road Back” published by Runner’s World last week, it was reported that the former Olympic runner, who was in Paris during the Games last month cheering for other runners and fulfilling sponsor obligations despite not being on the Olympic team, was diagnosed with an appendicitis and had to undergo laparoscopic surgery before returning home in September 6. She can’t run for a month. It’s another setback in what’s been a frustrating year for Seidel, who won Olympic bronze in the marathon in Tokyo in 2021 but pulled out of the 2024 Olympic Marathon Trials in February days before the race, citing a knee injury. Seidel, who admits to returning back to running too soon after injury in the past, is hopeful the month off from running will help her reset and is committed to being wise now and taking as much time as she needs to get healthy.

And you know, there’s a reason Solomon (who was the wisest and richest man to have ever lived) declared that it was “better to get wisdom than gold and good judgement than silver!” You see, true wisdom, which is marked by deep understanding, keen discernment, and the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions is gained only from having a right relationship with the Lord. Furthermore, wisdom and good judgement cannot be purchased for any amount but are given to us by God and are crucial for success in that they keep us on the straight and narrow path, help us to see things as they are, and enable us to learn from our mistakes. This is something gold and silver are powerless to do. 

So seek a right relationship with God above all else, knowing that He is the greatest treasure you will ever have my friend. And then thank Him for the wisdom and good judgment that will flow from that right relationship that is of more value than all the gold and silver in the world. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that our greatest treasure is a relationship with You. While gold and silver and all the things it can buy might fill the void we have for a short time, only You can fill us for a lifetime and only You can show us the way to righteousness and peace. For that reason, give us the wisdom to be content in you Lord. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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