Thursday, August 29, 2024

Jesus can Restore what was Lost

“Then the dead boy sat up and began to talk! And Jesus gave him back to his mother.” Luke 7:15 NLT

Upon doing an internet search of the latest news in the world of running early yesterday morning, my heart was deeply overcome with sorrow at the two back to back stories that popped up first. One story was titled “This 15-Year-Old Just Ran a 4:05 Mile,” while the other story was titled, “He was so young: 15-year-old high school cross-country runner collapses and dies.” “Oh my,” I thought to myself as I began to cry. “These stories that began so well have such different endings.” As a mother of a son myself, I could fully empathize with the emotions both the mothers might be feeling today. The one 15-year-old runner in the first story, no doubt, has a mother who is celebrating this young man’s accomplishment, and probably planning a party—while the other 15-year-old runner, no doubt, has a mother who is in deep mourning for her son and is now planning a funeral. 

And, you know, as tragic and upsetting as this second story was, we know that Jesus has compassion on all those who are hurting from the loss of a child. In fact, while Jesus walked among us in the flesh, He was so moved by a widow’s sorrow at the death of her only son that He walked over to the coffin where the boy was lying and said, “Young man, I tell you, get up.” Then, at Jesus’ command, “the dead boy sat up and began to talk! And Jesus gave him back to his mother.” Can you just imagine how happy she was? And while Jesus is now sitting on the throne at the right hand of God, He still has compassion for those parents who have lost their children—so much so that, by His death on the cross, He provided a way for all those who choose to accept Him as Savior to be reunited again. 

So if your heart has been broken over the loss of a child or a loved one today, take heart my friend. This isn’t the end of their story or yours if you have placed your trust in Jesus Christ. You see, for the believer, death is only the beginning of a new life that’s better than anything we could ever hope for or even imagine.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise of eternal life that awaits every person who’s placed their trust in You. May the knowledge of the restoration and reunification that will take place in heaven bring comfort to every hurting heart today Lord, and may it also inspire them to keep serving You until the day You call them home. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

There’s no Guesswork for Salvation

“They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.’” Acts 16:31 NIV

In a story published Tuesday by Runner’s World, it was reported that the Boston Athletic Association announced a change to its finish line procedures for the 2025 Boston Marathon, after controversy arose at the 2024 race. The change was posted to the BAA website on August 21. Previously, runners had 6 hours from the time the final starter crossed the starting line in Hopkinton to get to the finish line in Boston and be counted among the official finishers. The problem was, runners out on the course couldn’t know what time the final starter crossed the starting line, so they also didn’t know when the 6-hour clock began and what time they had to beat… Under the new policy, entrants have until a fixed time—5:30 p.m.—to get to the marathon finish line on Boylston Street and still be counted as official finishers. In reality, this new policy gives runners only a few extra minutes to make it to the end of the race and be official in results… But it will take the guesswork out of the official time for runners.

And you know, when it comes to clear cut rules for reaching the finish line, the Bible takes the guesswork out of the question, “What must a person do to be saved?” by telling us that a person must “believe in the Lord Jesus.” That is the only way. Good works can’t save someone, and neither can being a “good” person. Plain and simple, we are saved only by the grace of God, through faith, by accepting the free gift of God through the death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ. 

So, if you have not made the decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, let me remind you that there’s a “cutoff time” quickly approaching when you will no longer be able to make the decision. And while no one knows the exact day or the hour Jesus will return and the window of opportunity will be closed forever, we do know that the signs it could be soon are all around us. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for making the Way to Salvation plain and simple for everyone to understand. No matter what the world believes, help us to share the message that there is only way to eternal life and that is through a true faith in and surrender to Jesus that will result in repentance and a new way of living. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Schedule in That Hill Work

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about the benefits of adding hill work to your training. And while this might have many of you saying, "But Melissa I'm not training for Dogwood Canyon so this training isn't for me," consider that purposely and routinely adding periods and times of descents and ascents of various kinds and sizes will reap benefits when it comes to running flat surfaces as well. Frank Shorter is actually known for saying, “Hills are speed work in disguise.” His quote is true whether you’re going up the hill or down it. You just need to make sure you don’t avoid doing it. Hills are massively beneficial for athletes of all paces. Running them regularly not only provides technical skills so you can run up them better in races, but they also provide strength gains from fighting the grade and gravity. These strength gains evoke physical adaptations not seen anywhere else in training. Which means that hill work is a must!!

And there's no better time than now to begin, as Saturday begins week eight of the Cohick Half/Bass Pro Marathon training and week six of the Dogwood Canyon Trail Runs training. This hill training will pay off on race day!

Speaking of hill work and race days, Run the Rock (happening on September 7 in Ridgedale, MO) still has openings and is a great way to jumpstart your hill training with a couple hundred other runners by your side. Run the Rock has both a three mile and a six mile distance to choose from and is described as one of the most challenging and rewarding runs you will ever complete. 

With all that being said, let's take a look at some of the Mechanical Benefits and Psychological Advantages to be gained from hill running from Training Peaks (*with my two cents thrown in of course) and five different hill workouts you should be doing now: 

Mechanical Benefits of Hill Work

When we think about strength we often think about weight training and repetition. Hills are approached in much the same manner in terms of sets and repetitions. What you gain mechanically from hills that you can’t gain from weight training lies in the mechanical benefits of proper foot strike, lean and form practice. Anything you do repetitively induces a neuromuscular response. So if you continually do something wrong, you will do it more often.

