Sunday, June 30, 2024

Replace Fear with Trust

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.” Psalm 56:3 BSB

In story titled “41-Year-Old Lolo Jones Makes the Next Round of the 100-Meter Hurdles” published Saturday, it was reported that, after tearing her hamstring four weeks ago, Lolo Jones tried to go over a hurdle in practice on Thursday and it hurt so much that she couldn’t clear a single one. With the first round of the 100-meter hurdles at the U.S. Olympic Trials on Friday, Lolo thought she might have to pull out but decided to start the race, and qualified for the semifinals with a time that wasn’t her best, but qualified her nonetheless. Despite the pain—and the threat that she could re-injure herself though, Lolo said “That was terrifying, what I just did. That’s the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done in my career. For me to get on that start line and get through all 10 hurdles was a huge victory.”

And you know, if we’re honest, you and I would all admit to experiencing times of uncertainty—times when the future isn’t clear and we’re filled with worry and anxiety. David undoubtedly did. Which is the very reason, he declared “When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.” To do anything less, he knew, would allow fear to control his actions and keep him from stepping out in faith to achieve all God was calling him to do. That’s what fear does. It renders a person incapable of getting on the start line. 

So if you’re fearful today, take heart in knowing that you’re not alone my friend. This world is filled with uncertainties and unknowns that can bring upon despair, dismay, and doubt. Which is the very reason you and I must place those ‘unknowns and uncertainties’ into the hands of a God who’s known for working all things for the good of those who love Him and has been proven capable of overcoming all the hurdles in our path. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God who can be fully trusted. When we are fearful, help us to take a leap of faith knowing that our future is in your hands. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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