Tuesday, July 28, 2020

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Running friends are the best

Hello runner friends! 
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about something, or should I say someBODIES, that can motivate us to do crazy things! And those somebodies are FRIENDS! Those amazing people in our lives who inspire us to be the best we can be, encourage us to keep running the race, and cheer for us when we cross the finish line. 

So here’s the deal. If you’ve been running for any length of time, you’ve probably found that running is way more fun with a friend or group of friends. And you’ve more than likely also discovered that you’re way more apt to go for a run when you’re not alone. Am I right? Not only are our running friends great accountability partners then, but great motivators as well! 

Image may contain: 6 people, including Crystal Irwin Landers and Ed Green, people standing, sky, shorts, outdoor and nature, text that says 'SBI'
(From left to right- Crystal Landers, Jeff Wehling, Kirsten Mock, Jody Rhoades, Ed Green, Rachel Baker, Stephanie Lane)

To prove that point, check out the event Kristin Mock organized last Saturday as a way for some crazy ultrarunners to get in some training for their upcoming 100-mile races and fulfill their desire to see their friends, Stephanie Lane and Crystal Landers, complete their first 100k runs!!! 

I know, I know... as you're reading this, you're probably thinking, "This is insane!!! Why would anyone do this?" But I love this story and I think you will too! So as Ed Green posted before they all set out... let the insanity begin. If you're with friends that is. 😅

And this is how it all went down according to Rachel Baker...

Kristen Mock put this together. She was going to do this by herself, but decided to invite some people and see if anyone would join. We are all training for 100 milers so we all jumped on board. And Stephanie, I'm so amazed by her! She had attempted doing the 100k twice before this for a virtual she signed up for. She went in with, "We will see how this goes." She was okay with just doing 10. But she managed the heat and just kept trucking. Got her 100k in just in time for the August 1st virtual race deadline. It was a 100k loop around Springfield. About 1/2 road, 1/2 greenways. We ran on 8 of the different greenways around town. The boys made sure we were okay when it got nighttime and when we were not in the best of neighborhoods for about a 3 mile stretch. I went into the run just wanting to get a decent amount of mileage in. My house was just off the route at mile 43 and I thought if I was miserable I could bail there. However, after spending the day with friends, I realized I had a lot more left in me. The heat did not get to me and I honestly still felt really good. It’s amazing when you are surrounded by strong, positive people how much you are capable of. I loved the route and traversing all the greenways I am thankful Kristen organized this and planned such a great 100k.

As for the rest of the story??

Crystal (on right) had this to say...

Yesterday I attempted something I'd never done. I ran longer than I ever have before. Previously have done 50 miles (on rails to trails) and my longest on pavement was only 15 miles. Kept a pretty good pace for the first 50, and after that it was a matter of just forcing myself to move. I can't thank my friends enough for helping me do hard things. Kudos for Kristen for the amazing route, plenty of aid stations at Kum & Go. Jeff for keeping me moving. And Ed, Steph, Rachel & Jody, my hats off to you for staying out there and suffering longer than all of us. Congrats to a day of PR #trailsareforme

And Jeff (beside Crystal), when asked what made him join this impromptu, no-frills, no finish line, no cheering squad, no t-shirt, no medal run...

Hmmm. I have nothing on my race schedule until October (Des Moines Marathon) and it will more than likely be cancelled. And while I’ve run more marathons than anything, ultras are very intriguing. Having come off Dark and Dirty 50k two weeks before, I felt like my fitness would allow for a 100k run with friends. I believe everyone that participated in Saturday’s tour of the Greenways 100k has an Ultra coming up soon, so what better way to spend a Saturday than supporting friends and annoying just about every Kum and Go staff in the city.

Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

Kristin Mock (on the right, pictured with Melissa Bland who was part of the support crew) said...

I love our Ozark Greenways and finding ways to connect the trails. When I was able to connect so many trails with a perfect start/finish at my house and land the mileage so close to a 100k, I knew I had to do it. I worked it into my training plan, then thought I might be able to get a friend or two to join me. I couldn't believe how many crazy runners came out and every one of them finished! I felt great all day and other than a little stiffness, I feel great today. There is something about knowing your friends are out there pushing through the heat too that makes it easy to keep going. This was exactly the training run I needed to give me confidence in my training, nutrition and mental ability to take on my next challenge at the Temptation 200k. I am super grateful to everyone who came out and incredibly proud of everyone for seeing it through. Great job all!!!

Jody (on the left) had this to say...

Greenway 100k! It was a long, hot day but well worth it! Once we got it together and settled into intervals, it took the guess work out of running in the heat and everything smoothed out. We utilized every gas station on the route. My favorite thing, well one of my favorites, was reading a course map and trying to make our way around Springfield by connecting trails for 62.2 miles. Nice work on that route, Kristin! 7 runners started and 7 runners finished the 100k!!! That's a big deal cuz a 100k is a long way and the heat was brutal. Highlights of the day, seeing Melissa Bland and Tracy swinging around on their bikes to make sure we were good, Mike and Roy the best crew guys and protectors! The sweetest moment of all was Stephanie Lane getting her first 100k when she only showed up to run 10 miles. So proud of everyone for pushing through and finishing the day strong!! 

Stephanie Lane (on the left) said...

I had tried twice this summer to get my 1st 100k, and every time I had friends there to help (Rachel was there for each attempt), but some bad luck each time prevented me from succeeding. To be honest, when i woke up Saturday morning the thought of a long hot day just depressed me and I didn't even feel like running. I couldn't even think about committing to 100k distance. But once I knocked some miles down with my friends I started feeling better and soon i was actually having fun despite the soaring temperatures. We were all in it together and taking care of each other, and I knew they genuinely believed in me that I could finish. Jody fixed an ice bandana for me and Ed kept dousing me down with water from his handheld, and Rachel does what she does best, just keeps hammering quietly and consistently. I knew it if I just kept following her I would make it and I did! Still can't believe it. Between the three of them and my wonderful wing man who patiently crewed all day without a complaint, I was able to run a 50 mile PR by 35 minutes and my 1st 100k in just over 18 hours. I never could have done it without them. It's really true that running friends are more than friends, they're the soldiers down in the trenches fighting for every step with you and your successes are theirs and vice versa. They're truly family and the best reason in the world to get into this sport!

I never could have done it without them? It’s really true that running friends are more than friends? Are you seeing a trend in everyone's story? They motivated one another! And by doing so kept themselves motivated to keep pressing on to do more than they thought they could! That's the power of friendship. And that's why runners need running friends!!! They are the key to success!

And so on a final note, I hope this has inspired you to become a part of a group of friends such as this if you're not already. You will not only become a better runner but a better person because of the miles spent with people who seek to help you be your best. And this is easier to do than you might expect since runners are the most welcoming group of people you will ever meet! Truly! So find a group in your area and start making some new friends. 😊

Happy Running!!!

Bass Pro Shops Fitness Series

*If you're in the Springfield area, check out OMRR at https://www.ozarkmountainridgerunners.org/ 
*If you're in the Lake of the Ozarks/Fort Leonard area, check out FFG (Frog Fitness Group) at https://www.facebook.com/groups/FROGFITNESSGROUP/?ref=bookmarks and TEAM RWB at https://www.facebook.com/groups/196253530570406/
 They're all great groups of crazy runners that come in all shapes, sizes, paces and abilities who share a love for one another and inspire me (and hopefully you too) to do crazy things!!!

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