The beautiful part of uphill running is that it is very difficult to run hills with poor form. The increased grade of a hill requires a forward lean, forefoot strike, and an efficient arm swing. Practicing hills is form practice with a massive aerobic (*and mental) benefit.

Uphill running also provides a large neuromuscular benefit as you are engaging a large number of muscle groups, which work together to create a more powerful and active neural network. When you awaken parts of your body or challenge it through stimulus, you can expect a response. It is not uncommon for an athlete to be extremely mentally taxed after a strenuous hill workout.

Hills aren’t just a one-way option. Downhill running can have big benefits for athletes but should be approached with caution due to the risk of injury. Short, steep downhills can be a great place for sprint- and short-distance runners to practice overspeed training. This requires you to have excellent form and the ability to match leg speed to the ground. This is truly only recommended for experienced runners on smooth dirt roads or grassy hills.

Technical descending is also a huge part of trail running that requires practice and mastery. Hand and foot coordination can be aided through ladder and speed drills commonly done by power sports athletes. The more technical trail the more mentally taxing it can be as speed and technicality mean your brain has to plan further (and farther!) ahead.

Physiological Advantage of Hill Running

Hill workouts can be manipulated in many ways through five variables: grade, intensity, volume, length, and time. Any of these variables can be combined to create results in a specific stimulus. A few examples below show how you can tweak workouts to achieve certain results; it’s up to you or your coach to define how to use hills to gain an advantage. Hills require eccentric and concentric movement patterns, which are the basic building blocks of any athlete’s development. You will see that both power athletes and endurance athletes use hills to start off a cycle, or touch on it throughout training to increase efficiency.

Short Steep Hills (<12 sec, 10+ percent grade)

Short and steep requires a huge neuromuscular response and raw power requirement. If kept truly anaerobic, no lactate is produced so the higher rep version can be used as a pre-workout (day before) neuromuscular stimulus—similar to strides.

Low reps/ high intensity: neuromuscular development, anaerobic development, and raw power

High reps/ moderate intensity: neuromuscular development, mechanical practice and speed development

Short Steep Hills (>12 sec, 10+ percent grade)

Slightly longer reps can work on extending a response from the last category. Athletes can take burst speed and extend it to lasting power. Most athletes should approach this with max effort, slower running will not provide the mechanical or neuromuscular advantage these are designed for. 

Low rep/ high intensity: neuromuscular development, high aerobic development, burst strength and power

High rep/ moderate intensity: neuromuscular development, high aerobic development, fatigue resistance and mechanical speed

Moderate Hills (12 to 30 seconds, 6-percent to 10-percent grade)

Longer hills provide more time to marinate in lactate. Changing rest between reps has the same effect as extended or shortened rest between interval reps on a track. Most athletes should approach these efforts with one-mile to sprint-type efforts.

Low rep/ high intensity: neuromuscular development, mechanical speed and high aerobic development

High rep/ moderate intensity: Neuromuscular development, high aerobic development, fatigue resistance and mechanical speed

Long Hills (30 seconds to one minute, 4-percent to 10-percent grade)

The longer you make the hill, the less maximal intensity you can apply. However, long hills can provide a fatigue-resistance benefit where you are working at the critical zone sooner than flat interval running. Basic athletes will approach efforts of this length at one mile to 5K-type effort.

Low rep/ high intensity: neuromuscular development, increased mechanical recruitment and increased fatigue resistance

High rep/ moderate intensity: neuromuscular development, high-to-moderate aerobic development, fatigue resistance and mechanical repetition

Extended Hills and Hill Climbs (1 minute and longer, 4-percent to 10-percent grade)

Hills in the one to three-minute range are considered extended hills and are normally utilized extensively for longer-distance athletes as fatigue resistance and lactate buffering workouts. The hill climb is used as a major tool for fatigue resistance, and can provide positive neuromuscular benefits due to the extended time utilizing proper form. Extended hills are done at 5K to half marathon effort as anything more intense would likely result in a large pace disparity for more than three repetitions.

Low rep/ high intensity: neuromuscular development, fatigue resistance, lactate buffering, mechanical repetition and muscular recruitment

High rep/ moderate intensity: neuromuscular development, high-to-moderate aerobic development, fatigue resistance, lactate buffering, muscular recruitment and mechanical repetition

Long climbs: fatigue resistance, neuromuscular recruitment, lactate buffering and mental stamina

*For a few more hill workouts, check out this article Runner's World posted recently. It lists a few more benefits that come from hill work as well, proving that putting in the work is worth it. 

When Should You Run Hills?

There is no bad time to add in hill work as it can be used at the beginning of a cycle to recruit fast-twitch muscles for a sprinter or middle-distance athlete. It can be used early on as intro speed work and is a great tool for injury-prone athletes as it builds form and strength simultaneously. It is also good for newer runners to practice hills to learn good running form habits.

Hills can also be used in the middle of a cycle and touched on throughout a season. Extended climbs can be a good replacement for athletes mentally burned out on track repetitions. You can also mix-and-match intervals with hills to create a workout that has a sting at the end with hills to work on lactate buffering, and mental resistance teaching athletes good form and intensity once they’re already tired.

Hills are many coaches’ secret weapon to creating a powerful aerobic machine that is both strong and resistant to large loads of lactate. Don’t be afraid when you see a hill in your next workout, use it as an opportunity to focus on form!

