Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Make an Informed Decision

“For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” Luke 14:28 ESV

In an op-ed titled “How Much Running Races Costs, Depending on the Type of Runner You Are” published Tuesday, the writer, Meredith Dietz who is also a marathon runner and the senior finance writer for LIFEHACK, said “Running is often touted as one of the most accessible sports—just lace up and go, right? But as many runners discover, what starts as a "free" activity can quickly transform into a significant investment. Last week I broke down what it looks like to invest in proper running gear. And now, I'm turning my eye to the world of races.” Meredith went on to estimate the cost of being a causal runner, a dedicated road racer, a destination racer, and a trail/ultra runner and ended by saying, “While racing costs can add up, I still find the most valuable aspects of running—the endorphin rush, sense of achievement, and community connection—are more than worth it. When you consider the costs associated with your preferred style of running, you can make informed decisions about which races and experiences are worth the investment for you.”

And, you know, when it comes to considering or counting the cost of something so you can make an ‘informed decision’ before embarking on it, Jesus asked the great crowds that were accompanying Him a very important question… “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” This was a very important question because Jesus knew the heart of the crowds. They loved the miracles, healing, and free food Jesus had provided but had no desire to follow Him for any other reason than what He could give them. Which meant they would turn back to the world the moment following Jesus cost them something… like their obedience, their possessions, their comfort, their relationships, or their reputation. Which is the very reason Jesus clearly detailed that the cost of discipleship would mean giving up everything they had.

So, knowing that the cost of being counted as a true disciple of Jesus is being willing to completely renounce all that you have, I hope that you have already made the informed decision to follow Jesus my friend. If not, I highly encourage you to do it right now. As for me, though it cost me everything to follow my Savior, I know that giving up what I can’t take with me to grab hold of that which is eternal is the best investment I could ever make. Which means that deciding to follow Jesus was the best decision I ever made. And I hope you can say the same.

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that true discipleship will cost all that we have. Help us to count the costs before following You that we might understand and make an informed decision to do so only if we are willing to follow You until the end.  Help us to remember that following you You now is exponentially worth giving up the world and its ways to gain eternal life. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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