Monday, July 22, 2024

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

“‘Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!’” Matthew 14:29-30 NIV

In a story titled “Science Says Sha'Carri Richardson Could Technically Run on Water—Here's Proof” published recently, it was said that the Basilisk lizard, also known as the “Jesus lizard,”may hold the secret to humans being able to transition from running on land to running on water. After discussing the research, the takeaway the ‘experts’ gave was this: Water running could be considered an Olympic sport if we held a future edition of the Olympics on a planet or moon with the proper gravitational force. Physics World says that the lakes on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, are comparable to Earth’s, while the gravitational acceleration is only 13.8 percent of our home planet. The magazine explains that women’s 100-meter world champion Sha’Carri Richardson could theoretically do it. Richardson would have to slap the water’s surface at about 28 feet per second, generating over 60 percent of the necessary vertical force to propel her. Her world championship time was significantly faster, at around 30 feet per second. So, while we may not be running like lizards in any near-future Olympic Games, at least we have someone who can do it somewhere in our solar system.

And, you know, while there never has been and never will be a person who can run on the water, the Bible gives us the story of Peter who “walked on the water,” to meet Jesus (who was walking on the water in the midst of the storm to come to the boat Peter was in). Peter had the faith to get down out of the boat but when Peter took his eyes off Jesus, he “saw the wind” and was then so afraid that he began to sink and cried out “Lord, save me!” Just as you would expect, Jesus reached out his hand, caught Peter and said  You of little faith, why did you doubt?” And of course the answer was because Peter took his eyes off Jesus and “saw” the storm. At that moment, Peter allowed his feelings of uncertainty to override his knowledge of what was certain… that Jesus could calm the wind and the waves with just a word.  

So, let us never forget that Jesus has the power not only over the wind and waters of the sea but the storms and tempests in our lives as well. No matter what we’re facing then, let us never doubt that God is with us, that God will never leave us, that God is in complete control, and that God has the ultimate authority over both man and nature. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we have absolutely nothing to fear in a world that’s being rocked by the wind and waves of uncertainty. Lord, help us to keep our eyes on You at all times that we might not sink into despair, doubt or depression but would always remain joyful knowing that You are on the throne and in complete control. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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