And there you have it friends. Adding hill work into your training will benefit you in more ways than was listed here. Overcoming hills will give you increased mental grit because that's what doing hard things does. It will help you to confidently step up to the start line knowing that you not only put in the miles but you put in the extra training to get yourself ready as well. So pat yourself on the back and get out there for some hill work. You'll be so glad you did! Happy Running!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Don’t Put the Decision Off

“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” John 3:36 NIV

In a sad story titled “Driver arrested on suspicion of DUI after hitting, killing runner crossing street in Pacific Beach” published by the San Diego Union Tribune Sunday, it was reported that A motorist was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving Saturday night after allegedly striking and killing a man running across a street mid-block in Pacific Beach, police said. The man who died was running east across Mission Bay Drive, near De Anza Cove Park, when he was hit around 8:55 p.m. He died before he could be taken to a hospital, San Diego police said. According to police, the victim was running across Mission Bay Drive when a driver in a large pickup heading south in the right-hand lane spotted him and stopped. The man kept running and was struck in the fast lane by a 2003 Subaru WRX driven by a 23-year-old man who told police he did not see the pedestrian because the pickup was in his way. The pedestrian was pronounced dead at the scene and the driver of the Subaru was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving. 

And you know, while this situation is sad on so many levels, there would be an even higher level of sadness if this runner (whose age we aren’t given) was one of the many people in our world today who have either put off the decision to accept Jesus as their Savior or have completely rejected Him. You see, the moment after a person takes their final breath here on this earth, they will take their next one in one of two places… Heaven or hell. There are only two choices and there will be no second chances. Plain and simple, “whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life…” 

So, if you have not made the decision to follow Jesus, what are you waiting for my friend? If you’re waiting until after you’ve had your fun and you’re not concerned about the future, let me remind you that your next minute is not guaranteed. Death can come suddenly and unexpectedly, so make the decision today. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that our next moment is never guaranteed. Lord, if there is someone reading this today that hasn’t made the decision to follow You, I pray that they do it today and urge others to do the same. It’s the only way they will have the assurance of eternal life with You. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

God Brings Beauty from Ashes

“And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 BSB

“Who can wipe away the tears from broken dreams and wasted years… And tell the past to disappear? Oh let me tell you 'bout my Jesus…And all the wrong turns that you would…Go and undo if you could…Who can work it all for your good… Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus.” As I sang these words along with the praise band yesterday morning at church, I couldn’t help but cry. Looking over at my husband Larry, who was also singing as he held my hand, I silently said, “God you have been so good to us.” And truly He has. A little over three years ago, the Lord Himself arranged our meeting (at a 5k run of all things). We were both two very broken people whose life plans had not gone the way we had expected. But God. In a way that Larry and I will never be able to fully understand, He took all of our pain, all of our disappointments, our happy times and our unhappy ones, along with our ‘broken dreams and wasted years’ and worked all of them together for our good. Now, after celebrating our second wedding anniversary, Larry and I live to tell our story of God’s goodness and always add, “If He did it for us, He can do it for you.”

And you know, the promise of Romans 8:28 that tells us that “God works all things together for the good of those who love Him” and “who are called according to His purpose” is only for believers, contrary to popular belief. This is a truth that should bring comfort to all those who trust in Jesus Christ since we know that trouble will come upon everyone, both the believer and the non believer. But the believer knows that their pain and suffering will never be in vain since the Lord always takes the good, the bad and the downright ugly things we go through and causes them to work together for our good and for His glory, no matter how it may appear at the time. It may take years (as was in the case for Larry and me) but in God’s perfect timing and for God’s perfect purpose, believers “know” that they will see the promise come to pass if they continue to remain faithful. 

So no matter what you’re going through today, keep an eternal perspective my friend. As someone who’s been through the fire many times and who’s always come out better on the other side, I will tell you that the promise that we “know” is true, won’t always diminish our pain in the moment, but it will fill us with joy and peace as we go through it. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise of Romans 8:28 that should not only fill the hearts of every believer with joy, but should inspire them to boldly share the Gospel so that others would come to know the One who can make beauty out of ashes and redeem and restore the most broken of people. Help us to be a living testimony to Your goodness Lord. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Our True Identity is in Christ

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” 1 John 3:1 NIV

In a story titled “Spokane runner finds her stride, headed to the 2024 Paralympics” published by KXLY News on Wednesday, it was reported that Taylor Swanson will be running in the 2024 Paralympics in Paris that is set to begin on August 28. Along with other Spokane athletes, Taylor will be running the 100, 200, and 4x1 universal relay for Team USA. This opportunity is a dream she wasn't sure would ever become a reality. Taylor wasn't diagnosed with cerebral palsy until about a year ago. At 29-years-old is when things clicked. Now, instead of trying to find a "fix," she is finding major success in her true identity. "Since I was a little kid, I just had some difficulties with school, being a kinda clumsy kid, that I didn't understand," said Swanson. "I had all these individual diagnoses of different issues that I had, but we didn't realize they were all just symptoms of cerebral palsy." According to Taylor's coaches, growing up training with able-bodied athletes has played a major role in her success, and they say she has a very good chance of coming home with a medal. 

And you know, when it comes to finding major success in our true identities, the Bible is very clear that mankind was created in God’s image. Which means, first and foremost, we are “children of God” created to serve Him and to walk with Him. Unfortunately though, we live in a world where people are increasingly confused about who they are and why they were created, choosing to buy into the lie that they can create their own identity—something that only leaves them more confused and further separated from the One who created them for fellowship. This is the very reason every believer must step up and do their part in exposing the lies of the enemy so that the lost would be reconciled to Christ and embrace the true identity He has given them. This is the most basic stepping stone to living a life of spiritual success and finding the contentment every heart desires. 

