Thursday, July 2, 2020

Tell somebody

“Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” Mark 16:16 ESV

Witness | New Identity Magazine
There was perhaps no better way for me to start the holiday weekend than with a run in the Waynesville park yesterday. Having taken the day off from work, I was free to really enjoy the morning. And not only did I use that time to get in a longer run than usual, but made the most of it by talking to random strangers along the way that I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak to. "Are you new to the area?" I would ask and then follow up with information about the many fitness activities and groups our county offers that they were more than welcome to attend and join. Why? Because I knew doing so would give me an opportunity to get to know them better and to share the Gospel with them later. This is the very reason I make it a priority to make the 20 minute drive to get there every time the Spirit prompts me. 

And if you think it’s crazy that I would view this as a priority, consider this... if you and I aren’t using every opportunity and platform we have to share the Good News with the lost, they could very well die without having made the decision to follow Jesus; something that has eternal negative consequences. You see, regardless of what you and I want to believe, the Bible is very clear that only those who believe will be saved. Those who do not believe will be condemned. As Christians then, our mission is to witness to the unsaved so that not one person who crosses our path would die in their sin and spend eternity in hell. It’s that serious and that important!

So on this weekend when we gather to celebrate our independence, look around and listen for the nudging of the Holy Spirit my friend. If He prompts you to tell someone about the everlasting freedom found only in Jesus Christ, don't hesitate to do it. After all if you don’t tell them who will? 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the freedom from the debt of sin we received when Jesus willingly gave up His life on the cross for each and every one of us. Cause us to understand how long eternity is and how awful a place hell is Lord that we would have a renewed sense of urgency to share the Good News without hesitation when prompted to do so. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy running!!!

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