Sunday, June 16, 2024

Avoid the Slippery Slope of Sin

“I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word.” Psalm 119:101 NIV

In a sad story published by CNN Sports over the weekend, it was reported that A runner has died while participating in the Ultra Trail of Haut-Giffre (UTHG) competition on Saturday, organizers said in a statement, amid rough weather conditions in the area.“It is with great sadness that we announce that UTHG has just learned of a tragic event with the accidental death of a racer,” organizers said. “All our thoughts are with the victim’s family and relatives,” the statement added. The runner was not identified in the statement and organizers said first responders provided aid while awaiting transport… The incident involved four runners who fell off a trail due to a slippery track, the local prosecutor told CNN affiliate BFMTV on Saturday. The four runners fell “in a mountainous area made slippery by the weather,” Bonneville public prosecutor Karline Bouisset told BFMTV.

And you know, as tragic as this story is, it serves as a reminder of the dangers of walking on slippery tracks. You see, venturing onto the slippery slope of sin will never end well for anyone because the series of actions that a wrongful glance or a wicked thought puts into place will lead to a person’s spiritual downfall, and even their spiritual death if the sin is not immediately repented of. Which is the very reason King David, who knew how quickly things could spiral out of control after he committed adultery with Bathsheba, vowed to keep his feet from every evil path so that he would obey God’s Word and commandments, thus avoiding stepping onto the slippery slope of sin and reaping the consequences from it. 

So be careful where you allow your feet to travel my friend. The road ahead might appear to be safe, but if you let your guard down (even for a moment) and take your eyes off Christ, you can set into motion a series of events that will lead to your spiritual demise. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for your Word that not only tells us how to live but gives us living examples of what happens when a person goes down the slippery slope of sin, and shows us how quickly it can happen. Lord, help us to seek You through prayer, mediation and Bible study each and every day, and to stay in fellowship with fellow believers, so that we can stay off every evil path. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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