So be bold in sharing this message with the world my friend. Be unafraid to declare that a person’s true identity is never found by doing a horizontal search of the world, but found only in a wholehearted vertical search that will lead them to God, the Creator of all mankind. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for making it clear that we were created in Your image, male and female we were created, to fellowship with You, to serve You, and to be a light in this dark world. Lord, help us love the lost so much that we would be bold in speaking the truth to a world in desperate need of hearing it. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Do the Hard Work

“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Proverbs 14:23 NIV

As a longtime race director, I love hearing stories about the people who run in our events— especially if they’ve had to overcome extreme obstacles to do so. Which is the very reason I was moved to tears after reading Jess Hicklin’s recap of her son’s epic 100 mile finish at our Bad Dawg event on Sunday.

 “Bryan and I had a crazy/inspiring weekend with our 22 year old son, Kaden Hicklin, and we have to share his story…He ran in a 100 mile ultramarathon race in Waynesville, MO with the Bad Dawg Ultra organization on Saturday….only 14 runners in this particular category…only 2 finished the race and our sweet boy was one of them. Kaden started running at 6am Saturday morning…ran hours in the blazing Sun with high humidity and temps in the 90’s…after every 10-mile loop (he would take short breaks with us to refuel and get back rubs)…we then had to watch him run off into the total darkness on these rural country roads after the sun went down…with no sleep at all…then crossed the finish line 29 hours later Sunday morning at 11am (with one hour to spare). The mental strength this kid has…especially after Doctor’s and chiropractors have told him most of his life that running would NOT be his sport due to his feet/ankle design…and we always worried about his pectus carinatum (chest malformation) constricting his heart/lungs during heavy breathing when he played sports….not to mention the open heart surgery he had 3 years ago to remove a benign cyst that was growing inside of his right atrium… he did it anyway. Just another example of how following your dreams/goals REGARDLESS of what someone else thinks or what they say you should/could do… you can achieve it.” 

He did it anyway? Do you just love that or what? This young man, despite the obstacles in his way, chose the road of “hard work” to achieve a dream he was told would be impossible. And he chose to keep moving for 29 hours despite the pain, the fatigue, the nausea, the darkness, and all the other things associated with finishing a 100 mile race (and I speak from experience). 

And, you know, this is the attitude that every follower of Christ would do well to adopt. You see, God has a unique purpose and plan for each of his children… a purpose and plan that others might tell you is impossible (I speak from experience on that one too). But with God, you can be sure that all things are possible and every dream He places on our hearts achievable… if we are willing to put in the “hard work” it takes to obtain the profit or valuable return that is. You see, many people, when faced with obstacles, will talk about all reasons they CAN’T do something which will only lead to a state of mediocrity. But when we trust God and work hard, we can be assured that we CAN (by His strength) do whatever it is He is calling us to do (regardless of what we’ve been told). Which means that when we encounter problems, we must look to God, pray, trust, and then do the “hard work.”

So whatever it is God is calling you to do, be willing to put in the hard work my friend. And then continue to put in the hard work day after day, week after week, and even year after year if necessary—remembering that God works in His time and in His way. Results don’t always come overnight for reasons we might never understand, but they will come in due time if we refuse to give up. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we can achieve any dream or goal you have placed on our hearts to do if we will stay focused on You. Lord, help us to be found faithful in working toward those goals no matter what opposition we might face so that our faith, our character, and our endurance would grow and you would get all the glory. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - 13.1 Reasons to Run the Cohick Half Marathon

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about something that's happening on November 3rd at 7:00 a.m. in the parking lot of the Bass Pro Outdoor World in Springfield, Mo. Thousands of people will be off and running towards the finish line of the Bass Pro Marathon and the Cohick Half Marathon where a one-of-a-kind medal and a kickin' post-party awaits them. Now if this news has you saying, “Oh man. I’m sad because I really wanted to take part in this epic event but now it’s too late,” take heart. If you're able to run a 5k now, you can be ready in 8-10 weeks for the 13.1 mile distance if you start training this week. That's good news right? But before you start training, get registered! Why? Because if you have skin in the game, you're more likely to take your training seriously and continue it until the end. 

Now if you need a little more coaxing (as if a fancy expo, medal, shirt, after run party, and bragging rights weren't sufficient enough) to join us 
on the first Sunday in November, check out these 13.1 reasons to run the Bass Pro Half Marathon. 

1. The half marathon is the favorite distance taking 30% of the field. 

So there's a reason why the half marathon is a favorite for so many. It's a challenging goal but less time consuming to train for than a full marathon. Conquering 13.1 miles can be accomplished with as little as 8-10 weeks training for those runners who can easily run a 5k now and are ready for a bigger test of their endurance. Speaking of favorites, did you know that the Cohick Half was picked as the Runner's Choice Best Half Marathon in the state of Missouri for 2023? That's another great reason to get signed up. 

2. Make New Friends

Since the training for a half marathon is much more intensive when compared to a 5k or 10k, it offers a great opportunity to meet other like-minded people. If you join a running group, you, quite literally, spend hours with the same people. This means you might just make a few new friends along the way which last long past the finish line.

