Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Best Coach

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever," John 14:16 ESV

How a Virtual Coach Delivers Real-Life Success
In a recent article published by Runner's World Magazine, Meghan Kita wrote that she had run 13 marathons and tried all kinds of plans but still couldn't seem to break through her plateau to qualify for the Boston Marathon, a goal she said she had been chasing for four years. Desperate to see her dream become reality, Kita said she finally hired running coach Alisha Shay. Via emails, texts, and occasional phone calls, Shay helped me train harder and smarter than I ever had. I loved not having to plan my training: I could turn off my brain and just do the work. Whenever I doubted myself, Shay was there to encourage me. Whenever I had a life obligation come up, Shay was there to rearrange my runs. She helped me maintain high (for me) mileage without getting injured or sacrificing quality workouts. In fact, by listening to her coach's advice. Meghan qualified for Boston with seven seconds to spare and said, "The right coach will improve your training experience, enable you to become fitter than you've ever been, and teach you important lessons about the marathon."

And you know, when it comes to hiring someone to help us improve our lives and teach us important lessons, there is no greater Helper (something a coach is most certainly defined as) than the Holy Spirit. And this Heavenly Coach's help is not only free but specific to each individual. Think about it... our Heavenly Coach knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows what we are made of and so knows what we are capable of. Our Helper also has complete knowledge of what we need when we need it. Is that awesome or what? And the best part is this... we have 24/7 access to our Heavenly Coach by simply calling out to Him in prayer. How cool is that?

So if you're considering hiring a running coach today, by all means do it. Studies show that a good running coach can help you reach your running goals. But for answers, encouragement, guidance, comfort and direction, seek your Heavenly Coach. You can be sure that He will keep you on the right path and lead you straight to the finish line. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that the Holy Spirit lives within every believer. Help us to seek the guidance of the Helper before making any decisions, to listen when He speaks, and to rely on Him to meet our every need. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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