Thursday, February 27, 2025

We are Called to Speak up Against Evil

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11 NIV

In another disturbing and disheartening story about young men being allowed to participate in women’s sports, it was reported that the recent updates to Pennsylvania’s gender policy on high school sports won’t stop a transgender athlete from racing against girls in the state championships. An 18-year-old male-born student who identifies as female is scheduled to compete Sunday in the girls’ indoor track-and-field event, despite President Trump’s executive order on single-sex sports and a gender-policy update approved last week by the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association. To detail just how absurd, unfair, and downright evil this stance is, ICONS (Independent Council on Womens Sports that advocates for female athletes) responded to the update by stating the obvious, “ Male athlete Sean “Luce” Allen has taken a spot in the GIRLS 200m at Pennsylvania’s high school state championships, denying a female athlete the chance to compete at the state meet this coming Sunday. His 25.43 time is nearly 3 seconds slower than the last boys’ qualifier.” 

And you know, while officials will continue to vehemently hold on to the woke idea that a person identifying as the opposite sex can actually become the opposite sex, science itself testifies that a persons DNA can NOT be changed, regardless of the amount of hormones a person takes, the number of surgeries a person undergoes, or by demanding those around them use their ‘preferred pronouns’. Furthermore, the Bible is very clear that there are only two genders. The Bible is also clear that, as believers, we are not only to “have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness” but are to “expose them” so that our silence is not interpreted as our approval. We must be those people who will take a stand for what’s right and boldly defend the Truth. And the truth is… when evil is allowed to rule, the righteous suffer. 

So, while the world continues to blur the lines between good and evil, let us be brave in declaring the absolute truth regardless of the consequences it brings my friend. We will not only be obedient to the Lord for doing so, but will encourage others around us to take a stand as well. And the more people that speak up, the more change we will see. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the clarity your Word brings and the light it shines to expose deeds of darkness. Lord, help us to be bold in calling out evil and speaking truth that we might protect those who are harmed by silence and the perpetuation of evil. Give us the boldness to speak up and a platform to be heard Lord. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Make Time to Do the Things that Matter

That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?”Matthew 6:25-26 NLT

In a story titled “Ultrarunner Sophie Power breaks 48-hour treadmill world record in bid to inspire women in sport,” it was reported that Sophie Power recently broke the record for the most distance covered by a woman on a treadmill in 48 hours. It follows an equally impressive feat last year, in which she became the fastest female to cross Ireland on foot. In her latest challenge, Power covered more than 365 km (226.8 miles) across two days in January, running and hiking on a treadmill at the National Running Show in Birmingham, England. Her achievement – which is still subject to usual ratification from Guinness World Records – was driven in part by her burning passion to improve access for women in sport. Knowing that she serves as a role model to other women, it warmed my heart that Sophie (a 42-year-old mother of three) shared some of the sacrifices she must make to achieve her goals—thus making it clear that if a person wants to “do great things.” there are things they must give up. “I think we put lots of pictures up of women achieving things without saying how they do things, and that only gives us that desire to do something but doesn’t say how we do it. It’s important to say, ‘This is my training, this is my childcare, this is my multitasking, this is what I don’t do.’ Like my house is always a mess, I don’t put makeup on in the morning, I don’t care about what I wear, I don’t watch TV, I don’t go out all the time, so there’s all stuff I don’t do, so I can do things.” 

And, you know, this attitude that every successful ultrarunner has—of not doing meaningless things so they can do important things, like making the time to train—is the very attitude every successful Christian has, and by successful I mean serving Christ to their full potential. You see, we all have the same amount of time in a day. But the believer who doesn’t spend their time worrying “about every day life” seemingly has more time because they don’t waste time pursuing things that are of no benefit in reaching their ultimate goal. They are content with having their basic needs met and so can pursue knowing God and making his great Name known. Furthermore, successful Christians “look at the birds” as Jesus told them to and trust Him to meet their needs since they know they are “far more valuable to Him than they are.”

So, don’t worry about everyday life my friend. God knows what you need and is He faithful to provide. With that always in mind, “don’t do” those things that waste your precious time so you “can do” the things that truly matter. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we are called to make the best use of the time you have given us. Please give us the wisdom and strength to give up those things that steal our time Lord so that we can redeem the time you have given us by serving You to our fullest potential, thereby investing our talents wisely and successfully doing our part in making heaven full. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let’s get started by talking about the weather! Again! This seems to be a recurring theme. But thankfully, this time, it’s because of the record breaking highs rather than the record breaking lows. I don’t know about you but I was so ready for some spring-like temps.

Speaking of records, did you know that a Great Britain runner recently broke the record for completing the fastest marathon while on crutches? I know… who knew there was even such a thing? 73-year-old Chris Terrill certainly didn’t. It wasn’t until a friend of his from London City Runners told him the good news. The previous record was six hours, 24 minutes, and 48 seconds. Without meaning to, Chris did it in six hours, 11 minutes, and 11 seconds. Pretty impressive right?

What's even more impressive is the optimistic attitude Chris had. After suffering an injury playing pickleball that rendered him in need of a hip replacement, Chris decided that he would run the 2024 Brighton Marathon regardless of his limitations. He crossed the finish line of the 26.2 mile race wearing a green beret as part of his mission to raise money for this charity, the Royal Navy Royal Marines. 

His story inspired me so much that I did a random search of "weird" running Guinness World Records to share with you. Why? Because if you've lost the motivation to train for a "normal" race, why not go for a record? The added difficulty of running while doing something "weird" with the prospect of breaking a world record might just reignite your passion in time to train for a spring race. 

So, without further ado, check out this list of some of running’s weirdest (but real) world records shared by Canadian Running Magazine. And if you're looking for more ideas, check out this list of eight more "weird" running records. 

