Wednesday, March 22, 2023

All Parts are Important

“In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary.“ 1 Corinthians 12:22 NLT

In an article titled “The Big Role Your Big Toe Plays in Running” published last year, Patrick McEneaney, a board-certified podiatrist and owner of Northern Illinois Foot & Ankle Specialists explained all the ways this ‘small’ body part is ‘huge’ in terms of importance in running and what issues can arise elsewhere in the body when it’s not functioning as it should. That can lead to issues because “anytime you don’t get full motion at a joint, there’s always another joint that picks up [the slack], otherwise you don’t move appropriately,” says McEneaney. In the case of the big toe, he explains, other metatarsal joints might have to absorb extra pressure; or you might supinate your foot, putting more pressure to the outside; or you might twist the midtarsal joint in pronation and use your foot and ankle to push yourself forward. “Issues in the big toe can lead to many ‘itis’ problems—plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, posterior tibialis tendonitis,” Smith adds. “It can also cause problems up the entire kinetic chain and cause pain to develop in the buttock, hips, or low back.” Translation: Keeping this small body part healthy will pay off big time on the run.

And you know, when it comes to keeping all of the body parts healthy in the church, both the big and the small, you and I would do well to remember that each of us has unique spiritual gifts (or parts in the body) that must operate together to make the church function as it’s designed to; with every part being equally important. In fact, as the Bible clearly states, “some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary.” Which means each and every one of us has an individual responsibility to ensure that we are doing our utmost to grow our gifts and to use them so that we don’t become a problem in the “kinetic chain” that causes someone else to develop ‘overworkitis’ due to our lack of keeping our body part healthy and working well. 

So whatever job or part God has given you in the church, do it with the joy and enthusiasm that only comes from spending time with the Lord in prayer, Bible study, and mediation my friend. You see, it’s only when we all do our part to become more like Christ each and every day that the church will function as it should.

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that the church can only function as a healthy body when all of it’s parts or members are doing their part to be in top spiritual shape. Help us to understand that we hinder the whole body when we fail to operate at our best, no matter how ‘small’ we think our job or body part is. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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