3. See New Places

Looking for an excuse to travel? While there are lots of other cities and states, no other place will compare with the Bass Pro Half in Springfield, MO this fall. There's a lot to do in this quaint city that's right off of I-44 with it's own airport, including exploring the Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World and the world famous Wonders of Wildlife. They also have an amazing zoo that's great to visit the day after the race to walk off some of your stiffness. With ample shopping and lots of places to explore as well, this town is one of the best you'll find in the Midwest or anywhere for that matter.

4. Get One Step Closer to a Full Marathon

If your ultimate goal is a marathon, starting with a half gives you the stepping stone you need to take your mileage up a notch. The Cohick Half will get you ready for being full fledged crazy after you have so much fun on the 13.1 mile course in 2024 that you sign up for the Bass Pro 26.2 mile run in 2025. But hey, if you want to remain only half crazy, that's certainly okay to do as well. 

5. Give Yourself Some Serious YOU Time

You can’t give your best without feeling your best. While training for a half marathon is very much a physical endeavor, it also provides plenty of time for you to de-stress, mentally unwind, and feel good about yourself. And let me tell you, the ultimate reward for your training is seeing the beauty of the Cohick Half course in the fall. The 2-3 hours you spend running the streets of Springfield might leave you with tired legs but you'll have a renewed spirit. 

6. Gain Some Killer Swag

Who doesn’t love some great race swag? With many half marathons, you get awesome t-shirts, hoodies, finisher medals, and more. But the Bass Pro swag is hands down the best there is! I speak from experience. 

7. It’s an Excuse to Party!

Ask any runner: The post-race party is where it’s at. If you run a half marathon, you’ve earned a brew or whatever else you wish to indulge in. The Bass Pro finish line has a post-race party filled with snacks, music and even a free beer to reward yourself with. So if you need an excuse to have fun, this half marathon will most definitely fit the bill.

8. You’re Less Likely to Injure Yourself When Compared to a Full Marathon

Are you looking for reasons to run a half marathon over a full marathon? Distance aside, injuries are less likely during a half marathon when compared to a full marathon. Simply put, your body experiences 50% less stress during a half marathon. All in all, it’s just a much more manageable distance and training regime.

9. You’ll Burn Tons of Calories

Within those 13.1 miles, you can burn between 1000 to 1600 calories. The exact number entirely depends on your weight, metabolism, running intensity, and other factors. Yet, if your goal is weight loss, this could top your reasons to run a half marathon. You’re bound to achieve some serious caloric burn.

10. There are Health Benefits!

Besides maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight, you also reap some other serious health benefits like improving your cardiovascular and respiratory health. The Bass Pro Half Marathon also has the best pacers in the world! They will not only help you reach your goal but will have you laughing along the way. And laughter has lots of health benefits!

11. Afterward, You Have Bragging Rights

The half marathon is also a completely achievable goal. With a few hours of training a week, you could run this distance in a matter of months (8-10 weeks to be exact). Then, afterward, you can brag all you want about crossing that finish line with the photos Bass Pro offers for free. These make great posts and profile pics which will do the bragging for you for days and weeks to follow!!! I’ve been participating in the fitness series for more than a decade and I can tell you that the social media sites get flooded with Bass Pro photos after the event.

12. You Could Support a Cause

When it comes to reasons to run a half marathon, there’s almost no better reason than supporting a worthwhile cause. From cancer to your local children’s hospital, you can easily find a half marathon with a good cause to support. The Bass Pro Fitness Series supports a lot of local charities, so it's a great race to run knowing that a good portion of your registration dollars goes back into the community. Cool right??

13. Training Won’t Cost You Much.

The most you need is a good pair of running shoes. There’s no membership fee or insane equipment costs. Realistically, running is one of the most affordable types of exercise to get into. Running also saves you money on therapy. For real! Which will give you the extra money you’ll need for your shoes… and chafing cream. After all, no one runs 13.1 miles without it leaving a mark. Am I right? On a side note… when it comes to not overspending, your hotel room won't cost you much either since the cost of living in Springfield is about 8% less than the state average and 15% less than the national average. This means the Cohick Half Marathon is a great weekend to plan a runcation! 

.1 I couldn't leave the .1 out right? The best reason is the people!

The Bass Pro Fitness Series Marathon weekend is like a family reunion. As a longtime runner, I've run lots of races in lots of places and rarely repeat the same event. But this event is different! This will be year number 15 that I've been participating in the BP Marathon Weekend—and it will go back on my calendar for 2025 the day after the 2024 event is done. And believe me when I say this, there are so many more runners like me that do the same thing. Which makes the Cohick Half the best!

So, there you have it friends. Those are 13.1 great reasons to run a 13.1 mile race—but not to just run any half marathon, but the Bass Pro Half Marathon. It's simply the best one you'll find for so many reasons… something you’ll only understand fully when you cross the finish line. So get registered today and then get to training so you can reap all those rewards. You'll be so glad you did! Happy Running!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Jesus Sent an Advocate to Help us

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—“ John 14:6 NIV

In a story published by BRL Sunday, it was reported that David Roche, a trail runner and coach from Boulder, made history last Saturday by running the Leadville 100-mile race in 15 hours, 26 minutes, and 34 seconds, breaking a 19-year-old course record in one of the nation’s oldest ultramarathons. Roche, a two-time national champion in sub-ultra distance trail running, had never competed in a 100-mile race before Leadville… The previous Leadville 100 course record was set in 2005 by Matt Carpenter, who completed the race in 15 hours and 42 minutes… Roche thanked everyone who supported him, especially his wife, Megan, an epidemiologist, coach and advocate for runners. Megan was part of David’s support crew during the race, which took place on their 10-year wedding anniversary. “She’s the best coach in the world, and I’m sorry for making her work on our anniversary,” Roche wrote on Instagram.

