Wednesday, July 3, 2024

We Must Turn Back to God

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance." Psalm 33:12 KJV

As I began my run early yesterday morning, I was lost in thought and spiritually saddened as I considered all the ways our once great nation, founded under the covenant of "one nation under God," has turned its back on its Creator. "Tomorrow we celebrate Independence Day," I thought to myself. "And we have certainly become independent alright. We are a nation that, for the most part, no longer depends on God for anything but depends on self for everything. We are a land that's gone from 'Thy will be done,' to 'my will be done.' The Ten Commandments have been taken out of our schools, sexual sins are now openly celebrated, abortion has been deemed a right, and public prayer is seen as offensive." As I then began to pray that the Lord would have mercy on our land, I looked over to see a small American flag lying by the wayside amidst the overgrown grass that lined the trail I was on. Picking it up, I waved it a bit to shake off the mud and then solemnly tucked the stick into the fencing around the Roubidoux Spring before resuming my run and prayer, "If this country would just turn back to you God, I know You would listen and restore us. Help me to do my part in sparking a revival!" 

And you know, as David clearly understood when speaking about Israel, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,” blessings come upon those countries who seek and follow God. On the flip side, he also knew the consequences or cursings a nation faced when they chose to forsake God and worshiped foreign gods and worthless idols. And let's just say those nations did not fare well. Which is the very reason, we as individuals and as a nation must humble ourselves, pray, seek God's face, and turn from our wicked ways before it’s too late. This is the only way this country will be forgiven, healed and renewed. 

So on this Independence Day, let us celebrate the One who gave us true freedom, and honor His sacrifice by repenting of our sins and turning back to God. There is no other way for our nation to be restored my friend. We must choose God to be our Lord and forsake all other gods or we will cease to be a nation. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for NOT giving us the due punishment the sins of this nation deserve. Lord, it's apparent that we are under judgement for turning our backs on You. Before it's too late Lord, cause us to repent and restore You to your rightful place as God of this nation so that we would not go the way every country that’s turned against You has gone. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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