On Feb. 5, 2022, Edmonton’s David Eliuk broke the Guinness World Record for most T-shirts worn while running a half-marathon. Racing the Hypothermic Half Marathon in Edmonton, Eliuk donned a whopping 120 t-shirts, breaking the previous record of 111, and crossed the finish line in two hours and 45 minutes. This record is odd, but it’s far from the only unorthodox running record we’ve seen over the years. There are so many strange feats out there; here are the top five weird–but real–running records.

Anything joggling
Joggling (juggling while jogging) is surprisingly popular in the running community, and there are world records from the 100m up. Unlike some Guinness World Record running feats, joggling results tend to be extremely quick, with the record breakers running times that many non-juggling runners wouldn’t even be able to hit. Take P.E.I.’s Michael Bergeron, a runner who owns joggling world records in the 5K (16:50), 10K (34:47) and half-marathon (1:17:09)–or Port Hope, Ont.’s Michal Kapral, who still holds the joggling world record in the marathon (2:50:12), which he set at the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 2007. 

American David Rush is another joggling world record holder, although he added yet another twist to the feat (as if running while juggling wasn’t already tough enough). In 2021, Rush broke the world record for the fastest 100m while juggling blindfolded, covering the distance in 16.29 seconds.

10K carrying 100 lbs
American Erin Grindstaff owns what sounds like an extremely arduous record: fastest 10K while carrying 100 lbs. Grindstaff ran Las Vegas 10K with a backpack weighing 100 lbs, and she crossed the finish line in 1:26:49. If this sounds more like a military training method than a running event, it’s because that’s how Grindstaff got the idea. As she told the Guinness World Records team, she is an American Air Force veteran, and she had plenty of experience “rucking,” which is walking, hiking or running with a weighted backpack. “I wanted to set this Guinness World Records title to show normal, everyday people that you do not have to be an elite or full-time athlete to do something physically extraordinary,” Grindstaff said. “With hard work, a solid plan, and true unwavering commitment, anything is possible.”

Backwards mile
In 2020, a Kansas man named Aaron Yoder took to the quiet country roads of his hometown and ran a 5:30 mile… while running backwards. That’s right, Yoder ran a backwards mile faster than most people can run going straight ahead. That works out to an average pace of 3:25 per kilometre, and it beat the previous world record of 5:54, which not-so-coincidentally also belongs to Yoder.

Golf running
In 2021, Swiss athlete Jürg Randegger played a ridiculous 252 holes of golf in 12 hours, breaking the world record for the most holes in a 12-hour period. He covered 93K in this mind-boggling world record, carrying just a 7-iron for the entire day. He took a total of 1,348 strokes and managed to hit five birdies (one under par). Not bad for a sport in which calmness, patience and taking one’s time are of the utmost importance.

And there you have it friends. If you're looking for a challenge to fire up your passion for running, go for a world record. But if that's too daunting, make breaking a personal record your challenge. That's quite the feat as well (whether it's speed or distance). My point is this... get some skin in the game if your motivation is waning and get back out there with a smile on your face. With these amazing temps, it's the perfect time to do it. 

Happy Running!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Compel Them to Come in

“Then the master said to the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23 NKJV

“Wow! Look at that sunrise,” my husband (aka sweet Larry) said to me yesterday as we were driving to the clinic for his early morning bone marrow biopsy that we hoped would yield positive results. “Isn’t that beautiful?” As I was agreeing with him and praising the Lord for the work of His hands that was on full display before us, the song “Come Jesus Come” by Stephen McWhirter began to play on the car radio…

“Sometimes I fall
To my knees and pray
Come Jesus come
Let today be the day
Sometimes I feel
Like I’m gonna break
But I’m holding on
To a hope that won’t fade

Come Jesus come
We’ve been waiting so long
For the day You return
To heal every hurt
And right every wrong
We need You right now
Come and turn this around
Deep down I know
This world isn’t home
Come Jesus come
Come Jesus come

One day He’ll come
And we’ll stand face to face
Come and lay it all down
Cause it might be today
The time is right now
There’s no need to wait
Your past will be washed
By rivers of grace

Come Jesus come
We’ve been waiting so long
For the day You return
To heal every hurt
And right every wrong
We need You right now
Come and turn this around
Deep down I know
This world isn’t home
Come Jesus come.” 

While listening to the melody, I couldn’t help but cry tears of both joy and sadness. Joy knowing that no matter what my husband’s test results were, he was ready and waiting to meet the Lord, and sadness knowing that millions of people in this world are not. And as much as I hopefully anticipate, desperately yearn for, and relentlessly pray for the return of my Savior, I pray every day for opportunities to compel people to accept Jesus as their Savior before it’s too late. You see, the Bible clearly tells us that we must be ready—because Christ will return at a time when we least expect it. Sadly, that means the millions of people in our world who are not ready will not be granted access into the Great Supper and will not ‘stand face to face’ with the One who created them. 

And, you know, while the thought of that happening won’t bother those who are lost, it should grieve the heart of every believer so much that they are filled with a sense of dire urgency to heed the command of the Master to “go out into the highways and hedges, and compel” the lost “to come in” —not only that heaven might be filled, but that the lost might be kept from the pain, anguish, and the weeping and gnashing of teeth that those in hell will experience for all of eternity. 

This literally means that we (meaning every single believer in Jesus Christ) must get outside of the four walls of the Church building and go into our schools, our streets, our neighborhoods, our alleyways, our cities, our towns, and even venture into the outermost and most dangerous of hedges to reach people with the Good News of the Gospel. Our search and recovery mission should be exhaustive and ongoing until the day we go to be with the Lord or He returns and meets us in the sky. 

So, knowing the fate of all those who die in their sins is eternity in hell, may we, like Paul, declare “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” And then pray for, look for, be prepared for, and seize every opportunity to tell someone about Jesus so that they can be so ready for His return that they will join the saints in singing, “Come Jesus come. Let today be the day.”