And you know, when it comes to having an advocate that will ‘crew’ us and never leave our side, Jesus comforted the disciples (who were no doubt upset by the revelation that Jesus would be leaving them shortly) by telling them that “another advocate” would soon come to help them and would be with them forever. This helper, known as the Holy Spirit, came to them at Pentecost just as Jesus promised to continue the work Jesus did by taking up permanent residence in their hearts—supporting them, coaching them, comforting them, teaching them, and leading them along the right path. Do you just love that or what? 

So in your pursuit to the finish line, be sure to follow the only Advocate with a perfect and unbreakable course record of wisdom, guidance, and faithfulness my friend. By trusting Him with your whole heart, you will run the race well and reap eternal rewards for doing so. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to live inside us and provide us with everything we need to live a holy life. Lord, please cause us to understand what a priceless gift this is that we might lift up thanksgiving and praise to You each and every day. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

We are to Serve with all our Hearts

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Colossians 3:23-24 NIV

As a Race Director of many years, I've come to learn that nothing great (and I mean nothing) can be done without the help of volunteers. This was especially evident this past weekend at the 30-hour Bad Dawg Ultra event that included distances from the 12 mile run/ruck to the 100 mile run that I’m blessed to be in charge of. With the heat index topping 100, the team of people who freely offered to take part in this fundraiser that provides shoes to children in need worked tirelessly to ensure that there was a constant supply of ice, water, and electrolytes at the three aid stations (not to mention a steady supply of food). And they were over the top friendly as well. This was something I heard many times over the weekend as I sporadically ran a few of the 10-mile loops with the runners or asked them how their experience was after they crossed the finish line. One first time 50 mile runner, a young man who appeared to be in his early 20's, even sought me out to tell me how awesome his experience was because of the kindness, helpfulness, and jubilation the selfless men and women who gave of their time displayed to him. He told me he would definitely be back next year! Now that's music to a Race Directors ears right? And another runner wrote this on social media, "Such an amazing event! I had the most absolute fun! So many great runners and most of all the aide stations and volunteers were so supportive and helpful. Thank y’all bunches." 

And you know, later on as my husband and I shared lunch with Maggie, a dear friend and one of the volunteers that served alongside us over the course of the entire event, my husband made a remark that made us smile. "We were sure short on volunteers this year. It's amazing that it all went so well considering the heat and the need for all the ice." "You're right," I responded as I looked at Maggie. "It's because the few volunteers we had worked extended shifts and worked with all their hearts, knowing they were ultimately 'working for the Lord.'" You see, when believers realize that it's the Lord Christ they are serving rather than "human masters," they will consider it an honor and privilege to serve others and will not only be filled with the joy and strength that comes from helping others but from the knowledge that they will "receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward" as well. And this will make them go above and beyond what they’re asked to do. 

So, look for opportunities to serve Christ by filling needs in your community my friend. You will not only bless others by doing so but you, yourself, will be blessed beyond measure with a degree of happiness that you can't measure or explain. Helen Keller wisely explained it this way, "The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves."

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we work for You, not for man, by willingly giving ourselves in service to others. Lord, thank You for the people who give of themselves each and every day to make the world a better place and to bring You glory. Help us to be those people who seek out opportunities to help others so that the world would be inspired to follow the One who causes people to act contrary to the way the world does. It's' in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Jesus Fixed the Problem

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 NLT

“I just got back from vacation and went to register for Bad Dawg and found out it is closed. Is there any way to still register?” That was the message I received from my dear friend and fellow ultrarunner, Rachel Baker, Sunday night regarding this weekend’s Bad Dawg Ultra race that I have the blessing of being the Race Director of. “Oh my goodness!” I quickly replied. “It shouldn’t be. I’ll get that changed right now! Thanks for letting me know! And thank thank you thank you. Thank you for joining us!” After logging on to the site and making the necessary changes to fix the problem, registration was immediately back up, prompting me to send Rachel a message that read, “It’s fixed!!!” And to my delight, she immediately registered and will be running our 50k Saturday. Do you just love that or what?

And you know, when it comes to fixing a problem, the Bible tells us that the greatest dilemma mankind ever had was sin, because sin separates us from God and is punishable by death. However, because of the death of Jesus on the Cross, the penalty of death was paid in full and we were set free from the punishment we deserved and reconciled to Christ. You can be sure that this was not an “easy fix” though, because of the suffering Jesus endured to provide it, but it was a permanent and eternal “fix” that gives all those who choose to believe in Jesus Christ the free gift of God which is eternal life. 

