Sunday, April 23, 2023

Just Keep Going

“But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:13 BSB

The Lions Roar in Columbia is always a well directed race. Loop races are great for meeting people and constant encouragement. The weather was cold, very windy and sleet from start to finish for an added challenge. I started the race with strained mcl and expected to not make it far, but somehow it all worked out by just not giving up.” Those were the few words posted by one of my dearest friends, Ed Green, yesterday morning after completing a 24 hour race where he managed to get in 70.83 miles despite his injury. Wanting more details, I reached out to him with a few questions and this is what Ed had to add to the story, “I strained my MCL trail running in the mud and had some swelling. I had pain and stiffness in both knees all week and was worried I would be out for weeks as I have had surgery on both knees for torn MCL and Meniscus and it felt a bit the same. I did not run all week, just my daily yoga and light walking. I went to the race expecting to have to bail out early and would just volunteer all weekend. It was a struggle for a bit, but I am used to struggling so I just kept going cause something always hurts. At 63, it hurts to wake up some days.” Is that an inspiring story or what? He just kept going…

And you know, in this life we will all have struggles. That’s just the way it is. But as the end days draw nearer, believers everywhere should expect these struggles to intensify as Jesus clearly told us in the Word—troubles so intense that many will compromise or turn away from the faith. Which is the very reason Jesus told the disciples that, “the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.” This was a call to just keep going regardless of the hurts and struggles that were sure to come. And this call is for us right now! We must stand firm and cling fast to the truth of God’s Word so that we can withstand the onslaught of wickedness that will only increase and to recognize and reject false teaching and evil narratives. That’s the only way you and I will overcome this world and receive our eternal reward in the world to come. We just have to keep going!

So no matter what happens today, tomorrow, the next day or next year, don’t give up my friend. Keep pressing on knowing that it will all work out in the end. Jesus has already overcome the world and it’s just a matter of time before He returns. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that although we will have trials and troubles, our victory is already in Christ who overcame the world. Knowing this, help us to be bold, confident, uncompromising and unafraid in the coming days so that we would persevere until the end. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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