Heavenly Father, thank You for promising eternal life to all those who place their trust in You. Help us to compel others to make that same choice by reminding us that hell is a real place and a place so awful that we would do all we can to keep people from going there. Lord, help us to remember that the harvest is ripe and we are the workers that need to be found busy bringing in the harvest upon your return. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Keep Your Promise to God

“When you make a promise to God, don’t delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools. Keep all the promises you make to him. It is better to say nothing than to make a promise and not keep it.” Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 NLT

In a heartwarming story published by Runner’s World last week, 39-year-old runner Farouk Gomati detailed his harrowing battle with Guillain-Barre syndrome (an autoimmune disease that attacks the nerves that branch out from the brain and spinal cord). In 2013 Gomati said he was a full-time musician and went on to say,”I was active, enjoyed tennis, and was recently married with a four-month old son. I had just completed the last phase of a two-month tour around South America when, during our final stop in Bolivia, I ate chicken that wasn’t properly cooked. Shortly after, I experienced severe headaches and, weeks later, numbness spread rapidly throughout my body. After being rushed to the hospital, I was placed in a three-week induced coma. When I woke up, I was on a breathing machine and 100 percent paralyzed. Over the next two years, I underwent intensive rehabilitation, slowly rebuilding my strength and regaining control of my body. During this process, I promised myself that if God healed me and I could walk again, I would one day run a race. It became a driving force in my recovery—a personal commitment to honor the gift of movement and a reminder of the resilience within me.” Thankfully God did heal Farouk and, although the rehabilitation and training was far from easy, Gomati kept his promise to God and crossed the finish line of the Life Time Miami Half Marathon on February 2, in a time of 2:21:19.

And, you know, when it comes to fulfilling our vows  to God, Solomon knew that we should guard our steps when we go to the house of God—meaning we should be reverent, prudent and wise with our words when coming to meet with God. Which is the very reason Solomon said, “When you make a promise to God, don’t delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools.” He then went on to say, “It is better to say nothing than to make a promise and not keep it.” You see, God doesn’t take broken vows lightly. Hence the reason we are not to even tarry one iota in fulfilling an oath we’ve made to the One who has power beyond our comprehension. 

So, knowing that we honor God by having a heart set on pleasing Him and showing integrity in all things, be very careful before you make a vow to the Lord my friend. And if you do make a promise to the Creator of all good things, be sure keep it no matter how hard it might be to do so. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that vows to You should never be made without prayerful and careful consideration. Lord, please cause us to understand that You are the God of all power and deserve our ultimate reverence, honor, and devotion. Help us to fear You Lord, that we might gain a heart of wisdom that keeps us from stumbling. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Jesus Will Never Let You Down

“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:22-23 NIV

In a story published by VN Express News yesterday, it was reported that “Australian record-holder Lauren Ryan turned heartbreak into triumph by winning the 3,000m run at the Boston Valentine Invitational on Feb. 15 after her boyfriend ended their relationship via text message.” When speaking of the breakup and the win that followed, which landed her with Olympic gold and a personal best (PB), Lauren said, “I just wanted to win so bad. I’ve just had a tough run the last couple of months with some family stuff - and my boyfriend broke up with me yesterday, Feb. 14, with a text message. The only person that won't let you down is yourself.”

And, you know, while the notion that ‘the only person that won’t let you down is yourself’ is a widely held belief, the Bible tells us that we are all to measure ourselves against a Holy standard rather than a worldly one. You see, the world will tell you that you can save yourself by being ‘good,’ with ‘good’ being a relative term with no clear way of being measured. But God’s standard requires absolute perfection. And since we “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” we all fall short of that standard and need the saving grace that God provided by “his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” 

So, if you have not chosen to place your trust in the only One who can and will never let you down, make today the day you accept Jesus as your Savior my friend. You’ll not only have the complete confidence that you will spend eternity in heaven, but will have complete confidence that He (unlike people in this world) will never leave you nor forsake you. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us so much that You would give all those who trust in You as their Savior the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. No other god would ever or could ever do that. Thank You also for the gift of the Holy Spirit that all believers have—a gift that assures us that we will never be alone. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Stop Your Work to Meditate on HIS Work

“God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’ So that everyone he has made may know his work, he stops all people from their labor.” Job 37:5-7 NIV.

Although it was 13 degrees below zero on the windchill yesterday morning, and the roads still covered with snow and ice, my husband and I decided to take advantage of the precious time off work the winter storm had given us by putting on our trail shoes and heading out the door together for a long run (which turned out to be more of a hike due to the conditions). And boy were we glad we did! With no traffic on the trail (or anywhere in town for that matter due to school and business closures), we were able to better hear the sounds of nature all around us. The stillness of the cold air seemed to echo the harmony of the songbird's praise and I couldn't help but smile. The beauty of the new-fallen snow, generously provided by the Creator out of his incalculable treasury, was so breathtaking that I found myself thanking Him over and over for the blessing of the unexpected day off that allowed me the time to slow down and enjoy the work of His hands as I meditated on the words of Job 37, the chapter that just 'so happened' to be where I was at in my Old Testament Bible study. 

And, you know, when it comes to taking time to enjoy the work of His hands, one thing is certain. The majority of people don't do it, not even Christians. Which is the very reason so many people forget that creation didn't come to be by accident nor does it operate at random. The One whose "voice thunders in marvelous ways" and "does great things beyond our understanding" sits on the throne and controls the times and the seasons. This means the One who "says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth'" has the power to make it happen simply by commanding it to be so, "so that everyone he has made may know his work." Furthermore, God has the power to stop "all people from their labor." Take a moment to truly think about and ponder that... When God sends the cold and the snow, the farmer cannot do his work (neither can most of us when conditions are this bad). His hand is held from working the land so that the time away from work will cause him to reflect on the work of God. Charles Spurgeon explains it this way "When the Lord seals up a man's hand, he is unable to perform his labor. The Lord has an object in this, namely 'that all men may know his work.' When they cannot do their own work, they are intended to observe the works of God" 

So, seek to "know his work" by ceasing from your work at least once a day my friend. Slow down and take the time to just be present in nature for a few moments that you might develop a regular time of unhindered fellowship with the Father that will bring joy to your heart and mind in ways that I can't explain. It's something you must experience for yourself.  And something you will never regret, of that I am completely certain. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing us to know You and experience You through all that You have made. Lord, help us to understand that time spent in your Word and in your world will benefit us in more ways than we could ever imagine. Help us to set aside time each and every day to do both that we might grow closer to You and to inspire others to do the same. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Consider Taking a Rest Day

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let’s get started by talking about this weather… again. Between all the snow and the ice, this winter has wreaked havoc on the trails and roads the last few weeks. Which means, if you’re a runner like me who opted to not own a treadmill (a choice I’m highly reconsidering), you might be feeling the frustration of missed runs or runs that are subpar in speed or distance to account for the conditions. 

