Monday, October 7, 2024

Be Prepared for Race Day

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.’” John 16:33 ESV 

In a story titled “BYU grad wins St. George Marathon men's race; repeat-runner breaks own course record in women's race,” published by St. George News out of Utah over the weekend, it was reported that conditions could not have been better Saturday morning for the 48th running of the St. George Marathon. Officials planned for over 8,000 participants in the Mayor’s Walk, the Half-Marathon and the full St. George Marathon, known to runners as one of the faster 26.2-mile courses in the country. In the end, the elite men’s division was won by a former Brigham Young University track star, and the elite women’s title was claimed by a repeat champion who broke her own course record in an emphatic victory.

And, you know, it’s no surprise that a course record was broken Saturday and that victory was obtained, because it’s easy to run well when the “conditions could not have been better.” But longtime runners and mature Christians know that this is rarely the case. Conditions are almost never perfect on race day. They know they must train for hard conditions to be ready for hard conditions—so they won’t be caught unaware or unprepared and be tempted to drop out of the race. Which is the very reason Jesus said to the disciples, “in this world you WILL have tribulation.” It wasn’t a matter of IF they would encounter “these things” but WHEN. Jesus was reminding them that the race of life would not be easy—but since He has already “overcome the world,” victory was a sure thing if they would continue to press on. 

So as we as Christians begin to face more and more trouble, trials, and tribulation in the coming days before the return of the Savior, let us take heart my friend. Jesus gave us everything we need to be prepared for the battle, so that in Him we “may have peace” and press on to victory. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for telling us everything we should expect to encounter in the days ahead. Just as a runner checks the race conditions and the forecast so they can train for the conditions they will encounter in a race, help us to be as diligent in checking the Word and training ourselves to use it so we can run with endurance until we reach the finish line. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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