Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Do Everything for His glory

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 CSB

In a story published by the St. Albert Gazette yesterday, the writer reported that “Legendary long-distance runner Jerome Drayton, who won the Boston Marathon in 1977 and held the Canadian men's marathon record for 43 years, has died. He was 80. Drayton died unexpectedly on Monday in Toronto, according to Cardinal Funeral Homes. Runners World magazine said he died during knee surgery. Drayton was inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame in 1978.” The writer went on to list Jerome’s accomplishments saying, “ He turned heads in 1969 by winning the Motor City Marathon in a North American record time. Later that year, he won the Fukuoka Marathon in Japan with another North American record. Over his career, Drayton held 12 national titles and set 13 records over various distances, according to the hall of fame. In 1970, he recorded a world record on the track in the men’s 10-mile with a time of 46:37:6. Drayton set the Canadian marathon record of 2:10:09 in Fukuoka in December 1975 and finished sixth in the Olympic marathon the following year in Montreal. Drayton's Canadian marathon mark lasted until 2018 when Cam Levins bettered it in the Toronto Waterfront Marathon. In 1977, Drayton was the first Canadian in 29 years to win the Boston Marathon. He won a silver medal at the Commonwealth Games the next year." And if that wasn't enough, "After retiring, Drayton remained involved in the athletic world as a consultant with the Sports and Fitness Division of Ontario's Ministry of Youth, Culture and Recreation.” Wow! Talk about achieving a lot in one lifetime.

But you know, as amazing as these feats were in the eyes of man, they would have been done in vain if they weren't done for God. You see, records will always be broken, today's accomplishments will always become tomorrow's bygones, and winners' names will always be forgotten. But what we do for God will live on for eternity through the people that have accepted Jesus by our witness and/or our actions. Which is the very reason Paul told the church at Corinth, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God." He was telling them (and us) that motives matter, which means God's love must permeate us so deeply that EVERYTHING we do is done to bring God glory and to lead others to Him. This includes breaking records and fully using our talents. This is our very life's purpose. 

So choose to live on fire for Christ today and every day my friend. Attempt big things! Strive to do what seems impossible! Use whatever gifts God has given you for the right reasons. And “whatever” you do, do it all for His glory and not your own.

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that our greatest achievements will have no eternal value if they are not done for You. Fill us with a passion to glorify You in all that we say and do Lord so that the world will come to know You by our words and/or actions. Strip us of any desire to ever claim the glory that belongs to You, Lord, as we seek to fully use our talents, gifts, and resources to achieve great things and point the glory back to You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!

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