Thursday, February 27, 2025

We are Called to Speak up Against Evil

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11 NIV

In another disturbing and disheartening story about young men being allowed to participate in women’s sports, it was reported that the recent updates to Pennsylvania’s gender policy on high school sports won’t stop a transgender athlete from racing against girls in the state championships. An 18-year-old male-born student who identifies as female is scheduled to compete Sunday in the girls’ indoor track-and-field event, despite President Trump’s executive order on single-sex sports and a gender-policy update approved last week by the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association. To detail just how absurd, unfair, and downright evil this stance is, ICONS (Independent Council on Womens Sports that advocates for female athletes) responded to the update by stating the obvious, “ Male athlete Sean “Luce” Allen has taken a spot in the GIRLS 200m at Pennsylvania’s high school state championships, denying a female athlete the chance to compete at the state meet this coming Sunday. His 25.43 time is nearly 3 seconds slower than the last boys’ qualifier.” 

And you know, while officials will continue to vehemently hold on to the woke idea that a person identifying as the opposite sex can actually become the opposite sex, science itself testifies that a persons DNA can NOT be changed, regardless of the amount of hormones a person takes, the number of surgeries a person undergoes, or by demanding those around them use their ‘preferred pronouns’. Furthermore, the Bible is very clear that there are only two genders. The Bible is also clear that, as believers, we are not only to “have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness” but are to “expose them” so that our silence is not interpreted as our approval. We must be those people who will take a stand for what’s right and boldly defend the Truth. And the truth is… when evil is allowed to rule, the righteous suffer. 

So, while the world continues to blur the lines between good and evil, let us be brave in declaring the absolute truth regardless of the consequences it brings my friend. We will not only be obedient to the Lord for doing so, but will encourage others around us to take a stand as well. And the more people that speak up, the more change we will see. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the clarity your Word brings and the light it shines to expose deeds of darkness. Lord, help us to be bold in calling out evil and speaking truth that we might protect those who are harmed by silence and the perpetuation of evil. Give us the boldness to speak up and a platform to be heard Lord. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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