But I have good news! A snowy and slick day can actually be a blessing in disguise for a runner. For one thing, it’s an opportunity to take a rest day. (Yes, you probably do need a day off.) Especially if you’re experiencing both psychological and physiological signs that you might need a day (or more) off from running. What are those signs you might ask? Well…

Perhaps the number one sign you might need a day off for your mental health is when (not if) you don’t feel motivated to tackle your runs and workouts like you used to, or you’re not actually enjoying doing them. If running is something you love and you start to notice that it’s feeling more like an unwanted chore, a day off may be just what you need. Unusual crankiness and irritability are also signs you need a mental break to recharge your batteries and refocus on your goals.  

Physically, there a few key signs to look out for. Among them are: regular sleep disturbances, an elevated morning heart rate, the inability to fight off a cold, a sense of generalized fatigue, loss of appetite, feeling stiff or sore in general or feeling discomfort in a localized area, and feeling like it’s getting harder to maintain your normal training pace (physically and mentally). 

Running Coach Angela Fifer has this to say about knowing when it’s time to take a rest day (something I’ve repeated to the runners I coach as well)… “I like to tell my athletes, ‘Listen to the whispers of your body, it will never have to shout at you.’ That simply means that if they tune into the more subtle signals that they’re pushing too hard—or the whispers—and respect those signals by altering the plan to allow for some recovery, then they might be able to avoid injury—or the shout.” 

So what should you do on a full rest day (as opposed to an active recovery day)? Take the complete day off from training by not engaging in any significant physical exertion, including activities like brisk walking (although a stroll in the park is always a great idea) and focusing on passive recovery methods like stretching, foam rolling, or light mobility exercises instead. This gives the body (and mind) time to recover. 

Key points about a full rest day for runners if you’re still leery:
  • Importance:
    Rest days are crucial for preventing overuse injuries, replenishing glycogen stores, and allowing soft tissues to heal, which can ultimately improve performance and prevent burnout. 

    Most runners should aim for at least one full rest day per week, although some may need more depending on their training volume and experience level. 
  • Who might need more rest days: 
    New runners, runners returning from an injury or who are prone to injury, and runners with a high training volume.

So there you have it friends. You may not want to take a rest day but you need to take a rest day every now and then. We all do. So embrace it, add it to your training plan, and then reap the many benefits that will come from it. You’ll be so glad you did.
 Happy Resting!

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Finish Matters Most

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7 NKJV

In a story titled “I’m a runner and I know the race to save women’s sports has started off great” published by Fox News yesterday, the writer, Chelsea Mitchell, said “I’m a runner — and runners know the value of a good start.” She went on to say “Lots of races are decided by those first steps out of the blocks — and whether they’re fast enough and strong enough to propel you toward that line at the far end of the track. In January, federal officials took the first four steps in the race to reverse Biden administration efforts to insert male athletes into women’s sports.” After detailing those steps and the reason she joined in the fight, she said “We’re moving fast in the right direction, and with the aggressive support of the Trump administration, my fellow athletes and I are more confident than we’ve been in a long time that women’s sports may soon, once again, be reserved for — and restored to — women… First steps are important, but in the long run — it’s the finish that matters most of all.”

And, you know, when it comes to finishing the race, the apostle Paul gives us a shining example to follow of what it means to stand up and proclaim truth until the battle is won. From the moment Paul became aware of God’s calling on his life that compelled him to step up to the start line, Paul ran the race before him with conviction, intention, and endurance. In fact, most biblical scholars agree that Paul likely died very shortly after writing 2 Timothy, with the letter being considered his final epistle, written while imprisoned in Rome just before his execution. Furthermore, the consensus is Paul probably died within a very short time frame of sending the letter, possibly even the same day. Which means, knowing he had done all God has called him to do, when Paul wrote, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith,” he was looking back on all he had been through and looking forward to the prize that awaited him for pressing on until the end. 

So, don't worry if you didn’t start the race off by shooting ‘out of the blocks’ my friend. Finishing the race is what matters most. For this reason then, be courageous in fighting for the truths laid out in the Bible—no matter how hard it might be or how long it might take, knowing that the same prize Paul received awaits all those who fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that, as believers, we are all called to speak against those things the Bible calls sin and injustice. No matter how we might be running the race now, Father, help us to ramp up the pace to full speed as we work to fulfill the calling You have placed on our lives before we reach that final finish line. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Complete the Charge

“In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” 2 Timothy 4:1-2 NIV

In a story titled “Warren runner publishes book on completing marathons in all 50 states,” it was reported that Warren native Jim Roberts has taken his passion for running to new heights — not only by achieving an extraordinary marathon goal but also by chronicling his journey in a newly published book. Roberts, one of only about 180 people to ever run a marathon in all 50 U.S. states under four hours, has released 50sub4: A Marathoning Journey, now available on Amazon. Roberts completed his goal in early 2019, but his journey didn’t end there. To meet the 50sub4 standard, he had to “redo” 10 states, ensuring that every marathon he ran was completed in under four hours. It was during this process that the idea of a book came to life. “To me, it’s like a great summary not only for me, selfishly, but for my family,”Roberts said. “Even if only 10 people buy it, (the book is a) legacy that lingers on about that goal and accomplishment.”

