Thursday, February 13, 2025

Be Purposeful While You Wait

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV

In a story published yesterday titled “Austin runner Ben Duong hopes to break another Guinness World Record,” it was reported that one world record just wasn’t enough for Austinite Ben Duong. After breaking the Guinness World Record for the fastest half-marathon while dribbling a basketball in February 2024, Duong will attempt the record for the full marathon on Sunday, Feb. 16 at the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon. Duong is sponsored by the San Antonio Spurs as part of the Spurs Fit Club group yet again. Even though the Austin Marathon will only be his second full marathon, Duong told ATX today he’s optimistic about setting a new record. “I did it through the half last year, I have the running fitness still, and I have the support from my friends, my family, the Spurs still backing me,” Duong said.

And, you know, when it comes to being optimistic about finishing a race despite the difficulties that are sure to come, Paul urged the Thessalonian Christians to continue encouraging one another and building each other up until the Lord returned and the race was over. You see, Paul knew the infinite value of having a support system. Especially in light of the world events that were unfolding around the church at Thessalonica that indicated the day of the Lord was near—events that caused the believers there to be dismayed. Rather than allowing them to give in to their consternation, Paul was stirring and inciting them to be active, alert, and purposeful in their spiritual lives while they waited. 

So, knowing that the day of the Lord is even nearer to us than it was in Paul’s day, let us support and encourage our fellow brothers and sisters to keep running the race until the end my friend. We certainly won’t be listed in the Guiness Book of World Records for doing so but we will be listed in the Lamb’s Book of Life…. And that’s the best place for our names to be recorded!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise that all those who put their faith in You will inherit eternal life. Lord, as we wait for the return of Jesus Christ, help us to be found hopeful, helpful, and busy. Help us to understand that Jesus’ return is imminent so that we might encourage our fellow believers to keep pressing on until the end. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.  

Happy Running!

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