Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Stop Your Work to Meditate on HIS Work

“God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’ So that everyone he has made may know his work, he stops all people from their labor.” Job 37:5-7 NIV.

Although it was 13 degrees below zero on the windchill yesterday morning, and the roads still covered with snow and ice, my husband and I decided to take advantage of the precious time off work the winter storm had given us by putting on our trail shoes and heading out the door together for a long run (which turned out to be more of a hike due to the conditions). And boy were we glad we did! With no traffic on the trail (or anywhere in town for that matter due to school and business closures), we were able to better hear the sounds of nature all around us. The stillness of the cold air seemed to echo the harmony of the songbird's praise and I couldn't help but smile. The beauty of the new-fallen snow, generously provided by the Creator out of his incalculable treasury, was so breathtaking that I found myself thanking Him over and over for the blessing of the unexpected day off that allowed me the time to slow down and enjoy the work of His hands as I meditated on the words of Job 37, the chapter that just 'so happened' to be where I was at in my Old Testament Bible study. 

And, you know, when it comes to taking time to enjoy the work of His hands, one thing is certain. The majority of people don't do it, not even Christians. Which is the very reason so many people forget that creation didn't come to be by accident nor does it operate at random. The One whose "voice thunders in marvelous ways" and "does great things beyond our understanding" sits on the throne and controls the times and the seasons. This means the One who "says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth'" has the power to make it happen simply by commanding it to be so, "so that everyone he has made may know his work." Furthermore, God has the power to stop "all people from their labor." Take a moment to truly think about and ponder that... When God sends the cold and the snow, the farmer cannot do his work (neither can most of us when conditions are this bad). His hand is held from working the land so that the time away from work will cause him to reflect on the work of God. Charles Spurgeon explains it this way "When the Lord seals up a man's hand, he is unable to perform his labor. The Lord has an object in this, namely 'that all men may know his work.' When they cannot do their own work, they are intended to observe the works of God" 

So, seek to "know his work" by ceasing from your work at least once a day my friend. Slow down and take the time to just be present in nature for a few moments that you might develop a regular time of unhindered fellowship with the Father that will bring joy to your heart and mind in ways that I can't explain. It's something you must experience for yourself.  And something you will never regret, of that I am completely certain. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing us to know You and experience You through all that You have made. Lord, help us to understand that time spent in your Word and in your world will benefit us in more ways than we could ever imagine. Help us to set aside time each and every day to do both that we might grow closer to You and to inspire others to do the same. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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