Monday, June 17, 2024

Your Foolishness is Not God’s Fault

“People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the LORD.” Proverbs 19:3 NLT

In a story published yesterday titled “Instant karma for ‘British’ parkour runner as he damages ancient building and then crashes to the ground,” the Daily Mail posted a video of “ the moment a parkour runner faced instant karma after he damaged a UNESCO World Heritage Site building in Italy during a rooftop jump gone terribly wrong. The unidentified free runner destroyed part of a wall in the ancient city of Matera after he landed on masonry attached to the building, before crashing to the ground and grabbing his ankle in agony. In the video, which emerged on social media on June 12, everyone appears to be speaking in English accents, with the injured man crying out: “Oh no!” as onlookers asked if he was okay. Yikes right? 

And you know, while there’s no such thing as karma, there are consequences to our ill-thought out actions—consequences of which we are solely responsible for. Amazingly enough though, many people “ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the LORD.” Allen Ross explains the phenomena this way, “Fools will try to blame God when they ruin their lives…The fool is not willing to accept failure as his own. And Charles Bridges explained the occurrence this way, “ Such is the pride and blasphemy of a proud spirit. The criminal blames the judge for his righteous sentence.”

So be sure to take responsibility when you face the repercussions of acting foolish my friend. Choose to own your mistakes and to learn from them. Repent of any wrongdoing then, so that you will avoid the trap of blaming God and being angry at Him for something He had no part in. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for clearly telling us that only a fool blames You for the consequences of his or her foolish actions. To avoid that folly that leads to ruin, help us to keep our eyes on You and to follow only where You lead Lord. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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