And, you know, when it comes to writing a book with the intent of helping others, Paul wrote his last book (2 Timothy) as a letter to his dear friend, protege, and “son in the faith” to spur him on to continue the work of preaching the unadulterated truths laid out in the Bible. In what may have been Paul’s final words to Timothy, Paul said, “In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” In other words, Paul was telling Timothy that he should be ready to meticulously and unashamedly proclaim God’s truth, in all circumstances and to all people… whether or not it was convenient or culturally appropriate. Furthermore, Timothy was to preach as passionately to one person as he would to 10, 100, or even a thousand, ‘even if’ only one life was changed. 

So, be ready to preach the Word at all times my friend by carefully studying it, faithfully committing it to memory, and being steadfastly unwilling to compromise on it. Doing so will ensure that you are prepared to complete the “charge.”

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that every follower of Jesus Christ is charged with preaching the Good News at all times and without compromise. Lord, please help us to understand that there are people who will die in their sin if they don’t hear and accept the Truth so that we will be compelled to passionately preach the word in season and out of season. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Be Purposeful While You Wait

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV

In a story published yesterday titled “Austin runner Ben Duong hopes to break another Guinness World Record,” it was reported that one world record just wasn’t enough for Austinite Ben Duong. After breaking the Guinness World Record for the fastest half-marathon while dribbling a basketball in February 2024, Duong will attempt the record for the full marathon on Sunday, Feb. 16 at the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon. Duong is sponsored by the San Antonio Spurs as part of the Spurs Fit Club group yet again. Even though the Austin Marathon will only be his second full marathon, Duong told ATX today he’s optimistic about setting a new record. “I did it through the half last year, I have the running fitness still, and I have the support from my friends, my family, the Spurs still backing me,” Duong said.

And, you know, when it comes to being optimistic about finishing a race despite the difficulties that are sure to come, Paul urged the Thessalonian Christians to continue encouraging one another and building each other up until the Lord returned and the race was over. You see, Paul knew the infinite value of having a support system. Especially in light of the world events that were unfolding around the church at Thessalonica that indicated the day of the Lord was near—events that caused the believers there to be dismayed. Rather than allowing them to give in to their consternation, Paul was stirring and inciting them to be active, alert, and purposeful in their spiritual lives while they waited. 

So, knowing that the day of the Lord is even nearer to us than it was in Paul’s day, let us support and encourage our fellow brothers and sisters to keep running the race until the end my friend. We certainly won’t be listed in the Guiness Book of World Records for doing so but we will be listed in the Lamb’s Book of Life…. And that’s the best place for our names to be recorded!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise that all those who put their faith in You will inherit eternal life. Lord, as we wait for the return of Jesus Christ, help us to be found hopeful, helpful, and busy. Help us to understand that Jesus’ return is imminent so that we might encourage our fellow believers to keep pressing on until the end. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.  

Happy Running!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Do Everything for His glory

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 CSB

In a story published by the St. Albert Gazette yesterday, the writer reported that “Legendary long-distance runner Jerome Drayton, who won the Boston Marathon in 1977 and held the Canadian men's marathon record for 43 years, has died. He was 80. Drayton died unexpectedly on Monday in Toronto, according to Cardinal Funeral Homes. Runners World magazine said he died during knee surgery. Drayton was inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame in 1978.” The writer went on to list Jerome’s accomplishments saying, “ He turned heads in 1969 by winning the Motor City Marathon in a North American record time. Later that year, he won the Fukuoka Marathon in Japan with another North American record. Over his career, Drayton held 12 national titles and set 13 records over various distances, according to the hall of fame. In 1970, he recorded a world record on the track in the men’s 10-mile with a time of 46:37:6. Drayton set the Canadian marathon record of 2:10:09 in Fukuoka in December 1975 and finished sixth in the Olympic marathon the following year in Montreal. Drayton's Canadian marathon mark lasted until 2018 when Cam Levins bettered it in the Toronto Waterfront Marathon. In 1977, Drayton was the first Canadian in 29 years to win the Boston Marathon. He won a silver medal at the Commonwealth Games the next year." And if that wasn't enough, "After retiring, Drayton remained involved in the athletic world as a consultant with the Sports and Fitness Division of Ontario's Ministry of Youth, Culture and Recreation.” Wow! Talk about achieving a lot in one lifetime.

But you know, as amazing as these feats were in the eyes of man, they would have been done in vain if they weren't done for God. You see, records will always be broken, today's accomplishments will always become tomorrow's bygones, and winners' names will always be forgotten. But what we do for God will live on for eternity through the people that have accepted Jesus by our witness and/or our actions. Which is the very reason Paul told the church at Corinth, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God." He was telling them (and us) that motives matter, which means God's love must permeate us so deeply that EVERYTHING we do is done to bring God glory and to lead others to Him. This includes breaking records and fully using our talents. This is our very life's purpose. 

So choose to live on fire for Christ today and every day my friend. Attempt big things! Strive to do what seems impossible! Use whatever gifts God has given you for the right reasons. And “whatever” you do, do it all for His glory and not your own.

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that our greatest achievements will have no eternal value if they are not done for You. Fill us with a passion to glorify You in all that we say and do Lord so that the world will come to know You by our words and/or actions. Strip us of any desire to ever claim the glory that belongs to You, Lord, as we seek to fully use our talents, gifts, and resources to achieve great things and point the glory back to You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about what's in the forecast for today... snow, snow and more snow. Which is the very reason that I am offering a FREE SNOW SHOVELING CLASS: Today, I will be holding a FREE snow shoveling class in my driveway. Come and join the class and learn about the proper ways to shovel. Reviewed techniques will include the scoop and throw method, the down and push method (AKA the plow technique), as well as the upside down scraping technique. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to enhance your snow lifting techniques without throwing your back out! I will provide the driveway to ensure your training is conducted in the most life-like situation, I only ask that you bring your own shovel (ergonomical designs suggested). PM me for additional details and times. Seating is limited and handled on a first come first served basis... Subject to date change depending on total accumulation.

