Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Help Others Make to the Finish Line

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV

On October 1, Runner’s World reported that a world record had been broken at the Berlin Marathon over the weekend when 54,280 people finished the race Sunday, surpassing the 54,175 finishers from the Paris Marathon back in April and the 2019 New York City Marathon record of 53,627. That wasn’t the only record they said was broken either. In addition to the record number of finishers, 13 other world records were attempted in Berlin, with 12 of those records set or broken during the race. Three of them set during the inline skating marathon, which was the largest in the world. The nine records set or broken during the main race include the fastest marathon in a martial arts suit (male), fastest marathon in school uniform (female), fastest marathon dressed as a mobile phone (male), fastest marathon in a onesie (male), fastest marathon dressed as a spartan warrior (male), fastest marathon by a married couple in traditional Thai dress, fastest marathon wearing a dirndl (female), fastest marathon in a Tanzmariechen dress (female), and fastest marathon dressed in an inflatable costume (female).

And, you know, while completing 26.2 miles is never an easy task, you can be sure that it would have been an impossible one had it not been for the help the runners received along the way—from the aid station workers who provided them with food and drink, to their fellow runners who supported them along the way, and to the fans who cheered for them on the sidelines. Which is the very reason, spiritually speaking, you and I would do well to “encourage one another and build one another up” in our communal race to the finish line. This mutual comfort and edification we provide to our brothers and sisters along life’s race course will ensure that a record number of believers will stay faithful until the end—not becoming wayward, weary or worn out along the way to the point of dropping out.  

So continue to build up those in the body of Christ “just as you are doing” my friend. The day of the Lord is coming soon and we all need to be found ready and running the race! 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we are to look to the needs of others above our own. Help us to not be so focused on our own race that we neglect helping those running alongside us. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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