Thursday, October 3, 2024

As a Group We can do More

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.” Hebrews 10:24 NLT

In a story titled “For one runner with chronic illness, upcoming marathon is a chance to show what's possible,” it was reported that runners from all over the country are eagerly awaiting the iconic Twin Cities Marathon this Sunday, especially after the event was cancelled last year from unprecedented heat. Running 26.2 miles is an incredible feat for anyone, but for some struggling with chronic health conditions, it can seem impossible. When Molly Monk was diagnosed with the chronic condition known as POTS in 2019, she struggled to find her footing and identity while hit with bouts of exhaustion that sometimes kept her from doing even basic activities like standing to brush her teeth. She got to wondering, could someone with a condition like hers do something like run a marathon? To find out, she helped start a group for people who thought there was no way they could run a marathon, either. Together, they plan to cross the finish line at the Twin Cities Marathon on Sunday. 

And, you know, this story just goes to show how motivating it can be to form groups and enlist the help of others to come alongside you when you want to do the seemingly impossible. Paul clearly understood this concept when he said, “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.” J. Robinson explains it this way, “Love needs stimulation and society. Faith and hope can be practiced by a solitary, in a hermit’s cell or on a desert island. But the exercise of love is possible only in a community.” And when believers love one another as they ought, they will work together to find ways to do “good works” that glorify the Father. 

So don’t try to do this life solo my friend. It doesn’t work well in running and it doesn’t work well in the family of Christ. As one we can do very little, but as a group we can set the world on fire! The apostles were proof of that. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding us that we were not meant to do this Christian life alone. Help us to join together in small groups within the large body of Christ to do good works that glorify You and lead others to the foot of the Cross. It’s in your precious and we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!

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