So be sure to thank Jesus for fixing the biggest problem you and I could ever have my friend. And then show your gratitude by sharing the Good News with others that they too might choose to accept this “free gift” before it’s too late. Because, let me assure you, unlike this race registration period that could be reopened and extended with the click of a few computer keys, once the window of opportunity to gain entry into heaven is closed, it will be closed for good. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding us of the reason we should be grateful each and every day. Without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we would be dead in our sins and destined to spend eternity in hell. Help us to be so grateful Lord that we can’t help but tell others about the greatest fix there ever was and beckon them to register for the race (aka follow You) before it’s too late. It’s in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Be Willing to Take One for the Team

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Philippians 2:3-4 NIV

In a story published by the BBC on August 13, it was reported that 31-year-old Rose Harvey, a Team GB marathon runner completed the 26.2 mile race at the Paris Olympics in under three hours despite developing a stress fracture in her femur near the beginning of the event. Rose, from Evesham, Worcestershire, told the BBC she refused to give up after training hard and coming into the Games in the best form of her life. Harvey battled through the "agony" to finish 78th in a time of 2:51:03 in 24C heat. The British athlete said it became clear to her from about two miles into Sunday morning's race that her hip - which had begun feeling tight three weeks previously - was going to be "really, pretty painful.” "It was really tough," Harvey told the BBC. “The hills didn't help at all, the downhills were just agony and it just got worse and worse. At the halfway mark I knew it was going to be incredibly painful." Harvey went on to explain that she made the decision to step up to the start line (despite being encouraged not to because of the risk of further injuring herself) because there was no Team GB reserve runner available to fill her space. Talk about taking one for the team!

And you know, when it comes to being willing to take one for the team despite the negative consequences you and I might encounter, the Bible tells us that we are to “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit” but are to, in humility, value others above ourselves, not looking to our own interests but each of us to the interests of the others. Which means that you and I must love others so much that we are willing to do things that might not be especially good for us but work for the common good of our brothers and sisters in Christ and the church as a whole. You can be sure that this might be a sacrifice on our part, but it’s one that will reap eternal rewards. This was the precedent Jesus set when He humbled Himself and died for the sins of all people despite the agony he had to endure. 

So be willing to follow the example of Jesus my friend, no matter what the cost—remembering that our bodies are not our own and pain is only temporary. We were bought at a price and should, therefore, honor God with both our words and our deeds, knowing that the eternal prize we gain will be worth any “agony” we must endure to do so. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding us that we were made to serve You by serving others. Help us to value others more than ourselves so that we would remain humble and work for Kingdom treasures rather than earthly ones. It’s in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - We can Learn from the Olympians

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about Olympic runners. This is a timely topic considering that the 2024 Olympics just commenced after the best of the best competed on the track and in the marathon to take home gold--competitions they were only eligible to take part in because of the years of training and grueling work they put in. And since Olympians are privy to expert advice, have exceptional mental grit, and are expected to train both hard and smart, you and I would do well to examine and implement some of their training habits, workouts and routines. 

Legendary two-time Olympic marathon runner Liz Yelling is a definitive source on successful marathon training. After competing in marathons across the world and winning championship after championship, she knows a thing or two about lacing up and making it to the finish line. Here she shares her five essential tips for running your best race (*with my two cents thrown in of course).

1. A good attitude is half the battle

“Don’t be daunted by the prospect of getting started,” Yelling advises.

From the first steps out your door to reaching the end of 26.2 miles (*or whatever distance it is you're training for, these tips are for everyone), the greatest challenge is the one inside your head. Remember your reasons for embarking on the marathon journey and maintain that passion throughout the process.

“It’s normal to feel excited about the marathon journey that lies ahead, if, at the same time, a little apprehensive,” says Yelling. “Remember, your journey is about having fun, laughing and enjoying every step, stride, breath and ache. We’re all privileged to be able to participate, so let’s share with our friends, family and strangers and have a happy run every time we lace up and go out.”

2. Get a good pair of shoes (and other gear)

One of the perks of running is that it requires very little equipment, with no need for weights, balls or helmets. It mostly comes down to your feet, so Yelling recommends that every runner have a quality pair of running shoes that suits their gait.

Yelling explains what the process is like to find shoes that really fit: “Take a pair of your old shoes with you to a reputable specialist running retailer. They will probably look at how the upper and the sole have worn, look at your feet, ask you questions about any injuries, current or previous, and your training.”

“They may also watch you run to help them suggest shoes for you to try on. You don’t need to buy the most expensive pair of running shoes for them to do a brilliant job. The most important thing is to find a pair that fits you well. Getting the right pair of shoes reduces your risk of injury, so take the time to make the right choice.”

In addition to shoes, Yelling also suggests that your gear kit include a pair of sports socks, a lightweight jacket, comfortable shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms and a lightweight T-shirt in a functional, breathable material. Wearing appropriate clothing that maximizes your running potential lets you perform at your best. (*Investing in a good GPS running watch will also pay dividends in your training so you can track your progress and compete against yourself. Do your research so you don't pay too much for options that you don't really need). 

3. Create a plan and stick to it

An important part of any running or exercise routine is consistency, so Yelling suggests that once people have decided they want to run a marathon, they should create a plan and — here’s the kicker — see it through to the end (Your running plan should be as individual as you are. So design it carefully making it fit into your schedule and you'll increase your chances of sticking with it). 

“First, check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, then be gentle and start slowly. Don’t be too ambitious and expect to run before you can walk. Build up progressively, and add a few more minutes to your walk or run,” says Yelling.

When it comes to following through, she has this advice: “Protect your time to run, and don’t quit. Double your motivation to stick to your goals by finding a running buddy (*plugging yourself into a running group also has amazing benefits). After about three to four weeks you should start to notice some differences in how you look and feel. “

Don’t expect miracles overnight. Working consistently and at the right level will lay the foundation for successful marathon training.

4. Embrace the benefits of running

Running marathons isn’t just an enjoyable pastime that lets people rub shoulders with world-class athletes. Yelling reminds runners to consider the good they are doing for their physical and emotional health.

