“We will not hide them from their children, Telling to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.” Psalm 78:4 NKJV
“When I told Nadine that I wanted to do this challenge, I didn’t even believe in myself that I would finish. Yet, I needed to do something to help get me unstuck, feeling sorry for myself because of my physical ailments that accumulated over my time in the Army. I struggled everyday. I woke up to get on the bike and just finish that days workout, being exhausted from long weekends of wrestling tournaments, and fighting sinus issues. All excuses! I Did It, and I Do Not Plan To Quit At This Point! Task completed, Charlie Mike!!!” These were the words my dear friend Kevin (Nadine is his wife) wrote after completing the Taji 100 challenge last week. And let me tell you, Kevin not only completed the challenge, he went above and beyond the 100% completion rate needed to be done and then pressed on to end up with a whopping 181.3% rate that earned him a place at the top of the leaderboard. Was it easy? No way! But Kevin got it done and vowed to ‘Continue the Mission’—which is the meaning of the Charlie Mike military code phrase. Per heroesbridge.org, Charlie Mike is used during military operations that experience a delay, or for individual issues such as minor injuries, discomfort, or even pain. Over time, military personnel learns to silence complaints and “continue the mission”.
And, you know, when it comes to important missions, there is no mission more important than telling the “generation to come” about the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, including “His strength and His wonderful works that He has done,” that they might come to know Him. You see, you and I must “not hide them from our children” and the next generation if we are to ‘continue the mission’ of fulfilling the Great Commission—which is the telling of the most praiseworthy thing God ever did for all of humanity…He loved the world so much that He sent His one and only Son to die for our sins so that all who would believe in Him would have eternal life with the Father.
So, continue the mission my friend. Press on in the midst of minor injuries, discomfort, or even pain in your calling to share the Good News. And remain hopeful and persistent when you experience the delays and setbacks that are sure to come when you set out to spread the Gospel.
Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that every believer has the same important mission… and that is to know You and to make your great Name known. Please give us opportunities to tell the world what you have done in our lives, starting in our own homes, and how you saved us from our sins so that we might inspire the lost of every generation to seek You and Charlie Mike!!! It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.
Happy Running!
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