Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about how adopting a few lifehacks can change you and your running for the better.
Okay... so we've all heard about lifehacks right? Of course. But what is a lifehack though? Well... as defined by Google, a lifehack is a strategy or technique adopted in order to manage one's time and daily activities in a more efficient way. And why is that so important? Because as a running coach, the number one excuse I hear for a person not sticking with an exercise routine or a training plan is... "I just don't have time!" Well guess what? You are blessed with the same amount of time each day as that person who manages to work a full time job, complete grocery shopping, finish household chores, spend quality time with the family and still train for a race (a Bass Pro one of course 😉) with a smile on their face.
And while there are hundreds of lifehacks out there designed to save you time so you can have the time to run, I'm going to share the ones that have worked for me and I know to be tried and true...
Lifehack number two - Prepare and prep at night so you can get in that run before work. And if you're not a morning runner, think about becoming one so it's a priority. Anyway, let's get on with hack number two. Set out your running clothes so they are staring at you as you are making your bed. No excuses! And prep your meals! I cannot stress that enough. Although when we talk about time, grabbing fast food might save you some of it, it’s not worth it! Making ourselves better is the goal and a consistent diet of fast food is counterproductive to that.
Lifehack number three - If you are able to shower at work or have to shower quickly at home, jump in with your clothes on. You can wash them and your body at the same time eliminating the possibility that your running clothes will retain the smell and be ruined if you can’t throw them in the washer quickly. It really doesn't take much more time. This lifehack works especially great when you're on vacation and have to pack light. You can literally rotate two sets of running clothes for however long you need to.
Lifehack number four - Work with the time you have. Don't think that every run has to be the same or that you're not getting any gains if you can't run for a long time. Only have 30 minutes? Great! Do speed work or hill repeats. Here are some workouts that are 30 minutes or less.
And so on a final note, I do hope you'll commit to memory the words of Jim Rohn who said, "He who serves the most, reaps the most.” After all, we‘re all in this race together; and if we want to make it to the finish line, we would do well to find ways to lift up our brothers and sisters when they need it knowing they will do the same when we need it. How’s that for a life hack in making life easier? 😊
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