Sunday, June 23, 2024

Be a Person Who Seeks After God’s Heart

“After removing Saul, He raised up David as their king and testified about him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse a man after My own heart; he will carry out My will in its entirety.’” Acts 13:22 ESV

In a sad story titled “Search crews find body of well-known Crim runner in Illinois River” published last week, it was reported that the expansive search for a Clio man who drowned Tuesday in the Illinois River ended with the discovery of his body Thursday. Authorities confirmed they found the body of 73-year-old Riley McLincha downstream from the LaGrange Lock and Dam structure on the Illinois River, where he went underwater and never resurfaced Tuesday… McLincha is well-known in the Flint area for "drubbling" through all 46 Crim Festival of Races in Flint dating back to the inception in 1977. Drubbling is a sport he invented that involves juggling and dribbling three basketballs.

And you know, when it comes to death, two things are certain. We will all die someday and we will all be “well-known” and remembered for something. Knowing that, each of us would all do well to follow the example of David—who lived his life in such a way that the Creator, Himself, described David as a man after His own heart, who would carry out His will in its entirety. Now this might have you wondering how a man who was also known for committing heinous sins like murder and adultery could be given such an honorable title. But you can be sure it’s because David was not only humble, but had absolute faith and trust in God, loved God’s laws and studied them, was thankful for all God had done in his life, and was deeply repentant when he strayed. How’s that for leaving a legacy? 

So let us follow the example of David my friend and obediently follow every command the Lord gives us. It certainly won’t mean that we will be perfect, but it will mean that we will seek, above all else, to be known as a person after God’s own heart both in this life and in the one to come. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for using David as a reminder that we will fail at times but that doesn’t mean we can’t get back up and find restoration with You. Cause us to seek You with our whole hearts Lord that we might be known as people after Your own heart. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!

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