Now did that have you laughing? Maybe at least little chuckling? OK, maybe not. There’s a good chance though that you’ve already laughed today, probably a few times. The average person, in fact, laughs 17 times a day while a child laughs 300 times a day, according to U.S. Preventive Medicine.

But get this... laughing is much more than just an emotional response to something funny. It’s physical. Laughing exercises several muscles in the body, including your abdomen, back, shoulders, and 15 facial muscles. And it may actually enhance your workout, according to Men's Fitness (who gives us 5 ways laughter can help us be better runners).

In a recent study at Oxford University, scientists tested the correlation between laughter and decreased pain threshold on a group of volunteer subjects. Researchers demonstrated that pain thresholds of volunteers would increase after watching comedic videos, but not after viewing boring documentaries.

Makes sense, right? Laughter plays a vital part in raising the body’s level and release of endorphins, and the resulting euphoric and natural feeling often known as “runner’s high.” When your endorphins are kicking, your mind and body are less susceptible to pain, like the strenuous pain you go through during exercise, according to the Oxford study.

While you can raise your pain threshold through different means, laughter is a good old- fashioned way to get in the right physical and mental state needed to push through the day— and especially a rigorous workout. “There’s a lot of evidence that frequent, mild bursts of activity are good for our fitness, in addition to major, intensive workouts,” says Dr. Deirdre Barrett, professor of evolutionary psychology at Harvard and author Supernormal Stimuli. “And laughter is one of the most pleasurable ways to accomplish that.” 

One that note, check out these five ways laughter can give your workout the energy it’s missing and motivate you to get out the door for those winter runs. 

It works your core to release tension – It’s called a belly laugh for a reason. With core strength and agility being so vital to physical fitness, its good to know that laughing exercises the diaphragm while also contracting your abdominal muscles and even your shoulders. The result is not only a mini workout crunch, but also a release of tension throughout the body to keep your muscles loose and limber for the long haul.

It improves your mood to keep going – The benefits of having a workout buddy aren’t limited to motivation or safety, like lifting spotters. Sharing a laugh with friends exponentially raises your pain threshold, as the group dynamic posted strong results in the Oxford study. “Laughter is obviously good for your mood and social bonding,” says Barrett. “Camaraderie at the gym or among running buddies helps get people get out and exercising, and also motivates them to keep going as they fatigue.”

It teaches you to breathe properly – Anyone who invests heavy time in running or weight lifting knows the essential importance of a proper breathing technique. While you may feel somewhat out of breath during a serious laughter outburst, the process of emptying your lungs has a positive effect on the respiratory system, according to Barrett. “It makes it easier to push through uncomfortable parts of your routine. An excellent stimulation of your lungs–much like power-breathing yoga–gives you little aerobic bursts when done between workouts.”

It increases your cardio capacity – “Laughter is a great workout for the respiratory system, and somewhat for the cardiovascular system as well,” says Barrett. It’s been shown in studies that laughter does in fact lower your blood pressure and ease the natural flow of blood through your body, improving cardiovascular strength. In fact, laughing 100 times a day has been known to equal 15 minutes of cardio exercise. Of course, low blood pressure also equates to low stress and having a tense-free session at the gym.

It fights off germs to keep you healthy – With winter rolling in, many of us will have to combat cold and flu season while keeping up with our gym routines. Good thing that laughter also assists another bodily system that you’d probably never assume. “Several earlier studies have found that laughter boosts the immune system, raising levels of antibodies and natural killer cells,” says Barrett. Whether you’re baring the outside cold or combating gym germs, having a strong immune system is key for winter workouts.

Now that we've established the many reasons why  you should laugh regularly, let’s go through a few running jokes that are bound to have you in stitches:

#1. What do sprinters eat before a race?
Nothing, they fast.

#2. Did you hear about the gardener who got lost during a race?
Apparently, she took the wrong route.

#3. Why did the DJ get disqualified from the 400m sprint?
He kept changing tracks.

#4. Did you hear about the happy-go-lucky fish who ran a marathon?

He just did it for the halibut.

#5. How did the lawyer with a torn ACL still manage to win the marathon?
Because he had power of a torn knee.

#6. Where did the Helsinki Marathon end?

At the Finnish line.

#7. What do you get when you run in front of a car?

#8. What do you get when you run behind a car?

#9. Why was the marathon runner seized by police and put in jail?

For resisting a rest.

#10. Why are nuns such great runners?
Because they’re used to being chaste.

#11. How do crazy runners get through a forest?
They take the psycho path.

#12. Why did the lactose-intolerant runner keep drinking milk?
He loved having the runs.

#13. Why did no one think Cinderella was a serious athlete?
Because everybody knew her coach was a pumpkin.

#14. Why did the gym members laugh while running on the treadmill?
Don’t worry, you won’t get it. It was a running inside joke.

And there you have it friends. Laughter is good for us for so many reasons. So be sure to giggle and snicker often, especially when things aren't going the way you planned or wanted. This will allow you to keep the joy in all circumstances and appreciate all that you have. And that's no joke!
 Happy Running!

Monday, February 10, 2025

We are to Demonstrate the Character of Jesus

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:36 NIV

In A heartwarming story published by Runner’s World Friday, it was reported that late last month, a Louisville Metro Police Department officer assisted a woman on her morning run when she witnessed a man attempting to jump off the Clark Memorial Bridge near downtown Louisville. The officer on the scene, Detective Kyle Willis, called the runner, Kristen Keeling, the “angel on the bridge.” “That lady that was there, she’s the hero in this,” Willis said in a Facebook post from the police department. “I truly believe that.” The officer called for backup and tried to talk the man down, but a passing woman—Keeling—quickly intervened. She approached the man, spoke with him, and eventually convinced him not to jump. The officer praised the woman’s quick thinking and heroic actions, stating that her intervention likely saved the man’s life... “She didn’t have to do anything. She could have jogged right past and went about her day. Her character and morals are demonstrated with her willingness to get involved... and save a life,” the post from LMPD said.

