Tuesday, July 2, 2024

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Walk your way to the Finish Line

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let’s get started by talking about walking. Why? Because in the world of endurance sports (from the 5k to the ultra marathon), the process of 
moving at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once is totally underrated, underconsidered, underappreciated, and underutilized. With official Bass Pro Fitness Series training groups starting up on July 13 (you can join us virtually or at the Springfield or Waynesville runs), this is the perfect time to talk about how walking can be your ticket to crossing the finish line of one
 of the amazing events Bass Pro has to offer
So if the excuse, "But I'm not a runner" has kept you sidelined from checking a race off your bucket list, now's your time to shine!

To illustrate this point (and what inspired this blog), check out what Ladonna Hadley (pictured above middle with Maggie on the left and Dana on the right), a competitive walker from Tulsa, Oklahoma, had to say about completing her first ultra marathon at the recent 4x4x48 for the Fourth event that took place in Waynesville, MO: 

So I did a thing over the weekend. I walked 50.45 miles and got my first 50 mile buckle!! It all started with a pop-up about a free event and ended with new friends who have become family, lifelong memories, and blessings beyond words. I drove four hours to walk around a high school track for 48 hours. My only goal going into it was to see how far past a 50k I could actually go. The format was a 4x4x48 which means 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours. When I got there they explained this was a fairly flexible event and that if we wanted to tack on an extra two miles we would earn a 50-miler buckle from one of their past ultra-running events. I was ecstatic at the thought of a first 50-mile buckle! So of course I added those extra two miles! 

I had asked my Running Bandits family for encouragement and they did not disappoint! You'll find just a few of their awesome, inspiring words on my lap poster in the pics. I did my best to post updates to our online group after each 4-hour round and tag the person on the list. They were fantastic and I could not have asked for a better support system throughout the 48 hours and always!

I met the most incredible people at this event! In the pic you'll see Dana who walked with me the entire time and earned her first 50 miler and Maggie who walked with us for her 19 miles. These ladies shared their lives with me and we had the best time! Laughter, smiles, sweat, and stories I'll never forget. 
I have so much gratitude for Melissa Sharp who coordinated the event, all of the awesome people I got to meet and share miles with, my Running Bandits family who always have my back, especially Bruce Ngo who wrote a funny and inspirational poem for me, and last but certainly not least all the glory to God who protected us from the storms and provided spectacular skies for the duration of the event. I'm so grateful for the experiences running and walking these events has brought to my life. Best first 50-miler ever! Looking forward to the next adventure!

Do you just love that or what? Did you notice that Ladonna referred to this adventure as her best "first" 50-miler ever?? That means there's more on the horizon!

And there you have it friends. If completing a 5k, 10k, half marathon or even a marathon has been a dream of yours that you couldn't imagine ever coming true, today's the day to start stepping and making that dream a reality! Walking might not get you to the finish line as fast as running will, but it will get you to the finish line nonetheless and that's what counts! I know Ladonna would agree and would remind you that her journey to completing a 50 miler began with walking that first mile, then working up to the second mile, and then the third. Which means you won’t gain the ability overnight to see your dreams come to fruition, but if you’ll stay consistent (like Ladonna did), it will eventually happen. So step out and stay consistent. Hope to see you in November!
Happy Running!

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