“Regular running helps reduce stress but also may help reduce the onset of aging by boosting circulation to your skin, improving your complexion and maintaining muscle tone and flexibility. It keeps your heart and bones strong, reduces cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, burns more calories per minute than other forms of aerobic exercise, controls body weight, improves posture, boosts your immunity and keeps your circulation healthy. More than just physical benefits, running makes you feel more positive, energized, empowered, motivated and ready to face the world.”

5. Find your style

Every runner needs to find their own running style to run comfortably, successfully and without pain. 

Follow Yelling’s most important pointers for developing good form:

• Keep your head relaxed and steady.
• Let your shoulders hang naturally. Don’t hunch.
• Bend your arms to 90 degrees by your sides and allow them to swing freely backward and forward close to your body, like a pendulum.
• Keep your body upright.
• Keep your knees, hips and lower legs in a forward line.
• Feel relaxed, balanced and in control.

At the end of the day, do what works for you without comparing yourself to other runners (*comparison is the thief of joy so make every effort to celebrate your uniqueness rather than pining to be like someone else, this includes adopting your own mantra). According to Yelling, “There are no style prizes in running. What matters most is not what you look like, but the fact that you are out there doing it!”

And there you have it friends. There's a lot we can learn from those people who have taken home the gold. But one tip I want to add is this... at the end of the day, as two-time gold medal winner Eliud Kipchoge alluded to, your biggest competitor is yourself. Which means, whether you're young or old, fast or slow, a new runner or a seasoned runner, always strive to be the best that you can be. That's what truly makes a person a winner! So get out there and get training for the Bass Pro Fitness Series. There's a distance for everyone. Happy Running!

Monday, August 12, 2024

We can Always Trust Him

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;”
Proverbs 3:5 NKJV

In a story titled “Olympic Games marathon runner who dropped out after just 1.2KM breaks her silence amid selection storm” published by the Daily Mail yesterday, it was reported that Aussie national record holder Sinead Diver, 47, broke her silence after pulling out of the women's race so quickly into the 26.2 mile race, with worrying pictures showing her doubled over crowd barriers at the side of the course. 'I'm absolutely devastated to have had to DNF at my second Olympic Games. I was dealing with a plantar issue in the lead in to this race. It was manageable and I was training, fit and ready to race. That had nothing to do with why I pulled out,' she wrote on Instagram. 'In the warm-up, my quads started to spasm without any warning. I hoped it would resolve as I started running but it didn't and they seized up within the first km to the point that I couldn't bend my knees. I don't fully understand what's caused this.' As an older runner myself, I have no doubt that this DNF (Did Not Finish) was absolutely devastating to Sinead since, given her age, she most likely won’t have the chance to ever compete in the Olympics again. 

And you know, when it comes to trying to “fully understand” things that happen to us in this world that cause us to be devastated, we would all do well to lean not on our own understanding but to trust in the Lord with all our hearts instead. You see, God’s ways are much higher than our ways. Which means, although we won’t always have a complete or clear idea of why God allows things to happen, we can smile anyways knowing that God has promised to always work all things for the good of those who love him and who have been called according to his purpose. Which means we can smile as we wait for Him to do it in His way and in His time.

So, no matter what you’re going through today, don’t get discouraged my friend. God has never (not even once) failed to keep His promises, and He won’t start now. Trust Him and keep pressing on. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being the God who has promised to be with us always, through every trial and through every trying time… even to the end of the age. Help us to walk by faith when we don’t understand Lord, and to fully believe in the reliability of your Word so that we would not lose hope, confident that You are using our difficulties and disappointments to refine us, purify us, and make us more like You. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running! 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Make up Your Mind Now

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8 NKJV

In a story titled “What happened to Megan Keith? Why the runner finished her race alone” published by Yahoo Sports on Saturday, it was reported that Keith suffered an ankle injury while running in the 10,000m Olympic event but kept going, despite being more than three minutes behind the winner and two minutes behind her teammate, Eilish McColgan, who waited for her at the finish line. "All the medals are great, but honestly this race by Megan Keith is one of the most inspirational things I’ve seen at the Olympics," one person wrote. "She was so far behind, but she never gave up. She went to race and she finished her race, and the crowd were right behind her as she did." "What a hero, love that she did this. Keep going lady, be so proud. You had injuries, got lapped and nothing was stopping you from saying you finished!!" another commented on TikTok.

And, you know, when it comes to finishing the race despite immense hardships, hurdles, and trials, Paul (nearing the end of his life), exhorted young Timothy to consider his life and the way he had lived so that Timothy would, like Paul, stay in the race until the very end. Which is the very reason Paul reminded Timothy that the mission of staying faithful to Christ would be a hard fight, but it would be a “good fight,” a battle worthy of waging with all his mind, heart, body, and soul. Why? Because there was a priceless reward for doing so! Paul said, “Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.” Wow, right? That means all who fight the good fight, all who finish the race, and all who keep the faith will receive the same prize!

So like Paul, and other heroes of the faith, make up your mind now that you will boldly take your stand for Jesus Christ... even if you have to stand alone. Be courageous. Be brave. And be unwilling to defile yourself by compromising with the world in any way. This will definitely put you in the fight—but that’s where every true believer is called to be. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for promising to be with us in every battle. Lord, please open our eyes to the evil and wickedness all around us so that we can shine the light of Jesus and expose the enemy’s lies and deception. Help us to make up our minds now that we will stand firm in the fight, knowing that, as Amy Carmichael said, “We shall have all eternity to celebrate the victories, but we have only the few hours before sunset in which to win them.” It’s in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!