And, you know, when it comes to our willingness to get involved, Christians should be known as people who don’t go “right past” someone in need, but people who stop to help those in need in the same way Jesus did, thereby demonstrating the character of Christ. You see, when Jesus “saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” In light of that great love, Jesus made it his mission to help all those along his path and, in doing so, saved and changed countless lives. 

So, make it your mission to demonstrate the character of Christ each and every day my friend. Don’t go “right past” anyone that is truly in need but stop and help them. You might just save their life.  

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the example to follow of what it means to not only feel compassion for others but to act on that compassion. Lord, help us to display your character to the world by our love in action, thereby inspiring the lost to seek You. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Never Let Up Until the Work is Done

“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.’” 2 Chronicles 15:7 NIV

In a story published over the weekend titled “Yared Nuguse Breaks the Indoor Mile World Record,” it was reported that Yared Nuguse is now the proud owner of a world record, the first of his career. He ran 3:46.63 in the Wanamaker Mile at the Millrose Games in New York to break the indoor mark of 3:47.01 set by Yomif Kejelcha of Ethiopia five years ago... After winning the bronze medal in the 1500 meters at the Olympics in 2024, Nuguse said he has more confidence. He went straight to the front, tucked in behind the pacesetter for the first half, and ran quarter-mile splits of 57.38, 55.91, 56.95, and 56.41 to set the mark. “I’m not afraid of the front anymore,” he said. “I’m willing to go hurt by myself if I need to…” Nuguse was clearly hurting through the final laps of the race, with the discomfort showing on his usually calm face. “I knew if I let up anywhere, they were going to pass me,” he said of his competitors. “And so I kind of was just like, ‘Don’t let up, not for a second after the pacer falls off.’”

And, you know, when it comes to not ‘letting up’ until the race is complete, you and I would all do well to follow the example of King Asa, the third king of the southern kingdom of Judah who ruled for forty-one years and worked hard to remove the widespread idolatry that was in the land--coming up under many challenges and opposition in his effort to do so as you would expect. After a great victory, the prophet Azariah confronted King Asa and urged him to not "let up" until there was COMPLETE victory saying, "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." Asa responded to Azariah's encouraging words by continuing to purge the nation of idols, including his own mother's idol, demonstrating a commitment to fully devote himself to the Lord which resulted in a period of peace and prosperity for Judah. 

So, whatever it is that God is calling you to do today, be faithful, "be strong," and don't let up until you COMPLETELY finish the job my friend, even if you have to do it by yourself. Exposing, praying against, and removing the deeds of darkness in this world will never be easy but, when God is on your side, you can be confident that your work will be rewarded.

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that, as believers, we have work to do each and every day. Lord, whatever it is that You have called us to do, help us to do it with all our might and with no fear of what man can do to us. Lord, help us to push back against the evil forces in the heavenly realms and to fight for truth and life, so that we will be known as Asa was… for doing what is good and right in your eyes. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Hold Firm to Your Faith

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;” Proverbs 3:5 NKJV

“4 months seems like 4 years but still feels like yesterday. Not a day or hour or minute goes by that we don’t feel the grief and loss. Grief is such a painful thing. Friends have become strangers and strangers have become great friends. If I had to choose between having 18 years with him and then this tragedy, or never having had him I would choose the 18 years and a lifetime of sorrow every time. Because I am such a better person having had him in my life. We miss you Jr Bobby.” Those were the words posted by my dear friend Stephanie Zevallos on February 5, 2025. When her son, Junior, died unexpectedly on October 5, 2024 after completing the Frog Hill Half Marathon, many lives were changed, especially those of his family. But that’s the thing about loss and grief, it won’t allow a person to stay who they are. They will either draw closer to Jesus and become better (more like Him) or will turn away from Him and become bitter. Thankfully, Stephanie chose to trust Jesus (as her whole family did) and now takes great comfort in the knowledge that her precious son is with the Father

And, you know, while you and I will never even begin to ‘understand’ why things such as this happen, we can find solace knowing that God’s ways are much higher than our ways and his thoughts much higher than our thoughts. Which is the very reason, in the good times and in the bad times, we must “trust in the Lord” with our WHOLE hearts. You see, it’s only when we choose to hold firm to our faith that we will “lean not” on our own understanding but confidently cling to our belief that God’s plan is better than ours… no matter how it might appear. It’s this faith, such as Stephanie and her family continue to display, that allows a person to rejoice over what God has given them, rather than lament over what was lost, since they know this separation is only temporary. 

So, if you’re experiencing grief, sorrow, or sadness today, hold firm to your faith and take heart in knowing that your Heavenly Father sees, knows, and cares about what you’re going through my friend. So much so that He has promised to bind up your wounds as He heals your broken heart. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being the God who works all things for the good of those who love You and are called according to your purpose. Help us to remember that Lord as we look forward to the fulfillment of that precious promise when our hearts are overcome with grief and we can’t see any good coming out of our situation. Father, please remind us that death is not the end for the believer but only the beginning of a whole new life with You. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Keep Your Mind on God

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3 ESV

In a story subtitled “After a mental health crisis, a former local athlete discovered the secret to finding peace amid the chaos,” the writer said, “Jesse Cody was a man at a crossroads. ‘There was a lot of insecurity, depression, really just kind of feeling like I was a failure in life,’ Cody remembered. ‘I was afraid to go into therapy. I was embarrassed and ashamed by the things I was going through. I really started thinking the best option for me was to take my own life.’ But after a moment of clarity at his 40th birthday party, Cody chose a different path -- quite literally. ‘I started reading about the story of the Appalachian Trail and, boy, that just struck me in the biggest way. Like a lightning bolt,’ he said. ‘Three months later, I headed down to Georgia with my life in a backpack, and I stepped on Springer Mountain, and I started walking.’ Twenty-two hundred miles later, Cody stepped off that trail in Maine and into a new life's mission.” That new mission was to start the organization Hike the Good Hike to help others find peace amid the chaos. 

