“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7 NKJV
In a story titled “I’m a runner and I know the race to save women’s sports has started off great” published by Fox News yesterday, the writer, Chelsea Mitchell, said “I’m a runner — and runners know the value of a good start.” She went on to say “Lots of races are decided by those first steps out of the blocks — and whether they’re fast enough and strong enough to propel you toward that line at the far end of the track. In January, federal officials took the first four steps in the race to reverse Biden administration efforts to insert male athletes into women’s sports.” After detailing those steps and the reason she joined in the fight, she said “We’re moving fast in the right direction, and with the aggressive support of the Trump administration, my fellow athletes and I are more confident than we’ve been in a long time that women’s sports may soon, once again, be reserved for — and restored to — women… First steps are important, but in the long run — it’s the finish that matters most of all.”
And, you know, when it comes to finishing the race, the apostle Paul gives us a shining example to follow of what it means to stand up and proclaim truth until the battle is won. From the moment Paul became aware of God’s calling on his life that compelled him to step up to the start line, Paul ran the race before him with conviction, intention, and endurance. In fact, most biblical scholars agree that Paul likely died very shortly after writing 2 Timothy, with the letter being considered his final epistle, written while imprisoned in Rome just before his execution. Furthermore, the consensus is Paul probably died within a very short time frame of sending the letter, possibly even the same day. Which means, knowing he had done all God has called him to do, when Paul wrote, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith,” he was looking back on all he had been through and looking forward to the prize that awaited him for pressing on until the end.
So, don't worry if you didn’t start the race off by shooting ‘out of the blocks’ my friend. Finishing the race is what matters most. For this reason then, be courageous in fighting for the truths laid out in the Bible—no matter how hard it might be or how long it might take, knowing that the same prize Paul received awaits all those who fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith.
Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that, as believers, we are all called to speak against those things the Bible calls sin and injustice. No matter how we might be running the race now, Father, help us to ramp up the pace to full speed as we work to fulfill the calling You have placed on our lives before we reach that final finish line. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.
Happy Running!
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