Monday, July 8, 2024

Don’t Wait for the Perfect Opportunity

“Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity.” Colossians 4:5 NLT

In a story titled “Runners surprise proposal at marathon finish line” published yesterday, it was reported that A marathon runner who saw her partner down on one knee as she crossed the finish line said the moment was "the most thoughtful proposal I could have ever imagined". Sarah John, 26, from Pembrokeshire, said it felt "incredible" when Thomas Grenfell popped the question at the end of the Tenby Marathon. Mr Grenfell, also 26, from Cwmdu, Powys, said: "It all worked out absolutely perfectly."… "I did not have a clue that he was going to propose," she added. "I knew I wanted to do something related to fitness because it's a big part of our life together," Mr Grenfell said. "When she told me she wanted to do the Tenby Marathon I thought this is the perfect opportunity."

And you know, while there may never be a ‘perfect’ opportunity or a ‘perfect’ set of circumstances to share the gospel with someone, there are opportunities all around us that we need to make the most of each and every day — not waiting for the ‘perfect’ time since time is short and we may only get one chance to plant a seed that can literally change the course of someone’s life both now and for eternity. Think about it this way. Whether by accident, nature, or the return of Jesus Christ, every person could find themselves face-to-face with God at any moment. And if a person has not heard and received the gospel, they will remain lost and will die apart from Christ. This stark truth should motivate every believer to “live wisely among those who are not believers” then, preaching the Good News with their lives and with their lips. 

So, don’t wait for the ‘perfect’ opportunity to arise before sharing the gospel my friend, or it may be too late. Like ‘perfect’ weather on race day, ‘perfect’ circumstances rarely align so be sure to make the most of “every” opportunity. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we may not get a second chance to deliver the only Good News that has the power to snatch a person from the flames of hell. Lord, please help us to be bold, loving and obedient in doing our part to make heaven full. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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