And, you know, when it comes to chaos, one thing is certain… it’s a part of life that every person will experience. Fortunately for the believer though, we have the promise that God keeps the person “whose mind is stayed” on Him “in perfect peace.” Which means, the person who trusts God will experience chaos in a way that’s different from the world. The world will despair, fret or be afraid when mayhem strikes, but the person who trusts in the Lord will have a heart and mind that is perfectly still, serene, quiet, and free from all anxiety because they know that God is in COMPLETE control. And because God is in COMPLETE control (no matter how it may appear), the one whose mind is stayed or fixed on God will have a calmness of spirit that cannot be explained but only felt. 

So, if you’re at a crossroads today and in need of the perfect peace that only God can give, remove any sin or barrier that prevents you from keeping your mind focused on Him my friend. And then seek Him with your whole heart and rest in the blissful tranquility that only comes from a right relationship with the Father.

Heavenly Father, thank You for promising to give all those who keep their hearts and minds on You perfect peace. Lord, please help us to be steadfast in mind that we might never reach the point where we are at a crossroads. Help us to trust in You at all times and to keep our eyes, minds, and hearts on You. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Grab a Friend And Find a Challenge

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about challenges... something winter running is full of and something that has a lot of people's motivation waning this time of year. But since winter training produces spring PR's, let's discuss how committing yourself to a group challenge can be just what you need to put some pep back in your step. So a challenge that I really enjoy doing and have done for many years is Taji100. This is a free challenge (believe it or not, although you can purchase the swag) where teams (we are on the TEAM RWB Fort Leonard Wood Team) compete against one another and individuals within the teams push themselves harder than usual to complete 100 miles (and more) in the month of February to propel their team to the top of the ‘leaderboard’. The challenge stresses commitment, honor, and integrity while raising money for military veterans and promoting health and fitness. As you can see by the smiles on the faces of our Saturday run group (photo above) on February 1st, getting in those Taji miles is fun for all because a person can run or walk at their own pace (like our Saturday run group does).

And don't worry if you didn't start the challenge on February 1st. You can jump in today and still get in 100 miles (running, walking, hiking, cycling, swimming, rowing, or a combination of all of these activities) by the end of the month. If running/walking/hiking is your choice that means you could complete 4.2 miles every day until the end of the month and reach your goal. You can break that up into several workouts throughout each day as well or do more miles on one day and less on others. You’re in charge on this challenge!

So if this has you wondering what the allure of the challenge is and how it came about, this is what their website had to say… the first Taji 100 was held at former Camp Taji, in Al Taji, Iraq, in February of 2010. The once-thriving American military base was located in a rural region approximately 20 miles north of Baghdad. During the Saddam years, the camp was an Iraqi Republican Guard base central to the production of chemical weapons. Camp Taji was heavily bombed during Operation Desert Fox, and came under American control in 2003. Captain Carole DiPardo, 211th Military Police Battalion, created the friendly competition for her fellow troops in Camp Taji with a simple goal: Run 100 miles during the month of February. Although DiPardo originally established the challenge to promote cardiovascular health and fitness, the run was also instrumental in helping stationed U.S. service members relieve stress and boredom during what were often long and tedious deployments. With nearly 300 registered runners and walkers its first year, the inaugural Taji 100 was a huge success. And it has continued to grow!!! The idea of having something enjoyable to do in one of the coldest months of the year has been embraced by thousands of patriotic runners around the United States for more than a decade. That's what you get though when you combine free, fitness, friends, and fun. So join us! You'll have some miles to make up but it can be done! This is the last year the challenge will be held so make it the year you complete 100 miles in the month of February. 

If Taji isn't your thing though, there's a challenge out there with your name on it! Here’s one you might enjoy. Check out the OMRR runners in the photo above. Angie, Karen, Stephanie, Jill, and Jozie started the "5k a day" challenge on February 1st and plan to hold one another accountable on running a minimum of 3.1 miles a day every day until the end of the month. Smart right? These girls know that Bass Pro Marathon/half training will be here before they know it (begins in July) and they want to be ready!

If this is a challenge that has you saying, "I can do that one!' follow the example of these ladies who know that doing hard things with friends always seems easier than when you're doing it solo. And to make the challenge more appealing, plan to reward yourself with something special when it's completed. Like maybe a spa day with the girls, a night out with the guys, or dinner and a movie with your favorite person. On a side note, determining what that reward will be ahead of time will make you more apt to complete the challenge since you can envision receiving the reward when you're tempted to skip your workout or drop out before it's done. 

But if neither of these challenges interests you, find one that will send your motivation soaring! Here are some free and fun ideas that come to my mind:

1. Set out to complete a 30 day run streak. That's at least one mile for 30 days.

2. Aspire to complete a 5k, 10k, half marathon, and a full marathon in 30 days. Enlist your family and friends to be your cheering squad and reward yourself at the completion of each distance with the reward getting bigger and better with the longer miles. Perhaps even use the challenge to raise money for a local organization in need. Helping others is always a great motivator!

3. Run naked (without a watch) for 30 days and concentrate on the experience rather than the time. Journal your thoughts on this. 

4. Leave the headphones at home for 30 days and take in the sounds around you. If you can, run in quiet places where you're likely to hear less traffic noise and more sounds of nature. Pause to listen to a bubbling brook or to listen to the sounds of the wind rustling the leaves. 

5. Practice mindful gratitude on your runs for 30 days. Spend each run counting your blessings and looking for new ones. Journal your thoughts on this one too. I guarantee that you’ll come out of this time period amazed at the many things you are now thankful for that you took for granted. 

6. Create a race bucket list (that includes Bass Pro and/or Dogwood Canyon of course) and sign up for a few runs in the future. Getting skin in the game will motivate you to keep training through all weather conditions. 

And there you have it friends. A strong spring is earned in the winter as the saying goes. So find your challenge, make a resolution to see it through, and then let it motivate you to keep getting out there and logging those miles. You'll be so glad you did!

Happy Running!