“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you.” John 14:16-17 NLT
In a story published by CBS News Sunday, the writer said, “The Life Time Miami Marathon brought tens of thousands of runners from around the world this weekend and each participant had their own unique story to why they ran on Sunday.” One of those shared was that of Farouk Gomati who recovered from Guilin-Barre syndrome, a condition that causes sudden numbness and muscle weakness that can affect most of your body. It happens when your immune system attacks your nervous system. He spent months in the hospital and he was wheelchair-bound. "I had to re-learn how to walk, how to speak, how to breathe," Gomati said. He ran in the Miami Marathon for the first time, which was his goal after he recovered. "I was active but never a runner," Gomati said. "This is a promise I made to myself when I was in a wheelchair."
And, you know, when it comes to promises that have been kept, one of the greatest guarantees Jesus left with the disciples before He left them was that He would ask the Father and the Father would send anther Advocate that would never leave them. And not only would the Holy Spirit never leave them but would abide in them—a promise that God kept (as He does all His promises) and fulfilled at Pentecost. What a beautiful reminder that God doesn’t abandon us to navigate life on our own or to endure trials such as Gomati experienced alone. Instead, the Holy Spirit guides, comforts, and intercedes for every believer.
So, if you are a believer and reaping the priceless benefits of this promise, rejoice my friend! God is with you and will never leave you nor forsake you. But if you are not a believer, won’t you choose to follow Jesus today so that you will never have to walk alone? I promise you that it will be the best decision that you will ever make.
Heavenly Father, thank You for having a tried and true track record of keeping Your promises. Throughout history, You have never failed to keep your promises and because of that, we know that You will continue to keep your promises. Thank you for the confidence that gives us both in this world and in the next. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.
Happy Running!
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